Sunday, January 28, 2018

Re: Colour currently selected search/substitute option

not sure if I'm correct, but I think it might have to do with your current colour scheme.
you could also try messing with the :hi[ghlight] command (that is, if you don't wish to change your current colours).

:help highlight
:help hl-Search

these might lead you to the right direction. you could always change your theme though.

On January 28, 2018 6:25:11 PM GMT+02:00, David Woodfall <> wrote:
Is it possible to change the colour of the currently selected item
when doing a search or substitution? I have a hard time seeing which
item is selected.


:(){;printf "\x"$(printf "%x" $1);};: 0x53;: 0x6C;: 0x61;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x77;: 0x61;: 0x72;: 0x65;: 0x20;: 0x52;: 0x6F;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x73;: 0x21;: 0x0D;: 0x0A

Kwezilosmo Mhaga

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