Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Re: Does the ".cl" extension have any special meaning to vim?

On Di, 29 Aug 2017, Barry Gold wrote:

> On 8/28/2017 11:40 PM, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> >On Mo, 28 Aug 2017, Barry Gold wrote:
> >
> >>What does vim think an extension of ".cl" means?
> >:verbose set filetype?
> >
> >according to $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim .cl extensions seems to suggest
> >common lisp files. So Vim sets the lisp filetype.
> >
> >Now you didn't answer the question in the other thread you created, so
> >let me ask you again, is .cl a common php file extensions?
> I've seen ".cl" used a few times for PHP classes, but I'm not sure how
> common it is outside the place I worked in the 2000s.
> Let's try a different approach.
> Is there something I can set that tells vim "forget 'improved', just behave
> like the 4.2bsd version of vi" (or any other "classic" vi).
> Not that I'm against the improvements, I'm especially fond of the fact that
> when you edit a file you've edited before, it starts at the current line
> from the last time, even if a long time ago. I also like the fact that vim
> will detect if you previously edited this file and the session ended without
> closing the vi (e.g., power failure or system crash) and gives you options
> to "restore" "edit anyway" "read only" etc.
> But if I can just use it as a simple text editor without getting lost in its
> guesses about my file type, I'm willing to give that up and just use it like
> plain old vi that I've used since 1976.

Try using putting explicitly `:filetype off` into your .vimrc and see if
that helps.

Other than that, you can of course run vim as a vi compatible version
using `vim -u NONE` or running it as `vi` should usually also get you a
close enough approximation of the original vi.

Sagt eine Dame 'Nein', so bedeutet das 'Vielleicht'; sagt sie
'Vielleicht', dann denkt sie dabei 'Ja', sagt sie 'Ja' - ist sie keine
-- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

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