Thursday, November 5, 2020

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: .swp files

On Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 4:23:07 PM UTC-5, Ruben Safir wrote:
On 11/5/20 4:19 PM, Kennedy, Marcus A. wrote:
> A good backup system should provide more than the most recent copy.

PLEASE do not do this.  The swp files are already enough, if not too
much.  VIM is simple and works.  Leave it that way.  Let the user filing
this crazy complaint use openoffice (or learn good habits).

I wrote the part about a good backup system, not Marcus, and I was referring to an entire hard drive backup, not just vim files.

I don't care how good any program is, accidents outside a given program and hardware failures can cause problems that a program is never going to recover.  Having a full and proper hard drive backup is just good sense.

I do agree with you on the latter part, i suspect this user is either a troll or incredibly incompetent.  He claimed a 'vim recovery' trashed his file.  Even if it did load an old version, it does not automatically write it back out.  He could simply have quit without saving and left the file as it was.  If it was already corrupt, it was probably corrupt long before (since it was also corrupt on his backups), probably from improper OS shutdowns (which also explains why he's having issues with multiple programs), and had nothing at all do with vim.

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