Sunday, June 26, 2016

Re: Continuation line doesn't work when executing from register

2016-06-26 15:38 GMT+03:00 Bram Moolenaar <>:
> Cesar Romani wrote:
>> I'm using vim 7.4.1952 on Windows 7.
>> Suppose I have two files on the same folder: test1.txt and test2.txt.
>> I have 'set nocp' in both of them.
>> test1.txt contains the following code, and I visually select it and copy
>> it to the clipboard with '<,'>y+:
>> nn <silent> <Plug>RDF :'{,'}s/-\n//ge
>> \ :call repeat#set("\<Plug>RDF")<cr>
>> map ,b <Plug>RDF
>> then I go to test2.txt and do @+
>> then I get an error:
>> E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
>> But if, on test1.txt, I do 'source test2.txt' or 'runtime test2.txt,' it
>> works.
> The ":source" command executes Ex commands, the @r command executes
> Normal mode commands. That's quite different.

I guess he simply meant :@r (:h :@, do not confuse this with :h @).
And this is general problem with any :execute-like functionality:

py vim.command

: you cannot use continuation anywhere here because all these commands
mostly execute *one* line *always* (and even if they do something else
like ex_at does, used fgetline function still does not support
continuation). And `\n` is being treated just like `|` is.

Though I would say that fixing this anywhere, but in :@ is definitely
going to break backward compatibility: because of "execute one line"
functionality is used to do things like `execute 'normal a' .
multiline_text` to append multiline text or `:execute 'python'
constructed_multiline_script`. :@ is separate because it the only
thing which actually does execute multiple lines, so making
`getexline` used from ex_at (this is essential, ex_at is not the only
place where it is used) support line continuation will simply get rid
of E10 errors.

> --
> "Microsoft is like Coke. It's a secret formula, all the money is from
> distribution, and their goal is to get Coke everywhere. Open source is like
> selling water. There are water companies like Perrier and Poland Spring, but
> you're competing with something that's free." -- Carl Howe
> /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
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