Friday, August 10, 2018

Re: Vim Display Corruption

Richard Riegner <dickie@integra> wrote:

> I run an xterm window on macOS and ssh into a
> remote Linux machine. The edit session is
> displayed back to an XQuartz server running on
> the same macOS.

I have seen lots of problems with that sort of setup:

local Mac with XQuartz and xterm used to
remote ssh to Linux or NetBSD and
running vim on the remote end

My personal guess is that there's an issue with the xterms that come
with XQuartz, but I am not certain. And I no longer have a mac to test
with. As I recall, the workaround I found was to run screen or tmux
to provide an intermediary terminal interpreter. I don't think it is a
vim bug (but maybe vim needs to work around this bug).

> I have only seen this problem when displaying
> back to an XQuartz server running on macOS.

I've seen other people complain about this, too.

> This problem occurs with newer versions of vim,
> but not older versions.
> Inserting text also causes extraneous lines of
> text to be added to the body of the original
> text, corrupting the edit display.

This is the exact behavior I found most annoying.

> I suspect that I am seeing the same vim behavior
> as was reported in this incident:

That's a 7.3 change which would explain why your 7.2 is fine and 7.4
needs help.

> A work-around is to add this statement to the
> .vimrc file:
> set ambiwidth=single

Would I have known that when I had the issue.

> I do not know if this is a bug in vim, XQuartz,
> or both. So I am asking for vim help here and
> XQuartz help in another forum.

The other fix I found was to ditch the XQuartz xterms and use iterm2.
Just as another option.


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