Monday, August 21, 2017

Creating a filetype based on a directory path

I am investigating the minisnip plug in and I thought I would use it to learn some vimscript as well.

Since minisnip doesn't use file extensions for its snippets, it defines a global path for them (g:minisnip_dir).

I created the following ftdetect file:

" get the snippets directory
let snippet_dir = expand(g:minisnip_dir) . "*"

execute 'autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile ' . snippet_dir . ' set filetype=minisnip'


works as is


I have to add to following in my vimrc for it to work:

let g:minisnip_dir = '/path/to/minisnip'

Someone else testing gets the following error:

Error detected while processing /home/joe/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-minisnip/ftdetect/minisnip.vim:
line 11:
E121: Undefined variable: g:minisnip_dir
E116: Invalid arguments for function expand
E15: Invalid expression: expand(g:minisnip_dir) . "**/*"
line 13:
E121: Undefined variable: snippet_dir
E15: Invalid expression: 'autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile ' . snippet_dir . ' set filetype=minisnip'
Press ENTER or type command to continue

If I do:

:let snippet_dir = expand(g:minisnip_dir) . "*"
:echo snippet_dir

It expands to the correct directory in ALL of the cases. :(

So I am stumped.




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