Sunday, July 12, 2020

Re: [Hint] quickfix list in vim for follow up errors

packadd cfilter showing error " it is not an editor command"  , as I should be come with vim , my development system is only vim but internet is not accessible on that due to some restrictions

On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 8:59 PM Gary Johnson <> wrote:
On 2020-07-04, Kunal Chauhan wrote:
> Hi Team.
> I am using the :make all from vim in my source code.
> as the code has multiple warning and some error.
>  Point is: if i do the clist it shows multiple lines of code with warning , but
> I want to follow up the error part only , with out scrolling so much in clist .
> Is there will some nicer way of finding the error part easily of compilation
> via quickfixlist in large code base ?

I usually use the cfilter plugin for this.  It comes with Vim, so
you just need to enable it by putting

    packadd cfilter

in your vimrc.  See

    :help cfilter-plugin

Then you can filter your quickfix list to contain only errors with

    :Cfilter error

or remove all warnings with

    :Cfilter! warning

Those commands create new quickfix lists without affecting the
original list, you can return to the original list with



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Thanks with Regards!

Kunal Chauhan

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