Sunday, October 23, 2016

Re: A problem (bug?) with = and remapping

On 22/10/2016 13:57, Lifepillar wrote:
> On 22/10/2016 11:14, Lifepillar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a problem with a plugin I am writing. To reproduce [snip]
> Ok, I think that my example may be reduced to the following:
> fun! G()
> return "\<c-c>k"
> endf
> fun! F()
> return "\<c-r>=G()\<cr>"
> endf
> imap <expr> <tab> F()
> Is there a way to have this working (i.e., have <c-c> remapped to what
> the SQL filetype defines)?

Took me a while to figure out, but solved my problem. For the record:

fun! G()
return "\<c-c>k"

fun! F()
return "\<c-c>s\<plug>(Foo)"

imap <expr> <tab> F()
imap <expr> <plug>(Foo) pumvisible() ? '' : G()

Now, pressing <tab> will trigger <c-c>s and, if no results are found,
<c-c>k, and both mappings will be remapped, as I wanted.


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