Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Re: how to search with cscope ignoring case?

On Friday, April 19, 2013 at 8:28:50 AM UTC-7, toothpik wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 01:56:16PM +0800, Issac Liao wrote:
> > Hi:
> > recently I fall in love with cscope in vim.
> > this feature is awesome.
> > but then I found that I could not search text ignoring letter case.
> > eg.
> > I type :cs f t logdisplayer
> > vim will fail to find LogDisplayer.
> > this has been really frustrating.
> > so I look up the manual and search through the internet.
> > but I can not find a way to fix my problem.
> > I use cscope -CRbq to build the database for cscope as suggested.(-C will
> > enable searching case-insensitive)
> > but obviously vim does not work with that.
> > I tried :cs add cscope.out -C too . It doesn't work.
> > so I wonder is there a way to make :cs find searching ignoring case?
> what happens when you
> :set ignorecase
> ?

nope. `:set ignorecase` only tells vim to ignore case, not the cscope.

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