Friday, September 23, 2016

surprising behavior with -u: variable defaults not set?

I copied my .vimrc to a different location, and started vim with -u
/tmp/.vimrc. I would have expected the same behavior as I get by just
running vim normally, but I get a few errors:

E528: Must specify a ' value: viminfo+=r/var/tmp/dduvall/mutt-
E117: Unknown function: pathogen#infect

Neither of which make much sense to me. viminfo is supposed to have a
default that includes a ' value, and that line works just fine when running
vim normally. I looked around in :help startup, but didn't see anything
about -u skipping variable initializations. The first part of section 3
says that all the rest of section 3 is skipped if -u is used, but a, b, and
d don't apply to me, and c refers again to .vimrc (which is a little
confusing). Nowhere does it say anything about internal variable defaults
as a thing to be skipped or reordered or whatever.

The second one could be similar -- I don't know why autoloaded functions
wouldn't be found.

I saw this first with 8.0 (trying to track down a weird behavior that's
reasonably new), but this happens with 7.4, too, so I suspect I'm just
missing something.


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