Thursday, January 3, 2019

Re: Problem with function

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 10:09 PM Cesar Romani <> wrote:
> I'm using vim 8.1.682 on Windows.
> I'd like to know what is wrong with following function?:
> function! Finalize()
> :'<,'>join
> :s/ /,/g
> endfunction
> vmap ,f :call Finalize()<cr>
> If I visually select the following text:
> 2.233 2.204
> 2.077 2.066 1.987
> 6.381 6.372 6.427 6.437
> 6.152 6.115
> It correctly executes, but I get the error:
> E16: Invalid range
> But if I execute separately each line inside the function, i.e.
> :'<,'>join
> :s/ /,/g
> I don't get any error
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Cesar

It's unusual to explicitly use :'<,'> in a function.

Try the following instead:

function Finalize() range
execute a:firstline . ',' . a:lastline 'join'
s/ /,/g

The :join command inside the function should then get the same range
that was passed to the :call command calling the function. Without the
"range" flag, the function is called once for every line in the range
of the :call command.

:help E124
:help :func-range
:help function-range-example
:help :execute

Best regards,

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