Friday, August 10, 2018

Re: Vim Display Corruption


Thanks for the help and insight.

I guess it is good to know that I am not the only one seeing these kinds
of problems with vim and XQuartz.

Norm Wood found that you can also work-around this problem if you reset
your vim term variable to xterm after starting the edit session:

set term=xterm

This makes me wonder if there is some kind of timing issue at start-up
between vim and XQuartz? But none of my X11 servers on Linux have this

Another work-around is to set TERM to screen-256color instead of xterm.

I have minimized the impact of this issue by adding ambiwidth to the
.vimrc files on systems I control. But there are many other shared lab
systems where updating .vimrc on an ongoing basis is not practical. This
is why I would like to get this fixed.

Thanks again.

Dick Riegner


> Richard Riegner <dickie@integra> wrote:
>> I run an xterm window on macOS and ssh into a
>> remote Linux machine. The edit session is
>> displayed back to an XQuartz server running on
>> the same macOS.
> I have seen lots of problems with that sort of setup:
> local Mac with XQuartz and xterm used to
> remote ssh to Linux or NetBSD and
> running vim on the remote end
> My personal guess is that there's an issue with the xterms that come
> with XQuartz, but I am not certain. And I no longer have a mac to test
> with. As I recall, the workaround I found was to run screen or tmux
> to provide an intermediary terminal interpreter. I don't think it is a
> vim bug (but maybe vim needs to work around this bug).
>> I have only seen this problem when displaying
>> back to an XQuartz server running on macOS.
> I've seen other people complain about this, too.
>> This problem occurs with newer versions of vim,
>> but not older versions.
> ...
>> Inserting text also causes extraneous lines of
>> text to be added to the body of the original
>> text, corrupting the edit display.
> This is the exact behavior I found most annoying.
>> I suspect that I am seeing the same vim behavior
>> as was reported in this incident:
> That's a 7.3 change which would explain why your 7.2 is fine and 7.4
> needs help.
>> A work-around is to add this statement to the
>> .vimrc file:
>> set ambiwidth=single
> Would I have known that when I had the issue.
>> I do not know if this is a bug in vim, XQuartz,
>> or both. So I am asking for vim help here and
>> XQuartz help in another forum.
> The other fix I found was to ditch the XQuartz xterms and use iterm2.
> Just as another option.
> Elijah
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