On 2016-04-01, goldhexter wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've used VIM for basic editing, but am new to using it as a full
> fledged development environment. Much of my coding is via Python
> so I've installed the SimpylFold plugin via Vundle. All is fine, I
> can unfold and fold using the "z" options. However, what I'd like
> to do is always have a python file unfolded completely upon
> initial opening (or even better would be to save state if that is
> possible). I.e. have VIM automatically execute a "zM" each time a
> file is opened.
> Is there any straightforward way to do the above (am really a
> newbie at this at the moment).
To always start editing with all folds open, put this in your
set foldlevelstart=99
:help 'foldlevelstart'
:help fold-foldlevel
If you want to open only Python files will all folds open, put this
in a file with the path name ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/python.vim:
set foldlevel=99
:help 'foldlevel'
:help 28.5
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