Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Re: Does the ".cl" extension have any special meaning to vim?

On 8/28/2017 11:40 PM, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> On Mo, 28 Aug 2017, Barry Gold wrote:
>> What does vim think an extension of ".cl" means?
> :verbose set filetype?
> according to $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim .cl extensions seems to suggest
> common lisp files. So Vim sets the lisp filetype.
> Now you didn't answer the question in the other thread you created, so
> let me ask you again, is .cl a common php file extensions?

I've seen ".cl" used a few times for PHP classes, but I'm not sure how
common it is outside the place I worked in the 2000s.

Let's try a different approach.

Is there something I can set that tells vim "forget 'improved', just
behave like the 4.2bsd version of vi" (or any other "classic" vi).

Not that I'm against the improvements, I'm especially fond of the fact
that when you edit a file you've edited before, it starts at the current
line from the last time, even if a long time ago. I also like the fact
that vim will detect if you previously edited this file and the session
ended without closing the vi (e.g., power failure or system crash) and
gives you options to "restore" "edit anyway" "read only" etc.

But if I can just use it as a simple text editor without getting lost in
its guesses about my file type, I'm willing to give that up and just use
it like plain old vi that I've used since 1976.

On Beta, we'd have earrings for that. You could buy them in any jewelry store.

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