Sunday, May 22, 2022

Re: scrolling during search

On 2022-05-22, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>> I thought maybe I could fix this with autocommands, but I can't get it
>> to work, e.g.. I thought this might work:
>> autocmd CmdlineEnter / mark S
>> autocmd CmdlineChanged * normal g`S
>> But that doesn't do anything, any ideas?
> Not sure if there is a way to do this currently. There actually is code
> to restrict the matches to a line range, it is used for a command like
> ":1,30s/pat". So you could somehow fill in the line numbers at the top
> and bottom of the window, type the pattern, then remove the text before
> the pattern when starting to search. But that's an ugly hack.

Hah! I guess you mean something like this:

nno / :call feedkeys(":" . line('w0') . "," . line('w$') . "s /")<CR>
cnoremap <expr> <CR> (getcmdline() =~ '^\d\+,\d\+s /' ? "<Home><S-Right><C-U><Del><CR>" : "<CR>")

It's a bit scary, but it does sorta work! Do you think that will break

> I'm not against adding an option for this, but we currently have no
> option to change how 'incsearch' works. Adding Yet Another Option?

Naturally, I vote yes :)


_o) $ lynx
/\\ _o) _o) $ finger
_\_V _( ) _( ) @taviso

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