Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Re: Disable Help

On 2022-01-19 07:23, Joseph Wulf wrote:
> When using vim I wish to disable the <F1> from popping up the help.
> :nmap <F1> <nop>
> I place the SAME string without the quotes or leading colon in
> .vimrc, close/open a new vim session, and <F1> immediately brings
> up the help menu.

You're on the right track, but it sounds like something is
re-instituting the F1=help mapping after you set it. Are you putting
it at the top of your vimrc, the bottom of your vimrc, or somewhere
in the middle?

If it's not at the bottom, try moving it to the bottom so it trumps
other settings/plugins in your vimrc.

If it *is* already at the bottom, it might help to check if it only
happens with certain file-types (in which case some filetype plugin
might be playing the jerk and messing with it). You might have to
try selectively disabling plugins until you find the guilty party.

But I feel your pain -- I create mappings similar to yours,

inoremap <f1> <esc>

in my vimrc because the ESC key is right next to the F1 key on my
laptop and I often accidentally hit F1 when I'm mashing for ESC.


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