Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Re: Json inline format

Sorry Marc to answer quite times after..

I have solved my need by pure VimL autocommand and vim9 func.

        autocmd BufEnter *.json g:FormatJson()

def g:FormatJson() # {{{

    if ( line('$') == 1 ) # when json is not expanded
        silent! :%s/\("\w\+":\)\({\|\("[^"]\+"\(}*,\)\)\)/\1 \2/g
        silent! :%s/\(},\)/\1/g
        silent! :%s/\(^{\)/\1/g
        silent! :%s/\("[^"]\+"\)}/\1}/g
        silent! :%s/\(}\)}/\1}/g

        silent! norm gg=GG1G
        # silent! norm ggVG1J just for debug
enddef # }}}

Le samedi 7 mai 2022 à 23:58:09 UTC+2, Marc Chantreux a écrit :
> Thank you Paul, I don't want third part.

you mean you want a pure viml solution? what's the point?


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