Thursday, November 5, 2020

Re: Happy birthday!

On 11/2/2020 11:19, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
Hello Vim users,    29 years ago the very first version of Vim was built and distributed.  And Vim is more popular than ever before!  So, what's going on these days?      VIM 9 DEVELOPMENTS - MAKING VIM SCRIPT FASTER AND EASIER TO USE  ...  

I started using Unix in 1981. I'm not sure when vi came on the scene -- I started using a teletype (with paper) and ed or ex. But I'm amazed that you've added so many features to the editor and I can still do basically anything I learned in the early vi days without having to think about how to do it in vim. What great work!!

I put together two chapters about vi in "UNIX Power Tools", in 1990 or so, when I worked for O'Reilly. It was fun writing articles about how to work around various vi bugs. :) By the way, I see that the 8th Edition of O'Reilly's "Learning the vi & Vim Editors" is due out in September 2021. They have an "Early Release - Raw & Unedited" version... see .

All the best,
Jerry Peek

PS: This old email address of mine is going away. A better address is

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