Saturday, April 6, 2024

Re: Registration Payments

On Sa, 06 Apr 2024, Al SW Moreau wrote:

> > As mentioned, the paypal account should still work
> Sorry, I can't find where this is mentioned. I think the above discussion
> continued off-line. As the OP asked, where do these donations go now?

Nothing changed with regard to the donations. They still go to the ICCF.

> > at the same time, the voting feature is no longer useful
> OK, perhaps this should be mentioned on I'm not sure who
> maintains it;

I maintain it.

> links to
> which links to the mailing lists and IRC channel.

Sorry, I don't follow. The community channels are still active.

> As things stands now, it's impossible to tell by visiting the site
> whether any particular page has been updated after January 2024 (and
> more generally if what it says is still true -- a simple "last updated
> on" would help somewhat).

Well, what exactly do you expect on updates? there wasn't anything that
needs to be update since the 9.1 release

Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as virtue.
-- Ambrose Bierce, on qualifiers

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