Thursday, January 7, 2021

Re: do plugins affect performance?

I open MacVim once and leave it up for days, if not weeks.  Load and close files in tabs as needed.  Startup time is seldom an issue.
On Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 2:17:44 PM UTC-5 wrote:

On Do, 07 Jan 2021, David Lowry-Duda wrote:

> Aside from startup time (especially if plugins don't use autoload), unused plugins should barely affect speed. But I'll note that it's pretty straightforward to profile vim to see what is taking time and clock cycles, in case you want to actually examine one or more
> suspicious plugins and determine what is causing slowness.

However depending on where your plugins reside, it may take a
considerable amount of time to read in all your files. For that reason,
I am especially mad at vim-airline and vim-airline-themes.

This is slowing down starting up my editor in my WSL and I noticed the
same when my Vim installation was on a network share (possibly in
conjunction with some anti-virus application).

This is just annoying.

Die neue A-Klasse soll jetzt serienmäßig mit einem Überrollbügel
ausgerüstet werden.

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