Friday, September 23, 2016

Re: vimrc cannot be load

Hi ibear,

2016/9/23 Fri 22:46:50 UTC+9 Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Hi ibear!
> On Fr, 23 Sep 2016, ibear wrote:
> > I build a x64 version of vim from git, copy the new gvim.exe to "d:\vim\vim80"(this folder is renamed from my old vim74), create a vimrc of "d:\vim\vim80\vimrc", run gvim.exe, but vimrc can not be load!
> >
> > But I rename "d:\vim\vim80" to "d:\vim\vim8", run gvim.exe again, now vimrc can be load.
> >
> > Does anybody have meeted the same problem?
> In gvim do :version and check the path of 1st-3rd user vimrc. Those
> should be used.

And also try `:echo $VIM` in gvim.
Then, as I wrote in GitHub, read the help (:help $VIM).
Important part is here:

Ken Takata

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