Sunday, January 28, 2018


On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 6:14 PM, Renato Fabbri <> wrote:
> commands starting with <C-\> are most
> often specified as reserved for extensions
> in :h index

Commands consisting of Ctrl-\ followed by a lowercase letter are
listed as reserved for extensions. One of them is already used, i.e.
|c_CTRL-\_e|. A number of commands consisting of Ctrl-\ followed by
Ctrl-something are also defined. Then the index says: "Ctrl-\ other:
not used".
> Is it reserved for extensions for the Vim system development
> or for plugins developers, or for the user to tweak with,
> or all the above and more? Or some other thing?

I think that the Ctrl-\ + lowercase commands are reserved for
extensions of Vim; but of course that's just a guess: the
authoritative opinion in such matters would be Bram's.

> Best,
> R.

Best regards,

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