Friday, January 4, 2019

term_sendkeys syntax error on windows


From a vimscript, some term_sendkeys syntax does not pass because of quote or not escaped chars.

If you see the attached screen, Point 4 term_sendkeys succeed, not point 5.
Can you help me for the syntax.

Thank you

fun! BuildRuby() "{{{
" 1. open a terminal
" terminal

" 2. go back to vimscript and sleep hummm.
" sleep 800m

" 3. get just opened terminal
let bufnr=0
for buf in getbufinfo() | if getbufvar(buf.bufnr,'&buftype')=='terminal' | let bufnr = buf.bufnr | endif | endfor

" 4. init env
call term_sendkeys(bufnr, '"c:/program files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsamd64_x86.bat

" 5.
call term_sendkeys(bufnr, 'cd /d '.expand($userprofile).'/source/ruby-2.6.0-rc1

endfunction "}}}

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