Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Re: Vim "by far the best editor on the iPad"

On Wed, Apr 03, 2019 at 12:33:15PM -0400, Eric Weir wrote:

> I did a bit of poking around on the web about how I might go about this.
> Still largely foreign territory for me. An initial question was whether
> my MacBook Air could be the "real computer" that I would log into. I've
> resolved that question. Only one specific question at this point: How do
> you deal with the absence of an escape key on an iPad in this approach.
> Confident that there will be other questions, but I'll wait for them to
> get clear. Meantime I'll keep poking around, maybe trying to try some
> things.

I use an external keyboard which has an Esc key -- a Logitech K810
bluetooth keyboard which is very satisfactory for the purpose. That
plus a stand that will allow me to set the iPad up either vertically
or horizontally (usually the former but the latter when I need to run
something side-by-side with vim) works well for me. In essence the
iPad is being treated as a dumb terminal, so where I run vim I also have
all my other files and programs available. Of course, I'm old enough to
have been raised on server/client mainframe computing, so to me this seems
perfectly natural.

Peter King
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street #521
The University of Toronto (416)-946-3170 ofc
Toronto, ON M5R 2M8

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