Monday, December 9, 2019

Re: annotation trouble

On Sa, 07 Dez 2019, janezz55 wrote:

> I'd like to annotate some code with my annotations and the existing plugins do not
> fulfill my requirements. I'd like to:
> - paint the annotated code with a different color,
> - make a popup (like balloon help) when hovering over the annotated code.
> How to hack these features into vim? Would I need to fork vim and hack some code into
> it?

This should be possible with a custom plugin. No need for forking Vim
and hack the C source. Have a look at the new popup feature and using
text_properties (or syntax highlighting) for the annotated code.

> Maybe using vim itself as a plugin editor in my application would
> do the trick?

I don't understand that sentence.

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