Sunday, June 26, 2016

Re: Continuation line doesn't work when executing from register

Cesar Romani wrote:

> I'm using vim 7.4.1952 on Windows 7.
> Suppose I have two files on the same folder: test1.txt and test2.txt.
> I have 'set nocp' in both of them.
> test1.txt contains the following code, and I visually select it and copy
> it to the clipboard with '<,'>y+:
> nn <silent> <Plug>RDF :'{,'}s/-\n//ge
> \ :call repeat#set("\<Plug>RDF")<cr>
> map ,b <Plug>RDF
> then I go to test2.txt and do @+
> then I get an error:
> E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
> But if, on test1.txt, I do 'source test2.txt' or 'runtime test2.txt,' it
> works.

The ":source" command executes Ex commands, the @r command executes
Normal mode commands. That's quite different.

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selling water. There are water companies like Perrier and Poland Spring, but
you're competing with something that's free." -- Carl Howe

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