Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Disable Help

When using vim I wish to disable the <F1> from popping up the help.  I use vim exclusively via shell terminal windows in Linux.  I've not yet been successful, though below is what I've attempted so far.  Further, I searched this google group for such a thing but didn't come up with any relevant results.

I have found this <seemingly> helpful link:   "", yet none of the facets of its implementation have worked for me.  I have experimented with placing:  ":nmap <F1> <nop>" manually in a vim session---that manual effort seems to correctly provide the result I want (i.e. <F1> does no operation) during command-mode.  I place the SAME string without the quotes or leading colon in .vimrc, close/open a new vim session, and <F1> immediately brings up the help menu.  Other combinations attempted from the same link, ":nmap <F1> :echo<CR> " and ":imap <F1> <C-o>:echo<CR>" in the .vimrc, but once vim is reloaded,<F1> still brings up the help.

Next, grasping at straws---in my .vimrc I have placed:
     cmap <F1> <nop>
     imap <F1> <nop>
     ljjmap <F1> <nop>
     nmap <F1> <nop>
     omap <F1> <nop>
     vmap <F1> <nop>
Which hasn't solved the problem, either.

I would like to understand this problem I am having, better.  Additionally I wish to put in my .vimrc the right commands/functions to prevent <F1> from bringing up the HELP during 'command' and 'insert' modes.

Thank you.
-Joe Wulf

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