Thursday, January 21, 2021

Re: How to update GVim_8.2.2332_x64 to a more current patch level?

On 1/20/2021 4:21 PM, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> On Di, 19 Jan 2021, Mike O'Brien wrote:
>> Relative newbie here with a simple question—probably.
>> Having successfully installed (on Win 8.1x64 Pro), what is the procedure for
>> updating to a later patch level?
>> I assumed it would be to download/execute the desired package; e.g.
>> gvim_8.2.2374_x64_signed.exe . . .
>> That is not working for me: trashes/locks-up the existing %HOMEDRIVE% \Program
>> Files\Vim\vim82 directory!? A Restart clears the lock-up (of course) and
>> deletes the ..\vim82 sub-directory. I can install like new again using the
>> downloaded package—and all is well.
> That should work and has always worked for me.
> Kill all running Vim instances before updating, otherwise the installer
> may not be able to delete and re-install. Or what exactly do you mean
> with "trashes/locks-up"?
> Yes, 'delete and re-install' is what is failing, though I have no Vim instances running.
>> I figured out that I could, alternatively, download  and extract the .zip
>> package—replacing the ..\vim82 sub-directory with cut&paste—and all is well as
>> well !-|
> That should also work, as long as no process is open from that
> directory.
> Best,
> Christian

Thank you very much, Christian, for your insight and for confirming my expectations.
I'll take it from here; closer scruitiny is required, obviously.

Thanks again,

Mater mea, et are Hibernica Ego Hibernica quoque!

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