Monday, August 21, 2017

Using menus in konsole

I had formerly been using menus in Vim in konsole by triggering them
with Shift-F1; however konsole no longer passes Shift-F1 to the
application running in it. The following (with F10 instead) works,
however, and not only in konsole:

if has('wildmenu')
set wildmenu
if exists('+wildmode')
set wildmode=longest:full,full
if !has('gui_running')
runtime! menu.vim
set wildcharm=<C-Z>
map <F10> :emenu <C-Z>
imap <F10> <C-O>:emenu <C-Z>

One advantage of using F10 is that a different mechanism triggers the
menus (from the menubar at top) when hitting F10 (without a mapping)
in the GUI, at least in GTK2.

Best regards,

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