Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Re: [typing Russian characters in vim with vim-LaTeX]

Am 27.06.2020 um 16:59 schrieb Maxim Abalenkov:
> Dear all,
> I hope all is well with you. This is my first post to the vim mailing
> list. I use vim for a long time and would consider myself a power
> user. Occasionally, I need to type documents in Russian in LaTeX
> format. To use Russian in vim I follow the guidelines from this Habr
> post ( In short I have the following
> settings in my .vimrc file:
> set keymap=russian-jcukenmac
> set iminsert=0
> set imsearch=0
> highlight lCursor guifg=NONE guibg=Cyan
> With these settings in place I can use "Ctrl+^" to switch between
> English and Russian languages in vim insert mode. For convenient
> typing of LaTeX commands in vim I use the Vim-LaTeX distribution
> ( The configuration
> commands relevant to vim-LaTeX in my .vimrc are:
> " envoke LaTeX-Suite on TeX file open
> filetype plugin on
> " load filetype-specific indent files
> filetype indent on
> " load vim-latex for empty TeX files
> let g:tex_flavor='latex'
> All is nice and well and I'm satisfied with this setup. However, there
> is one small problem that makes my life miserable. One of the Russian
> letters, the small letter «ю», is not typed correctly. When I press
> the relevant key on the keyboard I get a full stop symbol «.» instead
> of the small letter «ю». On the other hand, the capital letter «Ю»
> (when pressing the Shift key) is produced correctly. Would you please
> be so kind to help me debug the problem? Maybe I have some option
> clashes with the vim-LaTeX? Thank you and have a good day ahead!
> —
> Best wishes,
> Maxim
> Maxim Abalenkov \\ <>
> +44 7 486 486 505 \\

This assumes vim-latex-1.10 ...

The keymap's (buffer-local) language mapping for `.' is overruled by a
buffer-local Insert mode mapping.

To show the problem: in a LaTeX (ft=tex) buffer:
:imap <buffer> .
(or just)
:imap .
shows something like (depending on g:Tex_SmartKeyDot)
or <C-R>=<SNR>12_LookupCharacter(".")<CR>

You can remove the Insert mode mapping after it gets defined:

Create a file
containing the line

iunmap <buffer> .

for example the file ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim where
~/.vim/after must occur in the 'runtimepath'.

You can ignore what follows.

An alternative is to

put in the vimrc:
:let g:Tex_SmartKeyDot = 0

and to put in the after/ftplugin/tex.vim file:

" :echo IMAP_list_all('.')
" tex: "`. => "`.
" tex: \`. => \`.
" tex: ``. => ``.
" tex: `. => \cdot

if exists('*IUNMAP') && maparg('.', 'i') =~# '<SNR>\d\+_LookupCharacter("\.")'
call IUNMAP('"`.', 'tex')
call IUNMAP('\`.', 'tex')
call IUNMAP('``.', 'tex')
call IUNMAP('`.', 'tex')

Would have been cleaner if there was an IUNMAP_ALL('.', 'tex') function ...

And not sure about the exact consequences ... the mapping for `.' is
created per buffer, but IMAP() creates internal data structures per


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