Thursday, January 7, 2021

Re: how to replace selected text using keyboard shortcut

You can get a powerful solution with a plugin such as surround.vim.

If you really want to do it just for this, you could do something like the following (untested code):

vnoremap <c-b> <esc> `>a</h1><esc>`<i<h1><esc>

I'm on my mobile phone, so can't confirm that this will work at the end of the line, but I think it will. 



On Wed, Jan 6, 2021, 02:12 Pengembara T. <> wrote:
Dear all,

Sorry if this question is already asked before, but googling does not give enough result, maybe wrong search key.

what i want to do is:
- select text using mouse/trackpad (i'm in wondows).
- press some control-key to replace that text.

example, i have following line in file:


usually what i am doing is:

can i change with:
1. select 'one' with mouse
2. Press <Ctrl-B> (or some other combination) to convert it to <h1>one</h1>.
So Ctrl-B is associated with <h1> and </h1> tag.
3. select 'two' with mouse
4. press Ctrl-2 (or other combination) to convert to '<h2>two</h2>'.
Ctrl-2 is associated with <h2> and </h2> tag.


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