Thursday, July 31, 2014

Re: Tab Order

On Wednesday, 30 July, 2014 at 20:20:38 BST, mMontu wrote:
>augroup FocusOnTabClose
> au!
> au TabLeave * call TabCloseLeave()
> au TabEnter * call TabCloseEnter()
>augroup END
>function! TabCloseLeave()
> " Vim default behavior is fine for the first and the last tab
> if tabpagenr() != 1 && tabpagenr() != tabpagenr('$')
> augroup TabCloseBufWinLeave
> au!
> autocmd BufWinLeave * let g:TabClosedFlag = 1
> augroup END
> endif
>function! TabCloseEnter()
> if exists("#TabCloseBufWinLeave")
> au! TabCloseBufWinLeave
> endif
> if exists('g:TabClosedFlag')
> unlet! g:TabClosedFlag
> tabprev
> endif
>It is based on the observation that there is a BufWinLeave event between the
>TabLeave and TabEnter events when tabpgage is closed.

For me, with the above in tab.vim:

vim -u NONE -p 1 2 3 " Places me in tab 1
:source tab.vim
3gt " Places me in tab 3
:q " Places me in tab 2

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Re: netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

This was on latest Windows built. I just sourced the netrw.vba and that created the vimfiles directory. I have some simple setup commands in the .vimrc and I can check tomorrow if it works without this.


On Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:42:00 AM UTC-4, Charles Campbell wrote:
> Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> > v153p actually gives the following error on Windows:
> > Error detected while processing BufReadCmd Auto commands for "scp://*":
> > E117: Unknown function: netrw#Nread
> >
> That sounds like netrw was installed incorrectly. Are you using some
> other tool which mangles the standard runtime setup? Normally,
> netrwPlugin.vim ->.vim/plugin, netrw.vim -> .vim/autoload (and there's
> some syntax files, too) (on Windows, you may be using vimfiles instead
> of .vim).
> Chip Campbell

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Re: Treat section of file as entire file

Thanks for the suggestions, guys.

NrrwRgn and jkramer/vim-narrow don't save the original buffer when I write changes to the narrowed region.

Due to narrow_region and kana/vim-narrow using folds, these save the original buffer but also :%s// affects it.

I see I'll have to create some sort of autocmd to trigger saving the original buffer when I save the narrowed region (so I can trigger a make on it). It's a shame I can't do a ":w | w #1", for example, which I could easily repeat with ":" followed by ↑…

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Re: netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> v153p actually gives the following error on Windows:
> Error detected while processing BufReadCmd Auto commands for "scp://*":
> E117: Unknown function: netrw#Nread
That sounds like netrw was installed incorrectly. Are you using some
other tool which mangles the standard runtime setup? Normally,
netrwPlugin.vim ->.vim/plugin, netrw.vim -> .vim/autoload (and there's
some syntax files, too) (on Windows, you may be using vimfiles instead
of .vim).

Chip Campbell

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Re: color scheme changes on vimrc file save

On Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:13:33 AM UTC-5, Eric Patton wrote:
> Yes, my vimrc does source itself, with this command:
> autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC
> It occurs almost at the end of my vimrc; where do you think it should appear?

Unless you made a very concerted effort to do so, there are likely some portinos of your .vimrc which don't work very well when they run a second time.

Perhaps your colorscheme itself doesn't work well when it runs a second time.

Perhaps you override the 'background' option in your .vimrc somewhere.

Perhaps you have autocmds left over from the last startup, that aren't being cleared out.

Perhaps there is a plugin interfering.

I think your best bet is the generic debug method:

1. Try without plugins, if problem goes away, binary search your plugins by removing half at a time and repeating to find the culprit.
2. Try without .vimrc. If problem goes away, binary search .vimrc by removing stuff or putting a "finish" about halfway through and repeating until you narrow down the problem line(s).

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Re: color scheme changes on vimrc file save

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:42:49 PM UTC-5, Eric Patton wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm having a problem in my terminal vim instances, where my color scheme
> >
> > changes to something resembling murphy when I :w the file. I have the
> >
> > colorscheme set to 'desert' in my vimrc, and there are no other instances of
> >
> > a colorscheme command in the vimrc besides that one.
> >
> >
> >
> > The peculiar thing is that the colorscheme only switches to become
> >
> > murphy-like when I save *my vimrc*. All other text files maintain the
> >
> > desert color scheme upon :w. After my vimrc has been saved and the color scheme
> >
> > changes to murphy, the :colorscheme command still reports 'desert'.
> >
> >
> >
> > I only have one vimrc in $HOME. Just not sure what else could be
> >
> > changing the colors like that - any ideas?
> >
> Does your .vimrc source itself when you save it? Sometimes that can cause problems depending on how commands are ordered.

Yes, my vimrc does source itself, with this command:

autocmd! bufwritepost .vimrc source $MYVIMRC

It occurs almost at the end of my vimrc; where do you think it should appear?

Eric Patton

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Re: netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

PS: Sorry, forgot to write the VIM version: VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 10 2013 14:38:33)

On Thursday, July 31, 2014 9:04:39 AM UTC-4, Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> v153p actually gives the following error on Windows:
> Error detected while processing BufReadCmd Auto commands for "scp://*":
> E117: Unknown function: netrw#Nread
> Yavuz
> On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 8:38:19 PM UTC-4, Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> > Thanks for the quick response. It is now switching to the existing file as expected.
> >
> > One unexpected side effect is that after the switch the file is getting set as readonly. Also, the :E command (with or without a file open) when used with netrw is now displaying the output: "shell returned 1". I verified that with the old netrw the command doesn't display this output.
> >
> > I tested this with MacVim and if you can't observe the behaviors above it may be due to MacVim. I will test this tomorrow with Windows and let you know.
> >
> > Best,
> > Yavuz
> >
> > On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:13:19 PM UTC-4, Charles Campbell wrote:
> > > Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> > >
> > > > I reproduced this in different ports of VIM and seems to be a netrw vimscript issue rather than an issue in a specific port. In case it's relevant, I'm using latest MacVim "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Apr 21 2014 14:54:22)"
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > To reproduce:
> > >
> > > > - Open a remote file (e.g., :e scp://remoteserver/.vimrc)
> > >
> > > > - Split the window
> > >
> > > > - Open the explorer (:E)
> > >
> > > > - Now find the same file (i.e., .vimrc) and press enter to open it
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > Result: Now one window shows correct name and file (i.e., scp://remote/.vimrc) and the other one the temp file (i.e., /tmp/somelongrandomname)
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > Expected: Both windows should show the same file.
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > Note: This same issue happens as long as the existing file is loaded in some way. For example, when it's loaded with "set hidden" or in another tab.
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > > Is there a way to fix this?
> > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > Please try netrw v153p, which you may get from my website:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Chip Campbell

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Re: netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

v153p actually gives the following error on Windows:
Error detected while processing BufReadCmd Auto commands for "scp://*":
E117: Unknown function: netrw#Nread


On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 8:38:19 PM UTC-4, Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response. It is now switching to the existing file as expected.
> One unexpected side effect is that after the switch the file is getting set as readonly. Also, the :E command (with or without a file open) when used with netrw is now displaying the output: "shell returned 1". I verified that with the old netrw the command doesn't display this output.
> I tested this with MacVim and if you can't observe the behaviors above it may be due to MacVim. I will test this tomorrow with Windows and let you know.
> Best,
> Yavuz
> On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:13:19 PM UTC-4, Charles Campbell wrote:
> > Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> >
> > > I reproduced this in different ports of VIM and seems to be a netrw vimscript issue rather than an issue in a specific port. In case it's relevant, I'm using latest MacVim "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Apr 21 2014 14:54:22)"
> >
> > >
> >
> > > To reproduce:
> >
> > > - Open a remote file (e.g., :e scp://remoteserver/.vimrc)
> >
> > > - Split the window
> >
> > > - Open the explorer (:E)
> >
> > > - Now find the same file (i.e., .vimrc) and press enter to open it
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Result: Now one window shows correct name and file (i.e., scp://remote/.vimrc) and the other one the temp file (i.e., /tmp/somelongrandomname)
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Expected: Both windows should show the same file.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Note: This same issue happens as long as the existing file is loaded in some way. For example, when it's loaded with "set hidden" or in another tab.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Is there a way to fix this?
> >
> > >
> >
> > Please try netrw v153p, which you may get from my website:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Chip Campbell

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Re: vim crashes when saving buffer

On Do, 17 Jul 2014, JomarBueyes wrote:

> I'm using vim (version 7.3) under X11 and Mac OS X 10.7.5. Often, when I'm editing two files in split windows, saving one of them (i.e. a simple :w) causes vim to crash with the following error messages:

Whenever something like this happens, you should run gvim under gdb and
when the SEGV happened again, provide us with a stacktrace (bt in the
gdb prompt).
Without that, we won't have any clue why this happens or how to fix it.

Staatsform in Jamaica. Mitglieder werden bei einem Ska-Tournier
ermittelt, die sog. Rasta-Fahndung

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Re: color scheme changes on vimrc file save

On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:42:49 PM UTC-5, Eric Patton wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem in my terminal vim instances, where my color scheme
> changes to something resembling murphy when I :w the file. I have the
> colorscheme set to 'desert' in my vimrc, and there are no other instances of
> a colorscheme command in the vimrc besides that one.
> The peculiar thing is that the colorscheme only switches to become
> murphy-like when I save *my vimrc*. All other text files maintain the
> desert color scheme upon :w. After my vimrc has been saved and the color scheme
> changes to murphy, the :colorscheme command still reports 'desert'.
> I only have one vimrc in $HOME. Just not sure what else could be
> changing the colors like that - any ideas?

Does your .vimrc source itself when you save it? Sometimes that can cause problems depending on how commands are ordered.

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Re: Backslash after line continuation causes error in gvim

On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:23:20 PM UTC-5, klo uo wrote:
> Hi,
> I just started learning vim and use gvim on Windows as suggested on vim portal.
> Now if I load Python file, python.vim script is triggered from ftplugin folder and errors on line that uses backslash which I assume is supposed to play role of line continuation character.
> For example this is the line where plugin fails:
> let b:browsefilter = "Python Files (*.py)\t*.py\n" .
> \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
> with error: "\ should be followed by /, ? or &"
> I noticed the cause on trial and error, and now I see that any vim script that has backslash as line continuation fails.
> What to do? Doing regex replace ("\r?\n +\\") is not good as I don't want to do that on every script I intend to use. Plus that's not all - it fails also on:
> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :call <SID>Python_jump('/^\(class\\|def\)')<cr>
> with error: "Not an editor command: def\)')<cr>"
> I expect that there must be some setting which could save me the trouble of correcting this issue over and over again.

This looks like your 'cpo' option may be including the 'C' flag, disabling line continuation.

This is the default if your Vim is running with 'compatible' set. Generally if you have a .vimrc at all, however, 'nocompatible' will be set. Check to make sure ":set cpo?" does not have the letter 'C' in it.

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Re: netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

Thanks for the quick response. It is now switching to the existing file as expected.

One unexpected side effect is that after the switch the file is getting set as readonly. Also, the :E command (with or without a file open) when used with netrw is now displaying the output: "shell returned 1". I verified that with the old netrw the command doesn't display this output.

I tested this with MacVim and if you can't observe the behaviors above it may be due to MacVim. I will test this tomorrow with Windows and let you know.


On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:13:19 PM UTC-4, Charles Campbell wrote:
> Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> > I reproduced this in different ports of VIM and seems to be a netrw vimscript issue rather than an issue in a specific port. In case it's relevant, I'm using latest MacVim "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Apr 21 2014 14:54:22)"
> >
> > To reproduce:
> > - Open a remote file (e.g., :e scp://remoteserver/.vimrc)
> > - Split the window
> > - Open the explorer (:E)
> > - Now find the same file (i.e., .vimrc) and press enter to open it
> >
> > Result: Now one window shows correct name and file (i.e., scp://remote/.vimrc) and the other one the temp file (i.e., /tmp/somelongrandomname)
> >
> > Expected: Both windows should show the same file.
> >
> > Note: This same issue happens as long as the existing file is loaded in some way. For example, when it's loaded with "set hidden" or in another tab.
> >
> > Is there a way to fix this?
> >
> Please try netrw v153p, which you may get from my website:
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

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Re: Word completion seems to have problem

you mean, 'when all else fails, read the instructions?' ;o)

On 7/30/14, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> Hi tom!
> On Mi, 30 Jul 2014, tom arnall wrote:
>> thanks. how did you learn the ' trick?
> Open the help window and read the paragraph starting with
> "Get specific help:"
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> Die Menschen wären alle bescheidener und demütiger, trieben sie alle
> nur eine Kunst.
> -- Jean Paul
> --
> --
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Re: Word completion seems to have problem

Hi tom!

On Mi, 30 Jul 2014, tom arnall wrote:

> thanks. how did you learn the ' trick?

Open the help window and read the paragraph starting with
"Get specific help:"

Die Menschen wären alle bescheidener und demütiger, trieben sie alle
nur eine Kunst.
-- Jean Paul

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Re: Word completion seems to have problem


thanks. how did you learn the ' trick?


"Everybody is a genius, but if you try to teach a monkey to swim like
a fish, all you get is a pissed off monkey." Albert Einstein,

On 7/29/14, John Little <> wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:27:11 PM UTC+12, tom arnall wrote:
>> how did you learn this? i want to become more
> I checked the vim help:
> :help 'complete
> Note that there's a trick there; if there's a conflict between an option
> name and someother topic (as with :help complete), prefixing the option name
> with a single quote will get the option help.
> Regards, John Little
> --
> --
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Backslash after line continuation causes error in gvim


I just started learning vim and use gvim on Windows as suggested on vim portal.

Now if I load Python file, python.vim script is triggered from ftplugin folder and errors on line that uses backslash which I assume is supposed to play role of line continuation character.

For example this is the line where plugin fails:

let b:browsefilter = "Python Files (*.py)\t*.py\n" .
\ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"

with error: "\ should be followed by /, ? or &"

I noticed the cause on trial and error, and now I see that any vim script that has backslash as line continuation fails.

What to do? Doing regex replace ("\r?\n +\\") is not good as I don't want to do that on every script I intend to use. Plus that's not all - it fails also on:

nnoremap <silent> <buffer> ]] :call <SID>Python_jump('/^\(class\\|def\)')<cr>

with error: "Not an editor command: def\)')<cr>"

I expect that there must be some setting which could save me the trouble of correcting this issue over and over again.


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Re: netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> I reproduced this in different ports of VIM and seems to be a netrw vimscript issue rather than an issue in a specific port. In case it's relevant, I'm using latest MacVim "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Apr 21 2014 14:54:22)"
> To reproduce:
> - Open a remote file (e.g., :e scp://remoteserver/.vimrc)
> - Split the window
> - Open the explorer (:E)
> - Now find the same file (i.e., .vimrc) and press enter to open it
> Result: Now one window shows correct name and file (i.e., scp://remote/.vimrc) and the other one the temp file (i.e., /tmp/somelongrandomname)
> Expected: Both windows should show the same file.
> Note: This same issue happens as long as the existing file is loaded in some way. For example, when it's loaded with "set hidden" or in another tab.
> Is there a way to fix this?
Please try netrw v153p, which you may get from my website:

Chip Campbell

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Re: Word completion seems to have problem

On Mo, 28 Jul 2014, tom arnall wrote:

> Word completion seems to have problem:
> In this line:
> wordTom,wordDick, wordD
> When I try to complete 'wordD' with <c-p> or <c-n> I get:
> "Keyword completion: pattern not found"
> But, when I put instead this in the file (i.e., move 'wordD' to the next line):
> wordTom,wordDick
> wordD
> 'wordD' completes successfully.
> ':set complete' gets:
> complete=i

Tricky. I think what happens is this:
complete=i talks about included files. Included files are found for what
is specified with the 'include' option. I don't see any included files
here, so I wouldn't expect a match here. Use 'complete=.' if you want to
scan the current buffer (or even better, leave it at the default value).

Die Menschen achten den, der sie verachtet.
-- Honoré de Balzac

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Re: test if remote server

Christian Brabandt wrote:
> On Mi, 30 Jul 2014, Charles Campbell wrote:
>> Is there a test to determine if the current vim is a server?
> :h v:servername
Thank you, Christian -- unfortunately, simply bringing up gvim gives it
a servername (GVIM1, GVIM2, etc). I didn't use serverlist() for that
reason, too.

Well, maybe I can just ignore GVIM\d* names.

Chip Campbell

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Re: test if remote server

Is there a test to determine if the current vim is a server?

I know for one of my plugins I also use:
h serverlist()


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Re: Tab Order

Ben Fritz wrote
> But, you might be able to hack a TabLeave/TabEnter autocmd to do things
> automatically

Following this suggestion I ended with the following code:

augroup FocusOnTabClose
au TabLeave * call TabCloseLeave()
au TabEnter * call TabCloseEnter()
augroup END
function! TabCloseLeave()
" Vim default behavior is fine for the first and the last tab
if tabpagenr() != 1 && tabpagenr() != tabpagenr('$')
augroup TabCloseBufWinLeave
autocmd BufWinLeave * let g:TabClosedFlag = 1
augroup END
function! TabCloseEnter()
if exists("#TabCloseBufWinLeave")
au! TabCloseBufWinLeave
if exists('g:TabClosedFlag')
unlet! g:TabClosedFlag

It is based on the observation that there is a BufWinLeave event between the
TabLeave and TabEnter events when tabpgage is closed.

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Re: test if remote server

On Mi, 30 Jul 2014, Charles Campbell wrote:

> Is there a test to determine if the current vim is a server?

:h v:servername

C: Ich möchte nicht länger "Junge" genannt werden. Ich finde den Ausdruck
demütigend und sexistisch.
H: Wie möchtest Du dann genannt werden?
C: Genetisch bevorzugter Jugendlicher.
-- Bill Watterson (aus "Calvin and Hobbes")

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Re: Ignore special characters in highlighting?

On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:58:05 AM UTC-5, Benjamin Klein wrote:
> In the case of including expressions in a string, I don't necessarily want to highlight the expression boundaries as part of the string. For example: Strings are green. If I have a string like this:
> "This is ${foo}."
> I can highlight `foo` in its own group, denoted by the ${ and }. But the ${} characters are green, along with the rest of the text of the string. Is there a way to avoid this?

A couple ways.

For syntax regions there is the "matchgroup" keyword to highlight start/end markers separately from the rest of the region. :help :syn-matchgroup

For either matches or regions, there are pattern offsets you can apply, e.g. "hs=s+2,he=e-1" which specify a number of characters to leave out of the highlight but leaving the matched region alone, as well as a few others that specify where a match can begin/end. :help :syn-pattern-offset

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Re: Ignore special characters in highlighting?

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Ethan Hereth <> wrote:

I know nothing about highlighting syntax, but maybe \zs and \ze will
help? (:help \ze, :help \zs)

Thanks — they do indeed help (thanks to Dr. Campbell for pointing those out to me before), but even though they allow me to start the group for "foo" after the { and end it before the }, those characters are highlighted along with the string text.

I guess I must want some way of saying "here are characters I don't care about; don't highlight them."



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color scheme changes on vimrc file save


I'm having a problem in my terminal vim instances, where my color scheme
changes to something resembling murphy when I :w the file. I have the
colorscheme set to 'desert' in my vimrc, and there are no other instances of
a colorscheme command in the vimrc besides that one.

The peculiar thing is that the colorscheme only switches to become
murphy-like when I save *my vimrc*. All other text files maintain the
desert color scheme upon :w. After my vimrc has been saved and the color scheme
changes to murphy, the :colorscheme command still reports 'desert'.

I only have one vimrc in $HOME. Just not sure what else could be
changing the colors like that - any ideas?

Eric Patton

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Re: Ignore special characters in highlighting?

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Ben Klein <> wrote:
> In the case of including expressions in a string, I don't necessarily want
> to highlight the expression boundaries as part of the string. For example:
> Strings are green. If I have a string like this:
> "This is ${foo}."
> I can highlight `foo` in its own group, denoted by the ${ and }. But the ${}
> characters are green, along with the rest of the text of the string. Is
> there a way to avoid this?
> Ben

I know nothing about highlighting syntax, but maybe \zs and \ze will
help? (:help \ze, :help \zs)

Ethan Alan

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Ignore special characters in highlighting?

In the case of including expressions in a string, I don't necessarily want to highlight the expression boundaries as part of the string. For example: Strings are green. If I have a string like this:

"This is ${foo}."

I can highlight `foo` in its own group, denoted by the ${ and }. But the ${} characters are green, along with the rest of the text of the string. Is there a way to avoid this?



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test if remote server


Is there a test to determine if the current vim is a server?

Chip Campbell

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Re: Fixating the number of columns

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:38:08 PM UTC+2, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:38:49 AM UTC+2, Mikael Säker wrote:
> > I really like to work in full screen mode and also do ":set columns=90" or so to get a distraction free view of my files (see screenshot).
> >
> > However, the number of columns displayed is reset to max when I open some files (not sure what triggers that). Is it possible to somehow force the editor to stick to a certain number of columns?
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Mikael
> I think this question is not specific to the Mac; I'm resending this to the vim_use list.
> If you set the 'columns' width to less than the maximum, it isn't full-screen mode; but it ought to be possible to use full height with less than full width, at least in gvim (in Console Vim it would mean resizing the underlying terminal, which is possible in some terminals and not in others), e.g. like this:
> if has('gui_running')
> set lines=999 columns=90
> endif
> Normally, plugins and scripts should not resize gvim. If you still see it happen, you can pin it on the culprit by means of
> :verbose set lines? columns?
> then if that script is yours you can correct it, and if it isn't you might be able to work around it by means of either a small script in an |after-directory|, or an |autocommand| for some well-chosen event.
> Note that if you try (or if some script tries) to set 'lines' and/or 'columns' to more than what is available, Vim will use the available maximum and adjust the option down to that; thus ":set lines=999" above intentionally uses more than the available number of lines in order to set gvim to full height. The above ":verbose set" etc. will show you that it is not actually set to nine hundred and ninety-nine lines.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> I suggest you locate your hot tub outside your house, so it won't do too
> much damage if it catches fire or explodes. First you decide which
> direction your hot tub should face for maximum solar energy. After much
> trial and error, I have found that the best direction for a hot tub to face
> is up.
> -- Dave Barry, "The Taming of the Screw"

Thanks. I'll try something like that.


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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Re: Word completion seems to have problem

On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:27:11 PM UTC+12, tom arnall wrote:
> how did you learn this? i want to become more

I checked the vim help:

:help 'complete

Note that there's a trick there; if there's a conflict between an option name and someother topic (as with :help complete), prefixing the option name with a single quote will get the option help.

Regards, John Little

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Re: Word completion seems to have problem

On Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:27:01 -0700
tom arnall <> wrote:

> John,
> works! thanks. how did you learn this? i want to become more
> knowledgeable of such details but often i can't find an answer in the
> vim documentation.

The most complete documentation is usually the source code. :)

> ---------
> On the sea of life, the occasional loss of a boat is inevitable.
> On 7/28/14, John Little <> wrote:
> > On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 10:32:31 AM UTC+12, tom arnall wrote:
> >> Word completion seems to have problem:
> >>
> >> wordTom,wordDick, wordD
> >>
> >> When I try to complete 'wordD' with <c-p> ... (fails)
> >>
> > I see this with 7.4.383, invoked as vim -u NONE -N -c "set cpt=i"
> >
> > Strange. I wonder why complete=i is supposed to "scan current"
> > when the "." flag is for the current buffer. As a workaround, you
> > could
> >
> > :set complete=.,i
> >
> > Note that complete=i,. hits the problem too.
> >
> > Regards, John Little
> >
> > --
> > --
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Re: Word completion seems to have problem


works! thanks. how did you learn this? i want to become more
knowledgeable of such details but often i can't find an answer in the
vim documentation.


On the sea of life, the occasional loss of a boat is inevitable.

On 7/28/14, John Little <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 10:32:31 AM UTC+12, tom arnall wrote:
>> Word completion seems to have problem:
>> wordTom,wordDick, wordD
>> When I try to complete 'wordD' with <c-p> ... (fails)
> I see this with 7.4.383, invoked as vim -u NONE -N -c "set cpt=i"
> Strange. I wonder why complete=i is supposed to "scan current" when the "."
> flag is for the current buffer. As a workaround, you could
> :set complete=.,i
> Note that complete=i,. hits the problem too.
> Regards, John Little
> --
> --
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quirk of ":set paste"

From ":help paste":

Put Vim in Paste mode. This is useful if you want to cut or copy
some text from one window and paste it in Vim. This will avoid
unexpected effects.
When the 'paste' option is switched on (also when it was already on):
- mapping in Insert mode and Command-line mode is disabled
- abbreviations are disabled
- 'textwidth' is set to 0
- 'wrapmargin' is set to 0
- 'autoindent' is reset
- 'smartindent' is reset
- 'softtabstop' is set to 0
- 'revins' is reset
- 'ruler' is reset
- 'showmatch' is reset
- 'formatoptions' is used like it is empty

I can see the usefulness of most of those options, but one that I don't
understand, and one that bugs me, is "'ruler' is reset". How does an
out-of-band information display about the current cursor position
"avoid unexpected effects"?

I use autocommands to set textwidth and autoindent settings on posts to
Usenet (and private newsgroups). This is very helpful for reformatting
text-on-the-fly when pasted from a webpage to (a) maintain a fixed
indent to help identify the block quote and (b) keep lines from
exceeding 72 columns.

There are rare times that I am cut-n-pasting already formatted text, eg,
source code, man page fragments, etc. In those cases I use "set paste"
to disable the textwidth and autoindent settings. However I'd still like
to know how long the lines are, so the reset of "ruler" is annoying.



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Re: netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

Yavuz Yetim wrote:
> I reproduced this in different ports of VIM and seems to be a netrw vimscript issue rather than an issue in a specific port. In case it's relevant, I'm using latest MacVim "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Apr 21 2014 14:54:22)"
> To reproduce:
> - Open a remote file (e.g., :e scp://remoteserver/.vimrc)
> - Split the window
> - Open the explorer (:E)
> - Now find the same file (i.e., .vimrc) and press enter to open it
> Result: Now one window shows correct name and file (i.e., scp://remote/.vimrc) and the other one the temp file (i.e., /tmp/somelongrandomname)
> Expected: Both windows should show the same file.
> Note: This same issue happens as long as the existing file is loaded in some way. For example, when it's loaded with "set hidden" or in another tab.
> Is there a way to fix this?
I can duplicate this problem; I'll work on it tonight.

Chip Campbell

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Re: Word completion seems to have problem

On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 10:32:31 AM UTC+12, tom arnall wrote:
> Word completion seems to have problem:
> wordTom,wordDick, wordD
> When I try to complete 'wordD' with <c-p> ... (fails)
I see this with 7.4.383, invoked as vim -u NONE -N -c "set cpt=i"

Strange. I wonder why complete=i is supposed to "scan current" when the "." flag is for the current buffer. As a workaround, you could

:set complete=.,i

Note that complete=i,. hits the problem too.

Regards, John Little

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netrw reopening existing file through explorer shows temp file

I reproduced this in different ports of VIM and seems to be a netrw vimscript issue rather than an issue in a specific port. In case it's relevant, I'm using latest MacVim "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Apr 21 2014 14:54:22)"

To reproduce:
- Open a remote file (e.g., :e scp://remoteserver/.vimrc)
- Split the window
- Open the explorer (:E)
- Now find the same file (i.e., .vimrc) and press enter to open it

Result: Now one window shows correct name and file (i.e., scp://remote/.vimrc) and the other one the temp file (i.e., /tmp/somelongrandomname)

Expected: Both windows should show the same file.

Note: This same issue happens as long as the existing file is loaded in some way. For example, when it's loaded with "set hidden" or in another tab.

Is there a way to fix this?


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Word completion seems to have problem

Word completion seems to have problem:

In this line:

wordTom,wordDick, wordD

When I try to complete 'wordD' with <c-p> or <c-n> I get:

"Keyword completion: pattern not found"

But, when I put instead this in the file (i.e., move 'wordD' to the next line):



'wordD' completes successfully.

':set complete' gets:


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Re: A New Vim T-Shirt

2014-07-27 21:49 GMT+02:00 Thomas Hobohm <>:
> On Thursday, July 24, 2014 9:10:24 PM UTC-5, Thomas Hobohm wrote:
>> I've personally designed a new Vim T-Shirt which is designed to be No-Nonsense, affordable, and great-looking. I created it because I was frustrated with how expensive available T-Shirts were. It needs to sell fifty units on Teespring to be printed. Here's the link:
> I've got complete permission from Bram! All proceeds will go to Kibaale.

Great. I ordered one in black. Nice clean design, by the way. Looks
like a fresh vim session in a full screen terminal.

Thanks and Cheers!

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Re: A New Vim T-Shirt

On Thursday, July 24, 2014 9:10:24 PM UTC-5, Thomas Hobohm wrote:
> I've personally designed a new Vim T-Shirt which is designed to be No-Nonsense, affordable, and great-looking. I created it because I was frustrated with how expensive available T-Shirts were. It needs to sell fifty units on Teespring to be printed. Here's the link:

I've got complete permission from Bram! All proceeds will go to Kibaale.

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Re: A New Vim T-Shirt

On Sunday, July 27, 2014 2:55:00 AM UTC-5, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On 27/07/14 04:08, Thomas Hobohm wrote:
> > I'm fine with sending the profits to the Kibaale project. It's not really a for-profit thing, I just wanted to get a T-shirt and I couldn't find anything I wanted. Just tell me how to donate and I'm game.
> :help iccf-donations
> :help sponsor
> Also, :help sponsor.txt and :help uganda.txt will give you more details
> about what this charity project of Bram's is all about, and about how
> you can help it (and Vim).
> >
> > Since the logo's "open-source", I figured it wouldn't be a problem. There's plenty of other people who sell their own vim t-shirts. If you can give me a way to contact Bram, I'll send him a message and make sure it's okay. I couldn't find his contact info with a quick glance at
> >
> Open source doesn't mean anyone can do anything with it. The logo, in
> particular, is also a trademark, and there have been trademark battles
> in the past in other open-source projects, e.g. between Mozilla and Debian.
> The From-line on any of Bram's posts would have told you his email
> address:
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
> 132. You come back and check this list every half-hour.

Alright, I've emailed Bram. If he says I'm not allowed to sell the shirt then I'll pull it down. Otherwise I'll tell you guys here.

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Re: Re: vimerl problem

Thanks a lot.The new plugin has soloved my problem! :)
发件人: Adam Rutkowski 
发送时间: 2014-07-27 16:41
主题: Re:转发: 转发: vimerl problem
Which Erlang version do you use?
I'm on r16b02 still. I can't reproduce your problem.
Vimerl is deprecated, try repos at
On 27/07/14 06:47, wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *发件人:* <>
> *发送时间:* 2014-07-27 12:43
> *收件人:* jimenezrick <>
> *主题:* 转发: vimerl problem
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *发件人:* <>
> *发送时间:* 2014-07-27 12:25
> *收件人:* vim <>
> *主题:* vimerl problem
> 1.I install the vimerl to help develop the erlang program,but i can
> not use the code-complete function,when i enter the c+x c+o,i meet an
> problem
> "/home/zhk1/.vim/bundle/vimerl/autoload/erlang_complete.erl:3:can't
> escript:There were comilation errors."
>   anyone can help,thanks in advance
> 2.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Inputdialog - Aligning

I noted that Vim uses the proportional windows default font for his inputdialog text. (The same font as the gvim menu font)

If I create an inputdialog like this:

Let question = "Which formatting?
\ \n
\ \n1) %.2f --> Floating point number, 2 decimals
\ \n2) %10d --> Integer Right aligned (width 10)
\ \n3) %02d --> Integer with 1 leading zero
\ \n4) %g --> Floating point number, as %f or %e depending on value
\ \n5) etc
let a = inputdialog(question)

The output is not aligned at all. I want to align the field starting with %, the '-->' field and the field after the '-->'.
How can I do this?

I also tried to use tabs but the result is the same.

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Re: vimerl problem

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Re: A New Vim T-Shirt

On 27/07/14 04:08, Thomas Hobohm wrote:
> I'm fine with sending the profits to the Kibaale project. It's not really a for-profit thing, I just wanted to get a T-shirt and I couldn't find anything I wanted. Just tell me how to donate and I'm game.

:help iccf-donations
:help sponsor

Also, :help sponsor.txt and :help uganda.txt will give you more details
about what this charity project of Bram's is all about, and about how
you can help it (and Vim).
> Since the logo's "open-source", I figured it wouldn't be a problem. There's plenty of other people who sell their own vim t-shirts. If you can give me a way to contact Bram, I'll send him a message and make sure it's okay. I couldn't find his contact info with a quick glance at
Open source doesn't mean anyone can do anything with it. The logo, in
particular, is also a trademark, and there have been trademark battles
in the past in other open-source projects, e.g. between Mozilla and Debian.

The From-line on any of Bram's posts would have told you his email

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
132. You come back and check this list every half-hour.

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

vimerl problem

1.I install the vimerl to help develop the erlang program,but i can not use the code-complete function,when i enter the c+x c+o,i meet an problem
"/home/zhk1/.vim/bundle/vimerl/autoload/erlang_complete.erl:3:can't escript:There were comilation errors."
  anyone can help,thanks in advance

vimerl include problem

1.I install the vimerl to help develop the erlang program,but i can not use the code-complete function,when i enter the c+x c+o,i meet an problem
"/home/zhk1/.vim/bundle/vimerl/autoload/erlang_complete.erl:3:can't escript:There were comilation errors."
anyone can help,thanks in advance

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vimerl include problem

1.I install the vimerl to help develop the erlang program,but i can not use the code-complete function,when i enter the c+x c+o,i meet an problem
"/home/zhk1/.vim/bundle/vimerl/autoload/erlang_complete.erl:3:can't escript:There were comilation errors."
anyone can help,thanks in advance

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vimerl question

1.I used the Vundle to manage the vim plugin
2.and i install the vimerl plugin for vim to develop the erlang
3.but when i enter the shotcur c+x c+o,i encounter an problem
error is "/home/zhk1/.vim/bundle/vimerl/autoload/erlang_complete.erl:
can't escript:There were compilation errors".
4and the i login in the #erlang channel for help,someone advices that i should install the erlang-dev,the i install it,but it does not help
Could someone help me,thanks in advance!

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Re: A New Vim T-Shirt

I'm fine with sending the profits to the Kibaale project. It's not really a for-profit thing, I just wanted to get a T-shirt and I couldn't find anything I wanted. Just tell me how to donate and I'm game.

Since the logo's "open-source", I figured it wouldn't be a problem. There's plenty of other people who sell their own vim t-shirts. If you can give me a way to contact Bram, I'll send him a message and make sure it's okay. I couldn't find his contact info with a quick glance at

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Re: A New Vim T-Shirt

On 25/07/14 04:10, Thomas Hobohm wrote:
> I've personally designed a new Vim T-Shirt which is designed to be No-Nonsense, affordable, and great-looking. I created it because I was frustrated with how expensive available T-Shirts were. It needs to sell fifty units on Teespring to be printed. Here's the link:
Hm, shouldn't that kind of stuff sponsor the Kibaale project? And
shouldn't you have requested Bram's permission _before_ putting these
T-shirts up for sale?

Best regards,
There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it
-- Publius Terentius Afer (Terence)

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Re: how to ban the default shortcuts of iterm2, when use vim in iterm2

On 19:45 Sat 26 Jul , google wrote:
> I use CMD key heavenly in vim。
> in other words, how to ban the default shortcus in OS X。

You can use <nop> see ':help <nop>' for examples.

Best regards,
Marcin Szamotulski

how to ban the default shortcuts of iterm2, when use vim in iterm2

I use CMD key heavenly in vim。

in other words, how to ban the default shortcus in OS X。

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Re: vim crashes when saving buffer

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:30:36 PM UTC-4, John Little wrote:
> On Friday, July 18, 2014 5:13:31 AM UTC+12, JomarBueyes wrote:
> > I'm using vim (version 7.3) ... Often ... vim ... crash
> If that's vim 7.3.0, there's been over a thousand patches to vim since then. IIRC 7.3.0 had a few crashes fixed soon after release, but I doubt it would be worth anyone's time trying to track down which fix applies to you.
> I suggest you check out macvim,, and its list,
> Regards, John Little

Hi John,

Thank you for your response. I was afraid of that solution. But I think there's no choice but to bite the bullet.

Thanks again,


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Thursday, July 24, 2014

A New Vim T-Shirt

I've personally designed a new Vim T-Shirt which is designed to be No-Nonsense, affordable, and great-looking. I created it because I was frustrated with how expensive available T-Shirts were. It needs to sell fifty units on Teespring to be printed. Here's the link:

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bundling jar into a vim plugin


I'm creating a scala jump to definition plugin. The vim side of plugin is really simple, a few lines of python that call a local service over http. The real crux is the java service that creates and maintains an index. I want to package the java jars needed for running the process as part of the vim plugin and start the process automatically through vim.

Are there any existing plugins that bundle jars? I basically want to learn about best practices on how to access paths of (jar)files in the plugin, how to check if the process is already running, start it if needed, how to find a free port to run the service on etc.

Thanks in Advance

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Re: wrap text by command

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:28:32 AM UTC+2, Giuseppe Lo Brutto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm wondering if there is a way to surround a line or a block of text by a snippet in php code.
> For example I wuold like to surround a number of lines of code by a try catch block or an if else or even a function definition.
> THX in advance
> G.

Is the only possible solution?

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Re: wrap text by command

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:28:32 AM UTC+2, Giuseppe Lo Brutto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm wondering if there is a way to surround a line or a block of text by a snippet in php code.
> For example I wuold like to surround a number of lines of code by a try catch block or an if else or even a function definition.
> THX in advance
> G.

Is the only solution?

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