Friday, August 10, 2018

Re: Vim Display Corruption

Dick Riegner wrote:

> I consistently see text display corruption when
> editing a file on a remote Linux system with vim.
> I run an xterm window on macOS and ssh into a
> remote Linux machine. The edit session is
> displayed back to an XQuartz server running on
> the same macOS.
> I have only seen this problem when displaying
> back to an XQuartz server running on macOS.
> I have not seen the problem when displaying back
> to an X11 server running on various Linux
> systems.
> This problem occurs with newer versions of vim,
> but not older versions.
> Inserting lines causes the INSERT message to be
> displayed in the command line, but it is not
> cleared after hitting the ESC key.
> Inserting text also causes extraneous lines of
> text to be added to the body of the original
> text, corrupting the edit display.
> I suspect that I am seeing the same vim behavior
> as was reported in this incident:
> A work-around is to add this statement to the
> .vimrc file:
> set ambiwidth=single
> I do not know if this is a bug in vim, XQuartz,
> or both. So I am asking for vim help here and
> XQuartz help in another forum.
> Here is a summary of editing a file using two
> versions of vim, each with and without, the
> ambiwidth work-around.
> New Vim
> -------
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10)
> Included patches: 1-207, 209-326
> Compiled by ''
> Works with: set ambiwidth=single
> Fails without: set ambiwidth=single
> Old Vim
> -------
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Feb 4 2012 09:50:29)
> Included patches: 1-108
> Compiled by ''
> Works with: set ambiwidth=single
> Works without: set ambiwidth=single

What is the version of the xterm you are using?
Also, what is v:termresponse?

To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

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