On 2020-06-30 18:33, Chris Jones wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 03:34:03PM EDT, Tim Chase wrote:
>> Try changing that line from
>> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
>> to
>> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!./,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> This indeed fixes the problem.
> Still trying to wrap my head around this bizarre
> :g/regex1/,/regex2/command
It helps to think of broken down. The :g command itself can take one
and that {command} can consist of a command *and an optional range
relative to each of those matches*. So in the above, that {command}
and that {range2} is
which has the start of the range "." implied, so would be the same as
The power of this "find lines with a :g command, then operate on a
range of lines relative to each of those matches"
So it might be clearer to write that original as
$?^$?+,$ g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!./ .,/\n\[\|\%$/ j
11111111 2222222222222222222 3333333333333 4
1 = the range for the footnotes
2 = find lines where the next line is a continuation
3 = a range from this continued-line through the end of the footnote
4 = join that range of lines from #3
To learn this requires pulling together bits from several sections of
the help:
:help range
:help search-offset
:help 10.3 " particularly the ADD AND SUBTRACT section
:help 10.4
so it's certainly not a well-advertised bit of functionality.
But as you can see, it's an amazingly *powerful* bit of functionality
that I use all the time.
> Thank you very much for your help!
Thanks for the fun challenge. :-)
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Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Re: An interesting little poser [PS]
On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 03:34:03PM EDT, Tim Chase wrote:
> Try changing that line from
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> to
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!./,/\n\[\|\%$/j
This indeed fixes the problem.
Still trying to wrap my head around this bizarre
:g/regex1/,/regex2/command ... syntax.
I eventually found something in the user manual that (sort of) explains
what's going on here... under [edit-paragraph-join].
What I understand is that somewhat in a 'shorthand manner'... with the
:g(lobal) command you can specify a second /patttern2/ (separated from
the 'normal' g /pattern1/ by a comma) defining a range for the command
executed by :global... or in other words that the command executed by
':g' will target not the current line (as is normally the case) but
rather all the lines in the range from 'current line' (the line :g is
currently point at) to the next line in the buffer that matches
Rather comical that I spent so much time wondering what that comma
somewhere in the middle of what I assumed was one single regex was
about...! never imagined this comma in '/pattern1/,/pattern2/' was not
part of a regex but rather the range separator... Incidentally this
clarifies vim's 'invalid range' message - i.e. it's the join command's
range he's complaining about... not the global :g range!
In any case the modified Unfootnote() function now does the job without
a glitch.
Thank you very much for your help!
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> Try changing that line from
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> to
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!./,/\n\[\|\%$/j
This indeed fixes the problem.
Still trying to wrap my head around this bizarre
:g/regex1/,/regex2/command ... syntax.
I eventually found something in the user manual that (sort of) explains
what's going on here... under [edit-paragraph-join].
What I understand is that somewhat in a 'shorthand manner'... with the
:g(lobal) command you can specify a second /patttern2/ (separated from
the 'normal' g /pattern1/ by a comma) defining a range for the command
executed by :global... or in other words that the command executed by
':g' will target not the current line (as is normally the case) but
rather all the lines in the range from 'current line' (the line :g is
currently point at) to the next line in the buffer that matches
Rather comical that I spent so much time wondering what that comma
somewhere in the middle of what I assumed was one single regex was
about...! never imagined this comma in '/pattern1/,/pattern2/' was not
part of a regex but rather the range separator... Incidentally this
clarifies vim's 'invalid range' message - i.e. it's the join command's
range he's complaining about... not the global :g range!
In any case the modified Unfootnote() function now does the job without
a glitch.
Thank you very much for your help!
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Re: An interesting little poser
> I don't know if there's a way to run a macro against a bunch of files in
> one pass
In that case, I'd suggest using a shell script to execute vim on the files
individually. Obviously, going to use slightly more machine time, since
it's loading vim n times, but it'c going to be more flexible, (e.g. doing
the job in batches), to trade off against human development time.
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> I don't know if there's a way to run a macro against a bunch of files in
> one pass
In that case, I'd suggest using a shell script to execute vim on the files
individually. Obviously, going to use slightly more machine time, since
it's loading vim n times, but it'c going to be more flexible, (e.g. doing
the job in batches), to trade off against human development time.
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Re: An interesting little poser
You are right, I made a mistake. I was originally confused a bit why I
would end on the digit instead of [ after pressing n. I think you can
record the macro in a register and do something like
:argdo normal 99999 @q
I used the map version because it escapes <CR>, while if you wanted to
yank it into e.g. q register you would need ^M (a single character).
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would end on the digit instead of [ after pressing n. I think you can
record the macro in a register and do something like
:argdo normal 99999 @q
I used the map version because it escapes <CR>, while if you wanted to
yank it into e.g. q register you would need ^M (a single character).
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Monday, June 29, 2020
Re: [typing Russian characters in vim with vim-LaTeX]
On Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 7:46:30 AM UTC+2, Maxim Abalenkov wrote:
When keymaps are active, the "russian-jcukenmac" keymap ought to produce the letter ю when you hit what would be a full stop when keymaps are not active, and a full stop when you hit the key which otherwise would give &. I suggest the following:
1. Make the cursor be of a diferent color when typing Russian:
hi Cursor ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg
hi lCursor ctermbg=red ctermfg=red guibg=#FF0000 guifg=#FF0000
2. Check your mappings:
:verbose map! .
:verbose lmap .
(with the full stop at the end in both cases). If all is right, I would expect the answers to be
No mapping found
. . *@ю
respectively, with possibly an additional ine telling you where the mapping was set.
You can also try test-typing some mixed Cyrillic/Latin text and check that the cursor is red for Cyrillic and "normal" for Latin.
Всего хорошего,
-- Dear all,I hope all is well with you. This is my first post to the vim mailing list. I use vim for a long time and would consider myself a power user. Occasionally, I need to type documents in Russian in LaTeX format. To use Russian in vim I follow the guidelines from this Habr post (https://habr.com/ru/post/98393/ ). In short I have the following settings in my .vimrc file:set keymap=russian-jcukenmac
set iminsert=0
set imsearch=0
highlight lCursor guifg=NONE guibg=CyanWith these settings in place I can use "Ctrl+^" to switch between English and Russian languages in vim insert mode. For convenient typing of LaTeX commands in vim I use the Vim-LaTeX distribution (https://sourceforge.net/projects/vim-latex/ ). The configuration commands relevant to vim-LaTeX in my .vimrc are:" envoke LaTeX-Suite on TeX file openfiletype plugin on
" load filetype-specific indent files
filetype indent on
" load vim-latex for empty TeX files
let g:tex_flavor='latex'All is nice and well and I'm satisfied with this setup. However, there is one small problem that makes my life miserable. One of the Russian letters, the small letter «ю», is not typed correctly. When I press the relevant key on the keyboard I get a full stop symbol «.» instead of the small letter «ю». On the other hand, the capital letter «Ю» (when pressing the Shift key) is produced correctly. Would you please be so kind to help me debug the problem? Maybe I have some option clashes with the vim-LaTeX? Thank you and have a good day ahead!
When keymaps are active, the "russian-jcukenmac" keymap ought to produce the letter ю when you hit what would be a full stop when keymaps are not active, and a full stop when you hit the key which otherwise would give &. I suggest the following:
1. Make the cursor be of a diferent color when typing Russian:
hi Cursor ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg
hi lCursor ctermbg=red ctermfg=red guibg=#FF0000 guifg=#FF0000
2. Check your mappings:
:verbose map! .
:verbose lmap .
(with the full stop at the end in both cases). If all is right, I would expect the answers to be
No mapping found
. . *@ю
respectively, with possibly an additional ine telling you where the mapping was set.
You can also try test-typing some mixed Cyrillic/Latin text and check that the cursor is red for Cyrillic and "normal" for Latin.
Всего хорошего,
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Re: An interesting little poser
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 05:37:04PM EDT, Mateusz Okulus wrote:
> Run the following (copy and paste)
> :map <F2> G?\[\d\+\]<CR>va[y/<C-r>0<CR>dd0DnF[hr^llPdt]
Nice! Really does a spectacular job when run on my toy example...
especially when one presses and holds down <F2> key.
But there appears to be a problem with the macro when the
digit(s)/number that define the footnotes (say '3' for footnote [3]) is
also present somewhere in the body of the text - e.g. in a date such as
I think the problem is caused by the '[3]' string yanked via 'va]' being
interpreted as a regex that is a 'collection' whose sole member is the
single character '3'. So that the ensuing '/<c-r>0' (results in '/[0]'
search) looks for all occurrences of the character '3' instead of the
intended ('['+'3'+']') string. This behaviour can be verified
interactively after adding a date such as '1234' anywhere in the body of
the example and doing a '/[3]' repeatedly (as opposed to a '/\[3]').
Here's a version that appears to fix a couple of problems:
:map <F2> G?\[\d\+\]<CR>va]y/\<C-R>0<CR>ndd0Dnhr^llPldt]
^ ^ ^
(a) (b) (c)
a. escape first '[' when searching for '[3]'.
b. added 'n' to skip the first occurrence of '[3]' (the footnote anchor) so the
cursor is back at the beginning of the footnote proper.
c. extra 'l' to avoid deleting the last character at the end of the
I don't know if there's a way to run a macro against a bunch of files in
one pass so I may have to to convert the macro to a function that can be
run via :bufdo/:argdo — 700+ files, with some 20-30 footnotes apiece.
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> Run the following (copy and paste)
> :map <F2> G?\[\d\+\]<CR>va[y/<C-r>0<CR>dd0DnF[hr^llPdt]
Nice! Really does a spectacular job when run on my toy example...
especially when one presses and holds down <F2> key.
But there appears to be a problem with the macro when the
digit(s)/number that define the footnotes (say '3' for footnote [3]) is
also present somewhere in the body of the text - e.g. in a date such as
I think the problem is caused by the '[3]' string yanked via 'va]' being
interpreted as a regex that is a 'collection' whose sole member is the
single character '3'. So that the ensuing '/<c-r>0' (results in '/[0]'
search) looks for all occurrences of the character '3' instead of the
intended ('['+'3'+']') string. This behaviour can be verified
interactively after adding a date such as '1234' anywhere in the body of
the example and doing a '/[3]' repeatedly (as opposed to a '/\[3]').
Here's a version that appears to fix a couple of problems:
:map <F2> G?\[\d\+\]<CR>va]y/\<C-R>0<CR>ndd0Dnhr^llPldt]
^ ^ ^
(a) (b) (c)
a. escape first '[' when searching for '[3]'.
b. added 'n' to skip the first occurrence of '[3]' (the footnote anchor) so the
cursor is back at the beginning of the footnote proper.
c. extra 'l' to avoid deleting the last character at the end of the
I don't know if there's a way to run a macro against a bunch of files in
one pass so I may have to to convert the macro to a function that can be
run via :bufdo/:argdo — 700+ files, with some 20-30 footnotes apiece.
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Re: An interesting little poser [PS]
[sorry for the belated reply.]
On 2020-06-27 22:46, Chris Jones wrote:
> Not sure if it's some kind of corner case or this little
> experimented has unearthed a bug in Vim's regex logic...
Not a bug in the regex parser. See further diagnosis:
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 09:40:38PM EDT, Tim Chase wrote:
> > " make all the footnotes on one line
> > $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
The problem lies here. If you remove the second half of the range
vim is finding lines that need to be joined. However in your example
> The problem occurs for instance with the following example file:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> [36]
> Ullam consequatur.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
that last line ends in a newline that isn't followed by a \[ so my
regex thinks it should join this. But then when it goes to find the
ending of the range to join, it looks for something slightly
Try changing that line from
(adding that "." after the "make sure a literal [ doesn't happen
here") to ensure that there's something for the line to join.
Seems to resolve the issue for me without breaking my other
test-cases that I threw at it.
You might still get "errors" (more like complaints) if you have a
file containing 0 multi-line footnotes, telling you "Pattern not
found". But that should be ignorable because there simply weren't any
footnote lines for it to join together.
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On 2020-06-27 22:46, Chris Jones wrote:
> Not sure if it's some kind of corner case or this little
> experimented has unearthed a bug in Vim's regex logic...
Not a bug in the regex parser. See further diagnosis:
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 09:40:38PM EDT, Tim Chase wrote:
> > " make all the footnotes on one line
> > $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
The problem lies here. If you remove the second half of the range
vim is finding lines that need to be joined. However in your example
> The problem occurs for instance with the following example file:
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> [36]
> Ullam consequatur.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
that last line ends in a newline that isn't followed by a \[ so my
regex thinks it should join this. But then when it goes to find the
ending of the range to join, it looks for something slightly
Try changing that line from
(adding that "." after the "make sure a literal [ doesn't happen
here") to ensure that there's something for the line to join.
Seems to resolve the issue for me without breaking my other
test-cases that I threw at it.
You might still get "errors" (more like complaints) if you have a
file containing 0 multi-line footnotes, telling you "Pattern not
found". But that should be ignorable because there simply weren't any
footnote lines for it to join together.
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Re: persistent highlight between marks ?
On 2020-06-29 14:17, Charles Campbell wrote:
> M Kelly wrote:
>> Anyone know of a way to set a start mark and then an end mark and
>> then highlight all text between them ?
>> So that is stays highlighted, even if I move the cursor away or
>> scroll etc.
>> Sort of like a visual mode selection that remains after you move
>> away.
> See :help matchadd for a general solution.
You can do something like
:match Error /\%'<\|\%'>\|\%>'<\%<'>/
to keep the visually-selected range highlighted. If you visually
select something else, use control+L or :redraw to repaint the range.
If you have marks x and y, you can do the same thing (though this
requires that mark x preceeds mark y in the file, otherwise you just
get the endpoints highlighted):
:match Error /\%'x\|\%'y\|\%>'x\%<'y/
Adust "Error" to your favorite highlight group.
That breaks down as matching one of three things (separated by "\|"):
\%'x " the first mark
\%'y " the second mark
\%>'x\%<'y " stuff after 'x but before 'y
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> M Kelly wrote:
>> Anyone know of a way to set a start mark and then an end mark and
>> then highlight all text between them ?
>> So that is stays highlighted, even if I move the cursor away or
>> scroll etc.
>> Sort of like a visual mode selection that remains after you move
>> away.
> See :help matchadd for a general solution.
You can do something like
:match Error /\%'<\|\%'>\|\%>'<\%<'>/
to keep the visually-selected range highlighted. If you visually
select something else, use control+L or :redraw to repaint the range.
If you have marks x and y, you can do the same thing (though this
requires that mark x preceeds mark y in the file, otherwise you just
get the endpoints highlighted):
:match Error /\%'x\|\%'y\|\%>'x\%<'y/
Adust "Error" to your favorite highlight group.
That breaks down as matching one of three things (separated by "\|"):
\%'x " the first mark
\%'y " the second mark
\%>'x\%<'y " stuff after 'x but before 'y
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Re: persistent highlight between marks ?
M Kelly wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone know of a way to set a start mark and then an end mark and then
> highlight all text between them ?
> So that is stays highlighted, even if I move the cursor away or scroll
> etc.
> Sort of like a visual mode selection that remains after you move away.
See :help matchadd for a general solution.
Chip Campbell
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> Hi,
> Anyone know of a way to set a start mark and then an end mark and then
> highlight all text between them ?
> So that is stays highlighted, even if I move the cursor away or scroll
> etc.
> Sort of like a visual mode selection that remains after you move away.
See :help matchadd for a general solution.
Chip Campbell
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Re: Vim easter egg in command line completion
Den sön 28 juni 2020 22:36Yegappan Lakshmanan <yegappanl@gmail.com> skrev:
Hi,On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 1:24 PM Dominique Pellé <dominique.pelle@gmail.com> wrote:Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
> Hi,
> Try pressing Tab after entering the following (you need a space after Ni):
> :hi Ni
> I haven't noticed this easter egg mentioned before.
> - Yegappan
Yes, I noticed it a long time ago by looking at
code uncovered with tests. That code looked
a tad mysterious until I saw what it did. I gave
up adding a test for it. as it would spoil the
fun :-) and it would also be slow.
I also noticed this when developing tests. I have now addeda test for this using test_override with ui_delay to avoidthe delay.Regards,YegappanThis page has other vim easter eggs:
:hi Ni <Tab> was missing there. So is :smile
The most hilarious if you know Swedish is that "Ni" is the Swedish word for "You" ("Vous") and when I was young that form of address (to a single person) was supposedly only used by stuffy old people who considered themselves better than others, so "knights who say Ni" evokes a very specific image for my generation of Swedes.
My favorite is clearly :h bar — how many meta levels are there? :-)
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Sunday, June 28, 2020
Re: Date in a boilerplate file
On 2020-06-28, Guido Milanese wrote:
> Il giorno sab 27 giu 2020 alle ore 16:43 Mateusz Okulus ha
> scritto:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 09:56:34AM -0700, Guido Milanese wrote:
> > In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
> > used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains
> the
> > document date, and ideally it should be:
> >
> > date: <TODAY>
> I think it's easier to use unix tools instead of vim for this.
> sed "s/<TODAY>/$(date)/g" [file]...
> You can specify multiple files, and make changes permanent
> with -i flag.
> Thank you. I was indeed considering something like this -- perhaps a srot of
> "preprocessing" of the file.
What I used to do was embed my boilerplate text as a here-document
in a shell script which the script cat'ed into a pipeline of sed
and/or awk scripts to add the date, author name, etc. Then I just
sourced the output of that script into Vim with a ":r!" command.
That kept everything in one file.
The only reason I no longer do that is that my recent jobs haven't
required the creation of a lot of new files with a common
boilerplate format.
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> Il giorno sab 27 giu 2020 alle ore 16:43 Mateusz Okulus ha
> scritto:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 09:56:34AM -0700, Guido Milanese wrote:
> > In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
> > used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains
> the
> > document date, and ideally it should be:
> >
> > date: <TODAY>
> I think it's easier to use unix tools instead of vim for this.
> sed "s/<TODAY>/$(date)/g" [file]...
> You can specify multiple files, and make changes permanent
> with -i flag.
> Thank you. I was indeed considering something like this -- perhaps a srot of
> "preprocessing" of the file.
What I used to do was embed my boilerplate text as a here-document
in a shell script which the script cat'ed into a pipeline of sed
and/or awk scripts to add the date, author name, etc. Then I just
sourced the output of that script into Vim with a ":r!" command.
That kept everything in one file.
The only reason I no longer do that is that my recent jobs haven't
required the creation of a lot of new files with a common
boilerplate format.
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Re: An interesting little poser
I've made the following macro that works for the given example, assuming
1 line of footnote.
Run the following (copy and paste)
:map <F2> G?\[\d\+\]<CR>va[y/<C-r>0<CR>dd0DnF[hr^llPdt]
Press F2 to run this macro. You can also hold the key
and will get a message when it's done.
G - to to the bottom of the file
? - start reverse search (search will look up)
\[\d\+\] - regex - nonzero digits inside square brackets
<CR> - enter to finish entering regex
va[ - select square brackets and digits inside
y - yank them
/ - search (this one will wrap)
<C-r>0 - insert content of register 0, which holds last yank
allowing us to search for the [digits] pattern
<CR> - enter to finish entering search
dd - delete line with [digits]; we are now on footnote line
0 - go to the beginning of the line
D - delete to the end of line, without newline, so when we paste it
won't be with newline
n - go to the the place where the footnote is referenced
F[ - search backward for [
h - 1 left
r^ - replace space with ^
I've noticed the space is removed in example.
ll - go to the first digit, skipping ^[
P - paste footnote before the digits
dt] - delete the digits, without ]
You can enter this manually and to see what's happening.
I think it's much easier to analyze and understand than a function with
weird regexes, and it shows you how the result looks on one-by-one basis.
You might need to manually clean some whitespace at the end after it's finished.
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1 line of footnote.
Run the following (copy and paste)
:map <F2> G?\[\d\+\]<CR>va[y/<C-r>0<CR>dd0DnF[hr^llPdt]
Press F2 to run this macro. You can also hold the key
and will get a message when it's done.
G - to to the bottom of the file
? - start reverse search (search will look up)
\[\d\+\] - regex - nonzero digits inside square brackets
<CR> - enter to finish entering regex
va[ - select square brackets and digits inside
y - yank them
/ - search (this one will wrap)
<C-r>0 - insert content of register 0, which holds last yank
allowing us to search for the [digits] pattern
<CR> - enter to finish entering search
dd - delete line with [digits]; we are now on footnote line
0 - go to the beginning of the line
D - delete to the end of line, without newline, so when we paste it
won't be with newline
n - go to the the place where the footnote is referenced
F[ - search backward for [
h - 1 left
r^ - replace space with ^
I've noticed the space is removed in example.
ll - go to the first digit, skipping ^[
P - paste footnote before the digits
dt] - delete the digits, without ]
You can enter this manually and to see what's happening.
I think it's much easier to analyze and understand than a function with
weird regexes, and it shows you how the result looks on one-by-one basis.
You might need to manually clean some whitespace at the end after it's finished.
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Re: Date in a boilerplate file
Thank you. I was indeed considering something like this -- perhaps a srot of "preprocessing" of the file.
Best regards,
Il giorno sab 27 giu 2020 alle ore 16:43 Mateusz Okulus <mmokulus@gmail.com> ha scritto:
On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 09:56:34AM -0700, Guido Milanese wrote:
> In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
> used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains the
> document date, and ideally it should be:
> date: <TODAY>
I think it's easier to use unix tools instead of vim for this.
sed "s/<TODAY>/$(date)/g" [file]...
You can specify multiple files, and make changes permanent
with -i flag.
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Guido Milanese - Professor of Classics - Docteur H.C. Paris ICP
Universita' Cattolica d.S.C., Milano - Brescia
Universita' Cattolica d.S.C., Milano - Brescia
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Re: Vim easter egg in command line completion
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 1:24 PM Dominique Pellé <dominique.pelle@gmail.com> wrote:
Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
> Hi,
> Try pressing Tab after entering the following (you need a space after Ni):
> :hi Ni
> I haven't noticed this easter egg mentioned before.
> - Yegappan
Yes, I noticed it a long time ago by looking at
code uncovered with tests. That code looked
a tad mysterious until I saw what it did. I gave
up adding a test for it. as it would spoil the
fun :-) and it would also be slow.
I also noticed this when developing tests. I have now added
a test for this using test_override with ui_delay to avoid
the delay.
This page has other vim easter eggs:
:hi Ni <Tab> was missing there. So is :smile
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Re: Vim easter egg in command line completion
Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
> Hi,
> Try pressing Tab after entering the following (you need a space after Ni):
> :hi Ni
> I haven't noticed this easter egg mentioned before.
> - Yegappan
Yes, I noticed it a long time ago by looking at
code uncovered with tests. That code looked
a tad mysterious until I saw what it did. I gave
up adding a test for it. as it would spoil the
fun :-) and it would also be slow.
This page has other vim easter eggs:
:hi Ni <Tab> was missing there. So is :smile
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> Hi,
> Try pressing Tab after entering the following (you need a space after Ni):
> :hi Ni
> I haven't noticed this easter egg mentioned before.
> - Yegappan
Yes, I noticed it a long time ago by looking at
code uncovered with tests. That code looked
a tad mysterious until I saw what it did. I gave
up adding a test for it. as it would spoil the
fun :-) and it would also be slow.
This page has other vim easter eggs:
:hi Ni <Tab> was missing there. So is :smile
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Re: Vim easter egg in command line completion
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 4:48 PM Yegappan Lakshmanan <yegappanl@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Try pressing Tab after entering the following (you need a space after Ni):
> :hi Ni
> I haven't noticed this easter egg mentioned before.
> - Yegappan
Wow! Neither had I. That M* P* display is undoubtedly Bram's idea.
Best regads,
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> Hi,
> Try pressing Tab after entering the following (you need a space after Ni):
> :hi Ni
> I haven't noticed this easter egg mentioned before.
> - Yegappan
Wow! Neither had I. That M* P* display is undoubtedly Bram's idea.
Best regads,
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Vim easter egg in command line completion
-- Try pressing Tab after entering the following (you need a space after Ni):
:hi Ni
I haven't noticed this easter egg mentioned before.
- Yegappan
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Re: [Help]: vim settings
1.As for as option is good but i may not access or install these from internet due to some restictions .
2. Can i create some scripts from the reference of above pulgin given
Vim gutentags
On 21 Jun 2020 3:57 p.m., "Paul" <vim91549@rainslide.net> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 02:47:35AM +0530, Kunal Chauhan wrote:Have a look at Gutentags: https://github.com/ludovicchab
There can be some easy or better way like some script so the vim and ctags
as well.as cscope can be set or sync all together. In linux.
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Saturday, June 27, 2020
Re: An interesting little poser [PS]
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 09:40:38PM EDT, Tim Chase wrote:
> function! Unfootnote()
> " make all the footnotes on one line
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> " gather the footnotes into b:a
> let b:a={}
> $?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> " find all the footnote references
> " and replace them with the corresponding text
> 1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
> endfunc
When I run the above function (as copy-pasted from this thread) I get an
'E16: Invalid range' error on the g(global) command on some files.
Interestingly the function still does the job as if nothing had
happened. I went back to the explanation you gave in your earlier post
and after comparing with other files where I do not get the error
I can't find what's wrong with it. It looks like the range defining the
footnotes section is perfectly valid and that the Vim has
a problem with the pattern used in the g:/pattern/j command (I did
a $?^$?+,$print and it prints the footnotes section to the screen and
does not yell at me).
The interesting point is that the g: command's pattern has two parts
separated by a comma... which makes it suspiciously look like...
a range!
So is Vim confused by the regex that makes up the /pattern/…?
The problem occurs for instance with the following example file:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Debitis neque ipsum eos aut. Voluptatum ratione voluptatum facere voluptas.
Maxime qui ad autem ducimus quae [36]. Officia labore iusto voluptas ad quia
Ullam consequatur.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
But if I add a carriage return between Ullam & consequatur like so:
... the problem goes away!
Not sure if it's some kind of corner case or this little experimented
has unearthed a bug in Vim's regex logic... and unfortunately I have no
idea how to investigate further.
Assuming you manage to reproduce the error is there any way you could
take a (quick) look?
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> function! Unfootnote()
> " make all the footnotes on one line
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> " gather the footnotes into b:a
> let b:a={}
> $?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> " find all the footnote references
> " and replace them with the corresponding text
> 1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
> endfunc
When I run the above function (as copy-pasted from this thread) I get an
'E16: Invalid range' error on the g(global) command on some files.
Interestingly the function still does the job as if nothing had
happened. I went back to the explanation you gave in your earlier post
and after comparing with other files where I do not get the error
I can't find what's wrong with it. It looks like the range defining the
footnotes section is perfectly valid and that the Vim has
a problem with the pattern used in the g:/pattern/j command (I did
a $?^$?+,$print and it prints the footnotes section to the screen and
does not yell at me).
The interesting point is that the g: command's pattern has two parts
separated by a comma... which makes it suspiciously look like...
a range!
So is Vim confused by the regex that makes up the /pattern/…?
The problem occurs for instance with the following example file:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Debitis neque ipsum eos aut. Voluptatum ratione voluptatum facere voluptas.
Maxime qui ad autem ducimus quae [36]. Officia labore iusto voluptas ad quia
Ullam consequatur.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
But if I add a carriage return between Ullam & consequatur like so:
... the problem goes away!
Not sure if it's some kind of corner case or this little experimented
has unearthed a bug in Vim's regex logic... and unfortunately I have no
idea how to investigate further.
Assuming you manage to reproduce the error is there any way you could
take a (quick) look?
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[typing Russian characters in vim with vim-LaTeX]
Dear all,
" load filetype-specific indent files
filetype indent on
" load vim-latex for empty TeX files
let g:tex_flavor='latex'
I hope all is well with you. This is my first post to the vim mailing list. I use vim for a long time and would consider myself a power user. Occasionally, I need to type documents in Russian in LaTeX format. To use Russian in vim I follow the guidelines from this Habr post (https://habr.com/ru/post/98393/). In short I have the following settings in my .vimrc file:
set keymap=russian-jcukenmac
set iminsert=0
set imsearch=0
highlight lCursor guifg=NONE guibg=Cyan
set iminsert=0
set imsearch=0
highlight lCursor guifg=NONE guibg=Cyan
With these settings in place I can use "Ctrl+^" to switch between English and Russian languages in vim insert mode. For convenient typing of LaTeX commands in vim I use the Vim-LaTeX distribution (https://sourceforge.net/projects/vim-latex/). The configuration commands relevant to vim-LaTeX in my .vimrc are:
" envoke LaTeX-Suite on TeX file open
filetype plugin on" load filetype-specific indent files
filetype indent on
" load vim-latex for empty TeX files
let g:tex_flavor='latex'
All is nice and well and I'm satisfied with this setup. However, there is one small problem that makes my life miserable. One of the Russian letters, the small letter «ю», is not typed correctly. When I press the relevant key on the keyboard I get a full stop symbol «.» instead of the small letter «ю». On the other hand, the capital letter «Ю» (when pressing the Shift key) is produced correctly. Would you please be so kind to help me debug the problem? Maybe I have some option clashes with the vim-LaTeX? Thank you and have a good day ahead!
Best wishes,
Re: Date in a boilerplate file
On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 09:56:34AM -0700, Guido Milanese wrote:
> In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
> used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains the
> document date, and ideally it should be:
> date: <TODAY>
I think it's easier to use unix tools instead of vim for this.
sed "s/<TODAY>/$(date)/g" [file]...
You can specify multiple files, and make changes permanent
with -i flag.
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> In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
> used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains the
> document date, and ideally it should be:
> date: <TODAY>
I think it's easier to use unix tools instead of vim for this.
sed "s/<TODAY>/$(date)/g" [file]...
You can specify multiple files, and make changes permanent
with -i flag.
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Friday, June 26, 2020
Re: An interesting little poser [PS]
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 09:40:38PM EDT, Tim Chase wrote:
Sorry for the delay... needed time for this to sink in (and test)
> In this case because each of the commands involves the :g command, it
> becomes a bit trickier. I'd likely define a function something like
> function! Unfootnote()
> " make all the footnotes on one line
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> " gather the footnotes into b:a
> let b:a={}
> $?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> " find all the footnote references
> " and replace them with the corresponding text
> 1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
> endfunc
Works just fine! I wrapped the function in an if/endif block to make
sure there does exist footnotes in any given file (some of the files do
not have a footnotes section at the bottom)
:normal gg
:let b:s=getpos('.')
" check for the existence of a footnotes
:silent! normal /\[\d\+]
:let b:e=getpos('.')
if b:s[1] != b:e[1]
Testing whether the search was successful which would cause the cursor
to move... Couldn't figure out a nicer way...
> Note how each of those Ex commands we've discussed is a valid command
> in the body of a function as well. Yet another obscure corner of vim
> that escapes many folks. :-)
That at least hadn't escaped me... so much so that I wasted a couple of
hours trying to figure out why a ':normal /pattern' worked at the prompt
and didn't work when I coded it in a function... the cursor just refused
to budge and no matter how much I tested I couldn't figure out why...
until I calmed down and realized that what I coded was NOT what I had
actually typed at the ex prompt:
:normal /pattern
# ex command PLUS <CR> - big difference!
> Note that, while the parts of the function are reasonably tested, this
> function itself is largely untested, but *should* be pretty close.
It is perfectly suitable thank you! Without the if/endif block it didn't
break anything... just joined all the lines in the last paragraph of the
file (which didn't matter since I later reflow everything anyway — see
the other function I came up with).
Here's the function I wrote (I could integrate the code to the one you
kindly provided to do it all in one pass):
function! Delfoot()
:normal gg
:let b:s=getpos('.')
:silent! normal /^$\n\[[0-9]\{1,}]
:let b:e=getpos('.')
if b:s[1] != b:e[1]
:let b:f=expand('%:t')
:let b:fn='../ftns/ft'.b:f[2:5].'.txt'
:execute ".,$w " b:fn
:execute ".,$d"
:set tw=78
:normal ggVGgq
Nothing clever about this one! :-) ... I backup the foonote section at
the end of each file before I do away with it (and reflow everything to
a sensible textwidth to finish off the job so the files are ready for
> Hopefully this both makes sense and helps level up your vim, letting
> you get drunk on this new-found power. :-)
Made up for that depressing feeling I get whenever I venture into vim
script coding and realize I have forgotten the little I know.
I eventually found a vim fandom article that has some examples of what
can be done with syntaxically built ranges
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Sorry for the delay... needed time for this to sink in (and test)
> In this case because each of the commands involves the :g command, it
> becomes a bit trickier. I'd likely define a function something like
> function! Unfootnote()
> " make all the footnotes on one line
> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> " gather the footnotes into b:a
> let b:a={}
> $?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> " find all the footnote references
> " and replace them with the corresponding text
> 1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
> endfunc
Works just fine! I wrapped the function in an if/endif block to make
sure there does exist footnotes in any given file (some of the files do
not have a footnotes section at the bottom)
:normal gg
:let b:s=getpos('.')
" check for the existence of a footnotes
:silent! normal /\[\d\+]
:let b:e=getpos('.')
if b:s[1] != b:e[1]
Testing whether the search was successful which would cause the cursor
to move... Couldn't figure out a nicer way...
> Note how each of those Ex commands we've discussed is a valid command
> in the body of a function as well. Yet another obscure corner of vim
> that escapes many folks. :-)
That at least hadn't escaped me... so much so that I wasted a couple of
hours trying to figure out why a ':normal /pattern' worked at the prompt
and didn't work when I coded it in a function... the cursor just refused
to budge and no matter how much I tested I couldn't figure out why...
until I calmed down and realized that what I coded was NOT what I had
actually typed at the ex prompt:
:normal /pattern
# ex command PLUS <CR> - big difference!
> Note that, while the parts of the function are reasonably tested, this
> function itself is largely untested, but *should* be pretty close.
It is perfectly suitable thank you! Without the if/endif block it didn't
break anything... just joined all the lines in the last paragraph of the
file (which didn't matter since I later reflow everything anyway — see
the other function I came up with).
Here's the function I wrote (I could integrate the code to the one you
kindly provided to do it all in one pass):
function! Delfoot()
:normal gg
:let b:s=getpos('.')
:silent! normal /^$\n\[[0-9]\{1,}]
:let b:e=getpos('.')
if b:s[1] != b:e[1]
:let b:f=expand('%:t')
:let b:fn='../ftns/ft'.b:f[2:5].'.txt'
:execute ".,$w " b:fn
:execute ".,$d"
:set tw=78
:normal ggVGgq
Nothing clever about this one! :-) ... I backup the foonote section at
the end of each file before I do away with it (and reflow everything to
a sensible textwidth to finish off the job so the files are ready for
> Hopefully this both makes sense and helps level up your vim, letting
> you get drunk on this new-found power. :-)
Made up for that depressing feeling I get whenever I venture into vim
script coding and realize I have forgotten the little I know.
I eventually found a vim fandom article that has some examples of what
can be done with syntaxically built ranges
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Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Re: Date in a boilerplate file
crystal clear!
thanks again,
Il giorno mar 23 giu 2020 alle ore 23:51 Tim Chase <vim@tim.thechases.com> ha scritto:
On 2020-06-23 14:02, Guido Milanese wrote:
>> :%s/<\([^>]*\)>/\=get({'TODAY':strftime('%c'), 'AUTHOR':$USER},
>> submatch(1), submatch(1))
> if you do not mind: why
> submatch(1), submatch(1)
> and not
> submatch(1), submatch(2)
The \(...\) captures a sub-group, and I only capture one of them, so
there's only submatch(0) (the whole thing including the "<" and ">")
and submatch(1) (the term inside them). If you want to keep the
brackets, the second one could be "submatch(0)" instead of
It does a get() on that static dictionary/mapping, looking up the
term that was in those angle-brackets (the first submatch(1)). If it
finds the term, it returns the corresponding replacement. If it
doesn't find the term in the dictionary/mapping, it returns the
default (the same thing we're looking up, that second submatch(1), or
as mentioned above, you could keep the angle-brackets by returning the
whole original text with submatch(0)).
Hope that helps,
Guido Milanese - Professor of Classics - Docteur H.C. Paris ICP
Universita' Cattolica d.S.C., Milano - Brescia
Universita' Cattolica d.S.C., Milano - Brescia
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Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Re: Date in a boilerplate file
On 2020-06-23 14:02, Guido Milanese wrote:
>> :%s/<\([^>]*\)>/\=get({'TODAY':strftime('%c'), 'AUTHOR':$USER},
>> submatch(1), submatch(1))
> if you do not mind: why
> submatch(1), submatch(1)
> and not
> submatch(1), submatch(2)
The \(...\) captures a sub-group, and I only capture one of them, so
there's only submatch(0) (the whole thing including the "<" and ">")
and submatch(1) (the term inside them). If you want to keep the
brackets, the second one could be "submatch(0)" instead of
It does a get() on that static dictionary/mapping, looking up the
term that was in those angle-brackets (the first submatch(1)). If it
finds the term, it returns the corresponding replacement. If it
doesn't find the term in the dictionary/mapping, it returns the
default (the same thing we're looking up, that second submatch(1), or
as mentioned above, you could keep the angle-brackets by returning the
whole original text with submatch(0)).
Hope that helps,
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>> :%s/<\([^>]*\)>/\=get({'TODAY':strftime('%c'), 'AUTHOR':$USER},
>> submatch(1), submatch(1))
> if you do not mind: why
> submatch(1), submatch(1)
> and not
> submatch(1), submatch(2)
The \(...\) captures a sub-group, and I only capture one of them, so
there's only submatch(0) (the whole thing including the "<" and ">")
and submatch(1) (the term inside them). If you want to keep the
brackets, the second one could be "submatch(0)" instead of
It does a get() on that static dictionary/mapping, looking up the
term that was in those angle-brackets (the first submatch(1)). If it
finds the term, it returns the corresponding replacement. If it
doesn't find the term in the dictionary/mapping, it returns the
default (the same thing we're looking up, that second submatch(1), or
as mentioned above, you could keep the angle-brackets by returning the
whole original text with submatch(0)).
Hope that helps,
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Re: Date in a boilerplate file
Good! Now I think I have understood (at last...) how to use autocmd!
>In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
>used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains the
>document date, and ideally it should be:
>date: <TODAY>
>I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to embed
>the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed into the real
>date? I tried autocmd to no success -- clearly I have not really understood
>how to use it!
>The same applies to other fields (such as AUTHOR), but the DATE field is
>the most important one.
I would have the template as you have it above, and an autocmd on "BufNewFile *.md,*.latex" or whatever, that inserts it, with "0r file", then does a substitution of "<TODAY>" with "\=system('date')" or whatever you want. It would have been quicker to just write it than explain it:
autocmd BufNewFile *.md,*.latex 0r $HOME/.vim/templates/markdown-latex.txt | %s/<DATE>/\=system('date')-> trim()/eg | normal G
Or something :)
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Re: Date in a boilerplate file
Very generous, thank you. I'll study your code and I'm sure it will help me a lot.
In order to keep track of file versions, I have a .vimrc file that updates
a timestamp every time the file is saved. That sounds similar to this
I've attached the complete file, but in case that has the problem, here's
the text:
" .vimrc with timestamp
function! UpdateTimestamp () " Note silent! suppresses error message if
" no matching string found
silent! '[,']s/^[#\"] End.*Last changed: \zs.*/\= strftime("%Y-%m-%d
%H:%M:%S") /
augroup TimeStamping
autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre,FileAppendPre * :call
augroup END
:set expandtab
:set tabstop=3
" End .vimrc Last changed: 2019-08-22 15:43:18
As you can see, the .vimrc itself uses the technique.
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Re: Date in a boilerplate file
Thank you very much for this suggestion. I think I will map this 's' command to an available <F...> key. An additional question, if you do not mind: why
submatch(1), submatch(1)
and not
submatch(1), submatch(2)
Thank you again!
On 2020-06-23 09:56, Guido Milanese wrote:
> One of the lines contains the document date, and ideally it should
> be:
> date: <TODAY>
> I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to
> embed the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed
> into the real date? I tried autocmd to no success -- clearly I have
> not really understood how to use it!
> The same applies to other fields (such as AUTHOR), but the DATE
> field is the most important one.
Assuming the notation <var> for your variables, you could do
(automate) something like the following
If you have a lot of them, you could simplify them to a single
replacement with something like
:%s/<\([^>]*\)>/\=get({'TODAY':strftime('%c'), 'AUTHOR':$USER}, submatch(1), submatch(1))
putting as many tokens and their respective values as you want in
that hard-coded dictionary/mapping.
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Re: Date in a boilerplate file
> I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to embed
> the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed into the real
> date?
In order to keep track of file versions, I have a .vimrc file that updates
a timestamp every time the file is saved. That sounds similar to this
I've attached the complete file, but in case that has the problem, here's
the text:
" .vimrc with timestamp
function! UpdateTimestamp () " Note silent! suppresses error message if
" no matching string found
silent! '[,']s/^[#\"] End.*Last changed: \zs.*/\= strftime("%Y-%m-%d
%H:%M:%S") /
augroup TimeStamping
autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre,FileAppendPre * :call
augroup END
:set expandtab
:set tabstop=3
" End .vimrc Last changed: 2019-08-22 15:43:18
As you can see, the .vimrc itself uses the technique.
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> the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed into the real
> date?
In order to keep track of file versions, I have a .vimrc file that updates
a timestamp every time the file is saved. That sounds similar to this
I've attached the complete file, but in case that has the problem, here's
the text:
" .vimrc with timestamp
function! UpdateTimestamp () " Note silent! suppresses error message if
" no matching string found
silent! '[,']s/^[#\"] End.*Last changed: \zs.*/\= strftime("%Y-%m-%d
%H:%M:%S") /
augroup TimeStamping
autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre,FileAppendPre * :call
augroup END
:set expandtab
:set tabstop=3
" End .vimrc Last changed: 2019-08-22 15:43:18
As you can see, the .vimrc itself uses the technique.
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Re: Date in a boilerplate file
On 2020-06-23 09:56, Guido Milanese wrote:
> One of the lines contains the document date, and ideally it should
> be:
> date: <TODAY>
> I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to
> embed the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed
> into the real date? I tried autocmd to no success -- clearly I have
> not really understood how to use it!
> The same applies to other fields (such as AUTHOR), but the DATE
> field is the most important one.
Assuming the notation <var> for your variables, you could do
(automate) something like the following
If you have a lot of them, you could simplify them to a single
replacement with something like
:%s/<\([^>]*\)>/\=get({'TODAY':strftime('%c'), 'AUTHOR':$USER}, submatch(1), submatch(1))
putting as many tokens and their respective values as you want in
that hard-coded dictionary/mapping.
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> One of the lines contains the document date, and ideally it should
> be:
> date: <TODAY>
> I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to
> embed the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed
> into the real date? I tried autocmd to no success -- clearly I have
> not really understood how to use it!
> The same applies to other fields (such as AUTHOR), but the DATE
> field is the most important one.
Assuming the notation <var> for your variables, you could do
(automate) something like the following
If you have a lot of them, you could simplify them to a single
replacement with something like
:%s/<\([^>]*\)>/\=get({'TODAY':strftime('%c'), 'AUTHOR':$USER}, submatch(1), submatch(1))
putting as many tokens and their respective values as you want in
that hard-coded dictionary/mapping.
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Re: Date in a boilerplate file
On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 09:56:34AM -0700, Guido Milanese wrote:
>In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
>used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains the
>document date, and ideally it should be:
>date: <TODAY>
>I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to embed
>the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed into the real
>date? I tried autocmd to no success -- clearly I have not really understood
>how to use it!
>The same applies to other fields (such as AUTHOR), but the DATE field is
>the most important one.
I would have the template as you have it above, and an autocmd on "BufNewFile *.md,*.latex" or whatever, that inserts it, with "0r file", then does a substitution of "<TODAY>" with "\=system('date')" or whatever you want. It would have been quicker to just write it than explain it:
autocmd BufNewFile *.md,*.latex 0r $HOME/.vim/templates/markdown-latex.txt | %s/<DATE>/\=system('date')->trim()/eg | normal G
Or something :)
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>In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be
>used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains the
>document date, and ideally it should be:
>date: <TODAY>
>I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to embed
>the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed into the real
>date? I tried autocmd to no success -- clearly I have not really understood
>how to use it!
>The same applies to other fields (such as AUTHOR), but the DATE field is
>the most important one.
I would have the template as you have it above, and an autocmd on "BufNewFile *.md,*.latex" or whatever, that inserts it, with "0r file", then does a substitution of "<TODAY>" with "\=system('date')" or whatever you want. It would have been quicker to just write it than explain it:
autocmd BufNewFile *.md,*.latex 0r $HOME/.vim/templates/markdown-latex.txt | %s/<DATE>/\=system('date')->trim()/eg | normal G
Or something :)
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Date in a boilerplate file
In a project I am developing, I have written some boilerplate files to be used as headers for Markdown/LaTeX documents. One of the lines contains the document date, and ideally it should be:
date: <TODAY>
I know how to insert date from command line, but is it possible to embed the command in the boilerplate file and have it transformed into the real date? I tried autocmd to no success -- clearly I have not really understood how to use it!
The same applies to other fields (such as AUTHOR), but the DATE field is the most important one.
Thank you!
guido (Northern Italy)
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Monday, June 22, 2020
Re: An interesting little poser [PS]
On 2020-06-22 20:16, Chris Jones wrote:
> Congrats! Works out of the box and does exactly what I had in mind
> copy-pasted the commands and the result is spectacular. The clever
> idea is to use the :g(lobal) command to build the array.
I do love the power of the :g command and abuse it regularly
> I posted a little too fast and left out an important third³
> footnote at the bottom of my message... something like 'the
> footnotes in the example are only one line long so as not to
> clutter up your screen... but in my use case many are multi-line'.
> But after playing with my files for a while it's pretty easy to
> reflow the footnotes so that they're only one line long:
> 1. add a null line between the footnotes
> 2. reflow them with a largee textwidth value
> 3. add a line break after each [nnn] in column 1
> 4. remove the null lines added in 1
Glad you were able to hack a solution. Again abusing the :g command,
I might have done the preprocessing as
to do the joining for me :-) That uses the range for the footnotes
(see below) and looks for any line that doesn't start with a "["
character ("\[\@!"), followed by whatever on that line (".*"),
followed by a newline ("\n"), followed by the assertion that a
literal "[" doesn't start on this 2nd line either ("\[\@!"). Or
roughly translated "find footnote text that is continued on the next
line". Starting at that point, create a second range from there (that
second ",") that goes through either the newline followed by a
literal "[" (another footnote follows here) or ("\|") the end of file
("\@$") and join those lines together ("j").
It's big & ugly, but it does the job in one go.
> What are all these magical dollar signs in the "g(lobal)" and
> "s(ubstitute)" commands? They appear to define a vim command
> 'range' but since I've never used ranges
A range can be modified relative to each location. So the range of
lines footnote lines we're interested in are
Breaking that down, the first "$" says "starting at the last line of
the file", then ?…? search backwards until we find "^$" (an empty
line), and start the range there. In the above :j(oin) example, I
start the range one line after that ("+" which is the same as "+1").
The comma delineates the start of the range (that line we just found,
roughly defined as either "the blank line preceeding the last line of
the file" or with the "+" it's "the line after the blank line
preceeding the last line of the file"). So now after the comma we
define the end of the range as the last line of the file ("$").
For the body-text of your document, the range is "1" (the first line
in the file) through (",") the "blank line preceeding the last line
in the file" (same as before, "$?^$?").
> Since I couldn't think of a way to highlight the targeted section
> of the file I did a:
> :$?^$?,$w /tmp/t.txt
For any of these ranges, you could also use other ways of defining
them. If the last blank line in the file is line 314, then the
footnotes are
and the body text would be the range
Alternatively you could highlight them in visual mode with the "V"
command and vim would automatically populate the range as
(i.e. "from the first visually-selected line through the last
visually-selected line").
The advantage to describing the range syntactically is that it
doesn't need to manually find those line-numbers or manually select
things visually, allowing you to automate it across multiple files as
is your next request: ;-)
> Oh, and how would I go about running this sequence of commands on
> a bunch of open file (buffers) in a vim session? what would the best
> tactics to do :bufdo of all these commands?
In this case because each of the commands involves the :g command, it
becomes a bit trickier. I'd likely define a function something like
function! Unfootnote()
" make all the footnotes on one line
" gather the footnotes into b:a
let b:a={}
$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
" find all the footnote references
" and replace them with the corresponding text
Note how each of those Ex commands we've discussed is a valid command
in the body of a function as well. Yet another obscure corner of vim
that escapes many folks. :-)
You should then be able to invoke that across all the files with
bufdo/argdo, something like
:set hidden
:bufdo call Unfootnote()
and, after reviewing that it did what you wanted, issue
if they meet your needs.
Note that, while the parts of the function are reasonably tested, this
function itself is largely untested, but *should* be pretty close.
Hopefully this both makes sense and helps level up your vim, letting
you get drunk on this new-found power. :-)
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> Congrats! Works out of the box and does exactly what I had in mind
> copy-pasted the commands and the result is spectacular. The clever
> idea is to use the :g(lobal) command to build the array.
I do love the power of the :g command and abuse it regularly
> I posted a little too fast and left out an important third³
> footnote at the bottom of my message... something like 'the
> footnotes in the example are only one line long so as not to
> clutter up your screen... but in my use case many are multi-line'.
> But after playing with my files for a while it's pretty easy to
> reflow the footnotes so that they're only one line long:
> 1. add a null line between the footnotes
> 2. reflow them with a largee textwidth value
> 3. add a line break after each [nnn] in column 1
> 4. remove the null lines added in 1
Glad you were able to hack a solution. Again abusing the :g command,
I might have done the preprocessing as
to do the joining for me :-) That uses the range for the footnotes
(see below) and looks for any line that doesn't start with a "["
character ("\[\@!"), followed by whatever on that line (".*"),
followed by a newline ("\n"), followed by the assertion that a
literal "[" doesn't start on this 2nd line either ("\[\@!"). Or
roughly translated "find footnote text that is continued on the next
line". Starting at that point, create a second range from there (that
second ",") that goes through either the newline followed by a
literal "[" (another footnote follows here) or ("\|") the end of file
("\@$") and join those lines together ("j").
It's big & ugly, but it does the job in one go.
> What are all these magical dollar signs in the "g(lobal)" and
> "s(ubstitute)" commands? They appear to define a vim command
> 'range' but since I've never used ranges
A range can be modified relative to each location. So the range of
lines footnote lines we're interested in are
Breaking that down, the first "$" says "starting at the last line of
the file", then ?…? search backwards until we find "^$" (an empty
line), and start the range there. In the above :j(oin) example, I
start the range one line after that ("+" which is the same as "+1").
The comma delineates the start of the range (that line we just found,
roughly defined as either "the blank line preceeding the last line of
the file" or with the "+" it's "the line after the blank line
preceeding the last line of the file"). So now after the comma we
define the end of the range as the last line of the file ("$").
For the body-text of your document, the range is "1" (the first line
in the file) through (",") the "blank line preceeding the last line
in the file" (same as before, "$?^$?").
> Since I couldn't think of a way to highlight the targeted section
> of the file I did a:
> :$?^$?,$w /tmp/t.txt
For any of these ranges, you could also use other ways of defining
them. If the last blank line in the file is line 314, then the
footnotes are
and the body text would be the range
Alternatively you could highlight them in visual mode with the "V"
command and vim would automatically populate the range as
(i.e. "from the first visually-selected line through the last
visually-selected line").
The advantage to describing the range syntactically is that it
doesn't need to manually find those line-numbers or manually select
things visually, allowing you to automate it across multiple files as
is your next request: ;-)
> Oh, and how would I go about running this sequence of commands on
> a bunch of open file (buffers) in a vim session? what would the best
> tactics to do :bufdo of all these commands?
In this case because each of the commands involves the :g command, it
becomes a bit trickier. I'd likely define a function something like
function! Unfootnote()
" make all the footnotes on one line
" gather the footnotes into b:a
let b:a={}
$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
" find all the footnote references
" and replace them with the corresponding text
Note how each of those Ex commands we've discussed is a valid command
in the body of a function as well. Yet another obscure corner of vim
that escapes many folks. :-)
You should then be able to invoke that across all the files with
bufdo/argdo, something like
:set hidden
:bufdo call Unfootnote()
and, after reviewing that it did what you wanted, issue
if they meet your needs.
Note that, while the parts of the function are reasonably tested, this
function itself is largely untested, but *should* be pretty close.
Hopefully this both makes sense and helps level up your vim, letting
you get drunk on this new-found power. :-)
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Re: An interesting little poser [PS]
Congrats! Works out of the box and does exactly what I had in mind:
copy-pasted the commands and the result is spectacular. The clever idea
is to use the :g(lobal) command to build the array.
I posted a little too fast and left out an important third³ footnote at
the bottom of my message... something like 'the footnotes in the example
are only one line long so as not to clutter up your screen... but in my
use case many are multi-line'.
But after playing with my files for a while it's pretty easy to reflow
the footnotes so that they're only one line long:
1. add a null line between the footnotes
2. reflow them with a largee textwidth value
3. add a line break after each [nnn] in column 1
4. remove the null lines added in 1
Having done this I'm back to where I was (but with one-line notes)
& your solution will work the same.
What are all these magical dollar signs in the "g(lobal)" and
"s(ubstitute)" commands? They appear to define a vim command 'range' but
since I've never used ranges — and I'm damned if I can figure out how to
read this particular bit of magic...
Since I couldn't think of a way to highlight the targeted section of the
file I did a:
:$?^$?,$w /tmp/t.txt
... and I saw that the footnotes section at the end of the files was
excluded from the resulting /tmp/t.txt file.
Please explain.
Oh, and how would I go about running this sequence of commands on
a bunch of open file (buffers) in a vim session? what would the best
tactics to do :bufdo of all these commands?
Well... I had a hunch this could be 'done the smart way' simply using
basic vim commands... gladd I asked...
> > To build this associative array, you might try
> >
> > :$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> Whoops, before you do this, you might have to let vim know that b:a
> is an array:
> :let b:a={}
> :$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> > You can then use
> >
> > :1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
> Oh, this also assumes that all footnote-references have corresponding
> entries in the footnote block. If you have a [13] and there's no
> [13] footnote at the bottom, that substitute will yell at you about a
> "E716: Key not present in Dictionary: {bogus footnote}"
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copy-pasted the commands and the result is spectacular. The clever idea
is to use the :g(lobal) command to build the array.
I posted a little too fast and left out an important third³ footnote at
the bottom of my message... something like 'the footnotes in the example
are only one line long so as not to clutter up your screen... but in my
use case many are multi-line'.
But after playing with my files for a while it's pretty easy to reflow
the footnotes so that they're only one line long:
1. add a null line between the footnotes
2. reflow them with a largee textwidth value
3. add a line break after each [nnn] in column 1
4. remove the null lines added in 1
Having done this I'm back to where I was (but with one-line notes)
& your solution will work the same.
What are all these magical dollar signs in the "g(lobal)" and
"s(ubstitute)" commands? They appear to define a vim command 'range' but
since I've never used ranges — and I'm damned if I can figure out how to
read this particular bit of magic...
Since I couldn't think of a way to highlight the targeted section of the
file I did a:
:$?^$?,$w /tmp/t.txt
... and I saw that the footnotes section at the end of the files was
excluded from the resulting /tmp/t.txt file.
Please explain.
Oh, and how would I go about running this sequence of commands on
a bunch of open file (buffers) in a vim session? what would the best
tactics to do :bufdo of all these commands?
Well... I had a hunch this could be 'done the smart way' simply using
basic vim commands... gladd I asked...
> > To build this associative array, you might try
> >
> > :$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> Whoops, before you do this, you might have to let vim know that b:a
> is an array:
> :let b:a={}
> :$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> > You can then use
> >
> > :1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
> Oh, this also assumes that all footnote-references have corresponding
> entries in the footnote block. If you have a [13] and there's no
> [13] footnote at the bottom, that substitute will yell at you about a
> "E716: Key not present in Dictionary: {bogus footnote}"
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Sunday, June 21, 2020
Re: An interesting little poser [PS]
On 2020-06-21 18:57, Tim Chase wrote:
> To build this associative array, you might try
> :$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
Whoops, before you do this, you might have to let vim know that b:a
is an array:
:let b:a={}
:$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> You can then use
> :1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
Oh, this also assumes that all footnote-references have corresponding
entries in the footnote block. If you have a [13] and there's no
[13] footnote at the bottom, that substitute will yell at you about a
"E716: Key not present in Dictionary: {bogus footnote}"
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> To build this associative array, you might try
> :$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
Whoops, before you do this, you might have to let vim know that b:a
is an array:
:let b:a={}
:$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
> You can then use
> :1,$?^$?s/\[\d\+]/\='^['.b:a[submatch(0)].']'/g
Oh, this also assumes that all footnote-references have corresponding
entries in the footnote block. If you have a [13] and there's no
[13] footnote at the bottom, that substitute will yell at you about a
"E716: Key not present in Dictionary: {bogus footnote}"
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Re: An interesting little poser
On 2020-06-21 19:18, Chris Jones wrote:
> Seems a straightforward solution might consist in a regex-based
> search of the files and populating some kind of associative array
> (dictionary?) thusly as I go along:
> { '[1]' 'footnote #1', '[2]' 'footnote #2', ... }
To build this associative array, you might try
:$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
This assumes
- the content of each footnote is only one line (snagging multi-line
footnotes becomes an uglier task)
- all your footnotes are compactly at the end of the file with no
blank lines between the start of the footnotes and the end of the
file. If there are, you'd have to manually specify the range to
cover the range of footnotes instead of using the
automatically-determined range "$?^$?,$"
> ... and proceed to a second pass that substitutes each anchor by the
> contents of the corresponding footnote.
You can then use
(again, if you have blank lines among your footnotes, manually
specify the end of the text-range instead of automatically
determining it with "$?^$?") to find all the footnote-references in
your text and replace them with the footnote text with added markup
You can then do simple clean-up to remove the now-redundant footnote
and reformat/reflow everything as you see fit, maybe with
Hope this helps,
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> Seems a straightforward solution might consist in a regex-based
> search of the files and populating some kind of associative array
> (dictionary?) thusly as I go along:
> { '[1]' 'footnote #1', '[2]' 'footnote #2', ... }
To build this associative array, you might try
:$?^$?,$g/\[\d\+\]/let b:a[getline('.')]=getline(line(".")+1)
This assumes
- the content of each footnote is only one line (snagging multi-line
footnotes becomes an uglier task)
- all your footnotes are compactly at the end of the file with no
blank lines between the start of the footnotes and the end of the
file. If there are, you'd have to manually specify the range to
cover the range of footnotes instead of using the
automatically-determined range "$?^$?,$"
> ... and proceed to a second pass that substitutes each anchor by the
> contents of the corresponding footnote.
You can then use
(again, if you have blank lines among your footnotes, manually
specify the end of the text-range instead of automatically
determining it with "$?^$?") to find all the footnote-references in
your text and replace them with the footnote text with added markup
You can then do simple clean-up to remove the now-redundant footnote
and reformat/reflow everything as you see fit, maybe with
Hope this helps,
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An interesting little poser
This is not a Vim answer, but I've done somethi g in Awk that does something similar. You might be able to port it to VimScript if that's your need.
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An interesting little poser
I have a bunch of text files where the footnotes are in the following
<----- START OF FILE ----->
Nobis delectus adipisci nostrum vel. Consequuntur ducimus repellat
saepe. Itaque [1] et sit voluptate non sint. Ab labore sapiente voluptatem
ratione illum voluptatem reprehenderit. Corporis sint exercitationem
doloremque impedit possimus laboriosam [2] nesciunt. Ex enim tenetur aut
dolorem sequi et nihil.
Explicabo ea itaque beatae. Earum [3] tenetur voluptatem tempora commodi.
Porro quibusdam vel quia repudiandae corporis ducimus.
<----- END OF FILE ----->
The footnotes are at the end of each file and I need to grab/delete them
in sequence and move/substitute each footnote's contents to the spot
where the corresponding anchor lives in the body of the text.
After substitution the first paragraph looks like this:
Nobis delectus adipisci nostrum vel. Consequuntur ducimus repellat
saepe. Itaque^[STUFF THAT REFERS TO ITAQUE.]² et sit voluptate non sint.
Ab labore sapiente voluptatem ratione illum voluptatem reprehenderit.
Corporis sint exercitationem doloremque impedit possimus
tenetur aut dolorem sequi et nihil.
Doing it manually is going to be somewhat tedious — not to the risk of
Seems a straightforward solution might consist in a regex-based search
of the files and populating some kind of associative array (dictionary?)
thusly as I go along:
{ '[1]' 'footnote #1', '[2]' 'footnote #2', ... }
... and proceed to a second pass that substitutes each anchor by the
contents of the corresponding footnote.
Before I do this, I was wondering if anyone had come across a similar
problem and might have come up with an elegant solution - i.e. one that
relies on a clever utilisation of vim's search & replace features rather
than writing code.
¹ upper case for highlighting/legibility purposes.
² ^[blah...] markdown syntax.
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<----- START OF FILE ----->
Nobis delectus adipisci nostrum vel. Consequuntur ducimus repellat
saepe. Itaque [1] et sit voluptate non sint. Ab labore sapiente voluptatem
ratione illum voluptatem reprehenderit. Corporis sint exercitationem
doloremque impedit possimus laboriosam [2] nesciunt. Ex enim tenetur aut
dolorem sequi et nihil.
Explicabo ea itaque beatae. Earum [3] tenetur voluptatem tempora commodi.
Porro quibusdam vel quia repudiandae corporis ducimus.
<----- END OF FILE ----->
The footnotes are at the end of each file and I need to grab/delete them
in sequence and move/substitute each footnote's contents to the spot
where the corresponding anchor lives in the body of the text.
After substitution the first paragraph looks like this:
Nobis delectus adipisci nostrum vel. Consequuntur ducimus repellat
saepe. Itaque^[STUFF THAT REFERS TO ITAQUE.]² et sit voluptate non sint.
Ab labore sapiente voluptatem ratione illum voluptatem reprehenderit.
Corporis sint exercitationem doloremque impedit possimus
tenetur aut dolorem sequi et nihil.
Doing it manually is going to be somewhat tedious — not to the risk of
Seems a straightforward solution might consist in a regex-based search
of the files and populating some kind of associative array (dictionary?)
thusly as I go along:
{ '[1]' 'footnote #1', '[2]' 'footnote #2', ... }
... and proceed to a second pass that substitutes each anchor by the
contents of the corresponding footnote.
Before I do this, I was wondering if anyone had come across a similar
problem and might have come up with an elegant solution - i.e. one that
relies on a clever utilisation of vim's search & replace features rather
than writing code.
¹ upper case for highlighting/legibility purposes.
² ^[blah...] markdown syntax.
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Re: [Help]: vim settings
On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 02:47:35AM +0530, Kunal Chauhan wrote:
>There can be some easy or better way like some script so the vim and ctags
>as well.as cscope can be set or sync all together. In linux.
Have a look at Gutentags: https://github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags
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>There can be some easy or better way like some script so the vim and ctags
>as well.as cscope can be set or sync all together. In linux.
Have a look at Gutentags: https://github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags
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Saturday, June 20, 2020
[Help]: vim settings
Hi Team,
-- There can be some easy or better way like some script so the vim and ctags as well.as cscope can be set or sync all together. In linux.
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Re: [HINT]:vim diff can acts as code merger
On 2020-06-20 23:14, Kunal Chauhan wrote:
> Hi Team,
> 1.Can vimdiff act like a code merger.
Yes. Lots of options described at
:help merge
> 2. In vimdiff to change color so it will be well visible and is
> there some color code.
The colors rely on your colorscheme. In particular, DiffAdd,
DiffDelete, DiffChange, and DiffText.
If you want to change them, you can choose a different color-scheme,
of take an existing one and customize/personalize it to meet your
> 3 . Is there some easy method to move text from.one file to another
> in vimdiff
As above, see `:help merge` for options to get/put changes between
files. But to get you started
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> Hi Team,
> 1.Can vimdiff act like a code merger.
Yes. Lots of options described at
:help merge
> 2. In vimdiff to change color so it will be well visible and is
> there some color code.
The colors rely on your colorscheme. In particular, DiffAdd,
DiffDelete, DiffChange, and DiffText.
If you want to change them, you can choose a different color-scheme,
of take an existing one and customize/personalize it to meet your
> 3 . Is there some easy method to move text from.one file to another
> in vimdiff
As above, see `:help merge` for options to get/put changes between
files. But to get you started
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