Saturday, April 6, 2024

Re: Registration Payments

> As mentioned, the paypal account should still work

Sorry, I can't find where this is mentioned. I think the above discussion continued off-line. As the OP asked, where do these donations go now?

> at the same time, the voting feature is no longer useful

OK, perhaps this should be mentioned on I'm not sure who maintains it; links to which links to the mailing lists and IRC channel.

As things stands now, it's impossible to tell by visiting the site whether any particular page has been updated after January 2024 (and more generally if what it says is still true -- a simple "last updated on" would help somewhat).
On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 3:56:17 PM UTC+3 Christian Brabandt wrote:

On Sa, 06 Apr 2024, Al SW Moreau wrote:

> Actually what is the correct way to register / sponsor now? The links from
> still take you to a PayPal form sending payments to Bram. I've been
> wondering about that for a while and this discussion seems to imply this
> information exists elsewhere.

As mentioned, the paypal account should still work. Unfortunately,
no-one can anylonger relate the donators to the respective
accounts. That's why the accounts are no longer updated. And at the same
time, the voting feature is no longer useful.

The human race never solves any of its problems. It merely outlives them.
-- David Gerrold

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