Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Re: How to update GVim_8.2.2332_x64 to a more current patch level?

On Di, 19 Jan 2021, Mike O'Brien wrote:

> Relative newbie here with a simple question—probably.
> Having successfully installed (on Win 8.1x64 Pro), what is the procedure for
> updating to a later patch level?
> I assumed it would be to download/execute the desired package; e.g.
> gvim_8.2.2374_x64_signed.exe . . .
> That is not working for me: trashes/locks-up the existing %HOMEDRIVE% \Program
> Files\Vim\vim82 directory!? A Restart clears the lock-up (of course) and
> deletes the ..\vim82 sub-directory. I can install like new again using the
> downloaded package—and all is well.

That should work and has always worked for me.
Kill all running Vim instances before updating, otherwise the installer
may not be able to delete and re-install. Or what exactly do you mean
with "trashes/locks-up"?

> I figured out that I could, alternatively, download  and extract the .zip
> package—replacing the ..\vim82 sub-directory with cut&paste—and all is well as
> well !-|

That should also work, as long as no process is open from that

Adam war ein Mensch; er wollte den Apfel nicht des Apfels wegen,
sondern nur, weil er verboten war.
-- Mark Twain, Querkopf Wilsons Kalender

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