Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Re: An interesting little poser [PS]

On 2020-06-30 18:33, Chris Jones wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 03:34:03PM EDT, Tim Chase wrote:
>> Try changing that line from
>> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!/,/\n\[\|\%$/j
>> to
>> $?^$?+,$g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!./,/\n\[\|\%$/j
> This indeed fixes the problem.


> Still trying to wrap my head around this bizarre
> :g/regex1/,/regex2/command

It helps to think of broken down. The :g command itself can take one


and that {command} can consist of a command *and an optional range
relative to each of those matches*. So in the above, that {command}


and that {range2} is


which has the start of the range "." implied, so would be the same as


The power of this "find lines with a :g command, then operate on a
range of lines relative to each of those matches"

So it might be clearer to write that original as

$?^$?+,$ g/^\[\@!.*\n\[\@!./ .,/\n\[\|\%$/ j

11111111 2222222222222222222 3333333333333 4


1 = the range for the footnotes
2 = find lines where the next line is a continuation
3 = a range from this continued-line through the end of the footnote
4 = join that range of lines from #3

To learn this requires pulling together bits from several sections of
the help:

:help range
:help search-offset
:help 10.3 " particularly the ADD AND SUBTRACT section
:help 10.4

so it's certainly not a well-advertised bit of functionality.

But as you can see, it's an amazingly *powerful* bit of functionality
that I use all the time.

> Thank you very much for your help!

Thanks for the fun challenge. :-)


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