Monday, December 9, 2019

Re: Vim executable for Windows updated

On Sa, 07 Dez 2019, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> As a tryout for the upcoming Vim 8.2 release I created an MS-Windows
> self-installing binary from the current Vim version. This should be
> very close to the Vim 8.2 release. Give it a try.
> This uses the new Windows installer, which is nicer than the old one.
> It also has translations for a few languages.
> You can download it from here:
> You can find the individual zip archives with runtime files and three
> versions of the executable in the same directory. See the README file
> for what is in which archive:
> Let me know if you run into any trouble, we want to make sure the Vim
> 8.2 release doesn't have any problems.

I think it would be nice, if we could sign the resulting official

Kurzum, das Produkt war vollkommen nutzlos.
Marlin Eller über Windows 1.0.
-- Barbarians led by Bill Gates

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