Sunday, July 12, 2020

Using :g to filter lines through an external command

Hi all,

Assume I have a file (or just a buffer) with the contents:
echo Hello from /bin/sh

:1!sh does what I would expect: it passes "echo Hello from /bin/sh" as
input to the shell, which executes the line as a command, and the line
is replaced with "echo"'s output "Hello from /bin/sh".

:g/test/!nl does not do what I expected (and wanted). Instead of
piping the matched lines through the "nl" command, it appears to start
an interactive shell.

:g/test/.!nl works better, but executes "nl" once for *each* of the
matched lines, which are replaced with the following:
1 test1
1 test2
1 test3

Is there a solution to this?


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