Sunday, November 30, 2014

gdbmgr option DQ error

Hi, I am new to use gdbmgr. My OS is centos 7. It works well when I input :DI to start gdbmgr in vim. But there are a problem when I quit the gdbmgr.
I input :DQ to quit gdbmgr and get some errors.
Here is the messages:

Error detected while processing function gdbmgr#GdbMgrClose..<SNR>38_GdbMgrBuildBufList:
line 11:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: 10
E15: Invalid expression: s:gdbmgr_registry_{t:gdbmgrtab}[curbuf].code
line 12:
E121: Undefined variable: firstcode
E15: Invalid expression: firstcode
line 14:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: code != 'S'
line 17:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: s:gdbmgr_registry_{t:gdbmgrtab}[code].nxt
line 19:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode == firstcode
line 22:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode
line 14:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: code != 'S'
line 17:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: s:gdbmgr_registry_{t:gdbmgrtab}[code].nxt
line 19:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode == firstcode
line 22:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode
line 14:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: code != 'S'
line 17:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: s:gdbmgr_registry_{t:gdbmgrtab}[code].nxt
line 19:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode == firstcode
line 22:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode
line 14:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: code != 'S'
line 17:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: s:gdbmgr_registry_{t:gdbmgrtab}[code].nxt
line 19:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode == firstcode
line 22:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode
line 14:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: code != 'S'
line 17:
E121: Undefined variable: code
E15: Invalid expression: s:gdbmgr_registry_{t:gdbmgrtab}[code].nxt
line 19:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode == firstcode
line 22:
E121: Undefined variable: nxtcode
E15: Invalid expression: nxtcode

Does anyone knows how to solve this problem?
much appreciated if you could

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Re: Why Atom Can’t Replace Vim -- Learning the lesson of vi

Kartik Singhal wrote:
> Folks here might have already seen this, but this told me the fundamental
> difference between vim and emacs architecture, and why there hasn't been
> any modern replacement for vim.

That strikes me as a curious statement. To me, vim is the modern
replacement for vi. Why whould I want a modern replacement for a
modern replacement?

Vim script? I've heard of it, but it does not enter my life. When
I want to "write an extension" to vim, I've got two tools: the built-in
"q" command to record a macro, and one of my favorite mappings:

" Make * yank the current line into register y, then run it
" Mnemonic: * marks a executible in "ls -F"
map * "yyy@y

With ":r!" as a prefix, the * mapping is how I show shell commands,
run them, and show output in mailing list and Usenet posts. In
source code, I include, prefixed with a comment or embedded in a
null-op, commands that I am prone to use at that point in the code.
For example, almost every INCLUDERC command in in my .procmailrc
file looks like this:

# The various news posting recipes
:new $HOME/.procmailrc.mail2news

When I want to delve into those include files, it is just a * away.
I find it very handy that ": " begins a null-op command in sh/bash/ksh
because in vi and vim, because it's handy.

Without further explanation, here are some actual comments I have that
I use with these two scripts:

# turn show.cgi output into psuedo code
# :+,$ s/^ *[0-9][0-9]* *0*\([1-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*\) *[^ ]* */ "a" => "\&#x\U\1;",\t# /
# comment out psuedo code lines that remap to space
# :g/"a" => "&#x20;"/s,^ , #,
# delete empty lines
# :g/^ *$/d
# change "a" on 26 lines to capitals
# rAjrBjrCjrDjrEjrFjrGjrHjrIjrJjrKjrLjrMjrNjrOjrPjrQjrRjrSjrTjrUjrVjrWjrXjrYjrZ
# change "a" on 26 lines to lowercase
# rajrbjrcjrdjrejrfjrgjrhjrijrjjrkjrljrmjrnjrojrpjrqjrrjrsjrtjrujrvjrwjrxjryjrz
# duplicate lowercase conversions to uppercase
# :+,$s,^ "\([a-z]\)"\(.*\),&^V^M "\u\1"\2,

has probably been using vim since the 2.0 days, certainly 3.0

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Re: vim (windows) <==> vim (unix)

:h clipboard (linux/solaris) have multiple clipboards eventually

"1p "2p (or ctrl-r 1 in insert mode) yank previously copied/deleted
pieces of text or such or use registers such as "ayaw (yank a word and
put into register a, then you can "ap paste register a)

I'm unsure which is the exact solution.

Eventually do :options and compare diff the results ..

Marc Weber

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Eliminating types in the syntax menu

No idea. Ask a new question instead of hijacking another thread.

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vim (windows) <==> vim (unix)

It looks like you may have 'a' in your guioptions option, or 'autoselect' in your clipboard option. Neither of these are Windows defaults so if this is the case you should find where your config sets them.

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Why Atom Can’t Replace Vim -- Learning the lesson of vi

Folks here might have already seen this, but this told me the fundamental difference between vim and emacs architecture, and why there hasn't been any modern replacement for vim.

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

vim (windows) <==> vim (unix)


At home I am using vim on my Linux box. At work
I use vim on Solaris and windows.

I have configured vim on windows to act as identical
as possible like the vim on Linux/Solaris/UNIX.

But there is one thing left, which nags me too much
as to be ignored and I cant find the configuration
option to switch it to sane UNIX behaviour:

On UNIX I often do this
Yank that word, visually select a part of other text,
which I want to replace with what I have copied before
and paste it over.

On windows this happens, when doing that:
Yank that word, visually select a part of other text,
which I want to replace with what I have copied before
and ***DAMN!*** the selected text has already replaced the
yank buffer and the text yanked before gets lost.

What option needs to be changed to switch that feature
to what I am used to under UNIX?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,

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Re: :%s//\=@o/gce ignores c flag in key mapping

On Monday, November 24, 2014 4:05:08 AM UTC-8, Erik Christiansen wrote:

> I am reminded of two quotes:
> There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make
> it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way
> is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
> -C.A.R. Hoare
> ... with proper design, the features come cheaply. This approach is
> arduous, but continues to succeed. -Dennis Ritchie
> I agree that associative arrays do not seem arduous enough for the
> benefits they can bring to the right problem, but then, someone else has
> done all the work for us.
> I'd normally test with a known 100% good list, and with a list with a
> known number of errors. Those lists do not need to be very long - a few
> dozen words ought to suffice. The third test - grinding through a pile
> of words, you have already done.
> The exercise is a reminder to us all that the more lines of code we
> write, the more bugs creep in undetected.
> Erik
> --
> Sometimes you have to outsmart this stuff, it works for Murphy you know.
> - Gene Heskett, on emc-users ML

Mr. Hoare has a fine sense of irony!

Meanwhile, the awk program passed its "good data" and "known errors" test, and I am grinding on through the "real data", so all seems satisfactory, at least as far as I want to take this. So, once again, I thank you for all your help on this project, much appreciated.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Eliminating types in the syntax menu


I'm trying to eliminate the filetypes in the gvim syntax menu that I never
use. I first tried removing files from the $vimruntime/syntax directory,
then commenting out Synmenu ... lines in makemenu.vim. Neither of these
worked. What do I have to do to make this happen?



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Re: gnome-terminal, azerty keyboard, accents problem

On 26 November 2014, Tony Mechelynck <>
> At a shell command, I think you're out of luck. AFAICT bash translates
> as groups of two (or maybe more) characters anything above 0x7F.

Not really. If you're like most people and didn't re-compile bash
yourself, your shell is linked against readline, and it's readline that
messes with 8-bit processing. Now, what's actually going on is rather
complicated, but the bottom line is you probably want something like

* set INPUTRC to point to a file, say /etc/inputrc
* put something like this in /etc/inputrc:

set input-meta On
set convert-meta Off
set output-meta On

> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE=fr_BE.utf8
> LC_NUMERIC=en_GB.utf8
> LC_MONETARY=en_GB.utf8
> LC_PAPER=en_GB.utf8
> LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8"

On an unrelated note: you might want to set LC_COLLATE to C. This
will speed up things like grep(1) and sort(1) by an order of magnitude,
by telling them not to do anything smart about multi-byte characters.


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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Re: vim keymap to execute bash script with parameter wrote:

> I want to implement such a feature in vim script: in command mode of
> vi, press v to select the key word, and then press F5, then vi call my
> bash file, called, passing the selected key word as
> parameter to the bash.

Is there a reason you are not using the <K> keystroke with the
keywordprg setting?

:help keywordprg

*'keywordprg'* *'kp'*
'keywordprg' 'kp' string (default "man" or "man -s", DOS: ":help",
OS/2: "view /", VMS: "help")
global or local to buffer |global-local|
{not in Vi}
Program to use for the |K| command. Environment variables are
expanded |:set_env|. ":help" may be used to access the Vim internal
help. (Note that previously setting the global option to the empty
value did this, which is now deprecated.)
When "man" is used, Vim will automatically translate a count for the
"K" command to a section number. Also for "man -s", in which case the
"-s" is removed when there is no count.
See |option-backslash| about including spaces and backslashes.
:set keywordprg=man\ -s
This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
security reasons.

I've installed the dictd server and dict client locally and use

set keywordprg=dict

Then typing K on a word gives me a definition.

[No write since last change]
3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

Definition \Def`i*ni"tion\, n. [L. definitio: cf. F.
1. The act of defining; determination of the limits; as, a
telescope accurate in definition.
[1913 Webster]

[... verbose output, you'll be using your scroll bar to read ...]

Press ENTER or type command to continue


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Re: Vim and disabillity accessability

On 2014-11-27 18:25, BPJ wrote:
> so how do i make it permanent? Or rather: where should I write
> these to make them permanent? It seems to reset itself when the
> next commandline command is executed, which is kind of
> inconvenient! :-)

You should be able to put it in your startup file. I use Fluxbox as
my window-manager so I would put it in my .fluxbox/startup file. For
other window managers, you'd have to do the research.

For KDE it looks like you might have to create a shell-script and
drop it in ~/.kde/Autostart/

For others, you might be able to put it in ~/.xsession (should be
used if you automatically boot into X and use a display manager like
xdm) or ~/.xinitrc (if you use startx from the command-line).


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Re: Vim and disabillity accessability

Den 2014-11-27 17:06, Tim Chase skrev:
> On 2014-11-27 16:24, BPJ wrote:
>> BTW I've found that I can't get the sticky-keys feature of GNOME
>> to work, inside or outside Vim. :-(
> While I don't have good answers for your other questions, in the past
> I've used "xkbset" to tweak these options without GNOME. On my
> Debian box, I had to install it
> sudo apt-get install xkbset
> and then to test it out, I issued

so how do i make it permanent? Or rather: where should I write
these to make them permanent? It seems to reset itself when the
next commandline command is executed, which is kind of
inconvenient! :-)

> xkbset st -twokey -latchlock
> You can remove the "-" before "twokey" if you want to be able to
> press two keys together to turn off an activated modifier (so if you
> press shift, then don't want to shift, you can press two keys
> together);

This I got to work.

and can remove the "-" from before the "latchlock" if you
> want to be able to press the modifier key twice (shift, shift) to
> have it act like it's locked.

That I couldn't get to work

> It seems like this is the best/right way to solve the problem because
> it not only would address the issue in Vim (which I just tested, and
> it works as expected), but in all your other applications.

Yes, thanks a million!

> -tim

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Re: Vim and disabillity accessability

On 2014-11-27 16:24, BPJ wrote:
> BTW I've found that I can't get the sticky-keys feature of GNOME
> to work, inside or outside Vim. :-(

While I don't have good answers for your other questions, in the past
I've used "xkbset" to tweak these options without GNOME. On my
Debian box, I had to install it

sudo apt-get install xkbset

and then to test it out, I issued

xkbset st -twokey -latchlock

You can remove the "-" before "twokey" if you want to be able to
press two keys together to turn off an activated modifier (so if you
press shift, then don't want to shift, you can press two keys
together); and can remove the "-" from before the "latchlock" if you
want to be able to press the modifier key twice (shift, shift) to
have it act like it's locked.

It seems like this is the best/right way to solve the problem because
it not only would address the issue in Vim (which I just tested, and
it works as expected), but in all your other applications.


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Vim and disabillity accessability

As some of you may recall from earlier posts of mine I have
cerebral palsy, and Vim's character-sequence commands are a great
help to me to overcome my motor disability. However there are as
we all know commands which use ctrl and shift key combinations.
Hitherto I've been reasonably able to use such commands and to
type (initial) caps in insert mode without using capslock. Since
a month, however, I have a muscle inflammation in my right
shoulder which to a large extent has deprived me of the use of my
right hand, since working with it for any extended time (more
than one hour or so) causes considerable pain which endures for
hours, and I have been told that this will take four to six
months to heal! So now I'm looking for some clever mappings to
relieve me of having to use the shift and ctrl keys, and
hopefully also the alt key entirely. I'm thinking of adding
something like the following to my .vimrc:

for num in range(char2nr("a"),char2nr("z"))
let char = nr2char(num)
exe printf("map <F3>%s <S-%s>", char, char)
exe printf("map <F3><F3>%s <C-%s>", char, char)
exe printf("map <F3><F3><F3>%s <S-C-%s>", char, char)
for key in ["i", "c"]
exe printf(":%smap <F4>%s %s", key, char, toupper(char))

My first question: is there some way to 'intercept' existing
mappings like `<S-{some-char}>{some-key}...` so that I can use
some combination of single-key presses instead of
`<S-{some- char}>` without remapping every `<S-{some-char}>{some-key}...`
mapping individually?

My second question: the same for shift+key outside the A-Z range,
or alt+key combinations, since on my Swedish kblayout e.g. `>` is
a shifted keystroke, and all of `{ } [ ]` are alted keystrokes.
Can I do that in some elegant way which will work even if I
change kblayout, or will I have to e.g. make a dictionary with
all non-a-z `'{unshifted-char}': '{shifted-char},'` mappings on
my specific layout, and similarly for alt+key mappings and
skift+alt+key mappings and loop through them?

BTW I've found that I can't get the sticky-keys feature of GNOME
to work, inside or outside Vim. :-(


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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

'shortmess' -- is it redundent to have both "o" and "O"?

Relevant documentation:

My question is: is it redundant to have both "o" and "O" in the 'shortmess' option? In other words, does "O" imply "o"? If this is not the case, can anyone demonstrate the difference between the two?

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Re: vim keymap to execute bash script with parameter

On 26/11/14 22:47, 颖黄 wrote:
> Hi, all
> I want to implement such a feature in vim script: in command mode of vi, press v to select the key word, and then press F5, then vi call my bash file, called, passing the selected key word as parameter to the bash.
> Then my will do all the left work.
> But, I don't know how to call my from vi command mode, I guess it would be something like:
> nnoremap F5 :vs $param1 $param2
> Could someone give me some clues?

See :help :!

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
163. You go outside for the fresh air (at -30 degrees) but open the
window first to hear new mail arrive.

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vim keymap to execute bash script with parameter

Hi, all
I want to implement such a feature in vim script: in command mode of vi, press v to select the key word, and then press F5, then vi call my bash file, called, passing the selected key word as parameter to the bash.
Then my will do all the left work.
But, I don't know how to call my from vi command mode, I guess it would be something like:
nnoremap F5 :vs $param1 $param2
Could someone give me some clues?

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Re: gnome-terminal, azerty keyboard, accents problem

On 25/11/14 16:22, wrote:
> Hi,
> I am connected to my linux centos 5.5 station with an azerty keyboard pc105, with some accentuated vowels available by pressing one button (no shift, no AltGr, etc.), such as:
> éèçàù
> I see them correctly on my screen just now and I hope that you can see them, too.
> If you don't: I typed "e" with acute accent, then "e" with grave accent, then "c" with cedilla, then "a" with grave accent, then "u" with a grave accent.
> I see them also when using firefox and OpenOffice, but neither at the shell level with gnome-terminal 2.16.0 nor with vim 7.0.
> The same symptoms appear with the other accentuated vowels reached via pressing two buttons (e.g. to put a circonflex accent on the "a" or else).
> The result of the locale command is:
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> What should I do to see the accentuated vowels when I type them within a line shell command or when inputting text with vim ?
> I read a huge of web pages about that, but nothing works.
> Once some pertinent change will be found, should I just reopen a new terminal window, or logout then login, or reboot ?
> Thanks for any help.
> Michel.

At a shell command, I think you're out of luck. AFAICT bash translates
as groups of two (or maybe more) characters anything above 0x7F. To
enter a string containing them, try using octal backslash-escapes.

In Vim, I have no problem, even in konsole or in gnome-terminal; nor do
I have any problems there with other "high ASCII" characters such as ²
(superscript 2), ³ (superscript 3), µ (Greek mu) or £ (pound sterling),
all of which are assigned single keys (possibly with Shift but not with
AltGr or dead keys) on my Belgian AZERTY keyboard.

In my vimrc, I set Vim to use UTF-8 'encoding' while keeping
'termencoding' at whatever was handed out to it; and my $LC_CTYPE is set
to fr_BE.utf8. The result of my "locale" command is as follows:


See also

Best regards,
How many months are we going to be behind them [Redhat] with a glibc
-- Jim Pick, 8 months before Debian 2.0 is finally released

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Re: tmux and screen restore

I figured it out.

I noticed that it worked correctly on the remote system until I started tmux. So, I moved .tmux.conf away. Bam, the problem went away. I moved it back and started commenting out lines in .tmux.conf. I finally found the culprit that way!!

Drum roll...

alternate-screen off

As soon as I turned commented it out, it started working. There was also this:

set -g  default-terminal "screen-256color".

I commented it out as well just in case. I'll put it back if I notice a problem with "screen", which is the terminal type tmux defaults too (seems like). Though, this was not the reason.

Thanks so much!!!


On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 7:24 AM, Sergei Gerasenko <> wrote:
Gary, thanks for your response.

Are you sure &term matches "linux"?  

Yes, I'm sure because I do an echo within that "if" block. I also force it to be "linux", so the Home and End keys work properly. But I've tried other terminal types too. tmux has "screen-256color" by default on my system.

You might try setting &t_ti and &t_te unconditionally and see if  that helps.

No, unfortunately doesn't :( 

That said, I'm surprised that this doesn't "just work" for you. 

Me too
am currently running vim in a tmux window over ssh.  The local terminal is GNOME Terminal 2.32.0.  The values of 't_te' and 't_ti' automatically set by vim are:

What is your remote operating system? 

Debian Linux
What terminal are you running locally?

I'm connecting from under a VM running Peppermint. The terminal is set to xterm.
Before you override them, what does vim say the values of 'term', 't_te' and 't_ti' are?

Thanks again!

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
On 2014-11-25, surge wrote:
> Hi,
> If this has been answered, I'm sorry. Please point me to the right
> post -- I couldn't find much.
> I'm using tmux through ssh and the screen is not restored upon
> exiting from vim. No matter what the terminal type and even with
> these commands in .vimrc:
> if &term =~ "linux"
>   let &t_ti = "\<Esc>[?47h"
>   let &t_te = "\<Esc>[?47l"
> endif
> Any ideas?

Are you sure &term matches "linux"?  "linux" is the value of TERM
set by a Linux console.  Most terminals set TERM to "xterm".  Tmux
sets TERM to "screen".  (Vim sets &term to $TERM if TERM is set.)

You might try setting &t_ti and &t_te unconditionally and see if
that helps.

That said, I'm surprised that this doesn't "just work" for you.  I
am currently running vim in a tmux window over ssh.  The local
terminal is GNOME Terminal 2.32.0.  The values of 't_te' and 't_ti'
automatically set by vim are:


What is your remote operating system?  What terminal are you running
locally?  Before you override them, what does vim say the values of
'term', 't_te' and 't_ti' are?


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Re: tmux and screen restore

Gary, thanks for your response.

Are you sure &term matches "linux"?  

Yes, I'm sure because I do an echo within that "if" block. I also force it to be "linux", so the Home and End keys work properly. But I've tried other terminal types too. tmux has "screen-256color" by default on my system.

You might try setting &t_ti and &t_te unconditionally and see if  that helps.

No, unfortunately doesn't :( 

That said, I'm surprised that this doesn't "just work" for you. 

Me too
am currently running vim in a tmux window over ssh.  The local terminal is GNOME Terminal 2.32.0.  The values of 't_te' and 't_ti' automatically set by vim are:

What is your remote operating system? 

Debian Linux
What terminal are you running locally?

I'm connecting from under a VM running Peppermint. The terminal is set to xterm.
Before you override them, what does vim say the values of 'term', 't_te' and 't_ti' are?

Thanks again!

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
On 2014-11-25, surge wrote:
> Hi,
> If this has been answered, I'm sorry. Please point me to the right
> post -- I couldn't find much.
> I'm using tmux through ssh and the screen is not restored upon
> exiting from vim. No matter what the terminal type and even with
> these commands in .vimrc:
> if &term =~ "linux"
>   let &t_ti = "\<Esc>[?47h"
>   let &t_te = "\<Esc>[?47l"
> endif
> Any ideas?

Are you sure &term matches "linux"?  "linux" is the value of TERM
set by a Linux console.  Most terminals set TERM to "xterm".  Tmux
sets TERM to "screen".  (Vim sets &term to $TERM if TERM is set.)

You might try setting &t_ti and &t_te unconditionally and see if
that helps.

That said, I'm surprised that this doesn't "just work" for you.  I
am currently running vim in a tmux window over ssh.  The local
terminal is GNOME Terminal 2.32.0.  The values of 't_te' and 't_ti'
automatically set by vim are:


What is your remote operating system?  What terminal are you running
locally?  Before you override them, what does vim say the values of
'term', 't_te' and 't_ti' are?


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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Re: [OT] Interview with Bram

On Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:19:21 PM UTC+1, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Indeed very interesting. I must say, I am a bit worried about that
> one:
> ,----
> | 8: How can the community ensure that the Vim project succeeds for the
> | foreseeable future?
> | Keep me alive. :-)
> `----
> Best,
> Christian

I see this as the biggest downside to vim.


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Re: tmux and screen restore

On 2014-11-25, surge wrote:
> Hi,
> If this has been answered, I'm sorry. Please point me to the right
> post -- I couldn't find much.
> I'm using tmux through ssh and the screen is not restored upon
> exiting from vim. No matter what the terminal type and even with
> these commands in .vimrc:
> if &term =~ "linux"
> let &t_ti = "\<Esc>[?47h"
> let &t_te = "\<Esc>[?47l"
> endif
> Any ideas?

Are you sure &term matches "linux"? "linux" is the value of TERM
set by a Linux console. Most terminals set TERM to "xterm". Tmux
sets TERM to "screen". (Vim sets &term to $TERM if TERM is set.)

You might try setting &t_ti and &t_te unconditionally and see if
that helps.

That said, I'm surprised that this doesn't "just work" for you. I
am currently running vim in a tmux window over ssh. The local
terminal is GNOME Terminal 2.32.0. The values of 't_te' and 't_ti'
automatically set by vim are:


What is your remote operating system? What terminal are you running
locally? Before you override them, what does vim say the values of
'term', 't_te' and 't_ti' are?


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tmux and screen restore


If this has been answered, I'm sorry. Please point me to the right post -- I couldn't find much.

I'm using tmux through ssh and the screen is not restored upon exiting from vim. No matter what the terminal type and even with these commands in .vimrc:

if &term =~ "linux"
let &t_ti = "\<Esc>[?47h"
let &t_te = "\<Esc>[?47l"

Any ideas?


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Re: gnome-terminal, azerty keyboard, accents problem


your issue is off topic on this mailing list, you should better ask on a
general question website like stackexchange, or on a mailing list
matching your distribution.

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 07:22:05AM -0800, wrote:
> I see them also when using firefox and OpenOffice, but neither at the shell level with gnome-terminal 2.16.0 nor with vim 7.0.
> The same symptoms appear with the other accentuated vowels reached via pressing two buttons (e.g. to put a circonflex accent on the "a" or else).
> The result of the locale command is:
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8

You should configure your shell environment to have:


(or en_US.UTF-8 depending on your preference)

Then you have to configure your terminal, in gnome-terminal this is done
within the preferences menu action.

> What should I do to see the accentuated vowels when I type them within a line shell command or when inputting text with vim ?
> I read a huge of web pages about that, but nothing works.

Well, reading is not enough, you have to do what's written in those


> Once some pertinent change will be found, should I just reopen a new terminal window, or logout then login, or reboot ?
> Thanks for any help.

you shouldn't have to restart anything once it's configured. Though
you'll need to make sure your locales preferences are correctly setup
upon restart.

But go ask on a mailing list dealing with your linux distribution, and
read your distribution's documentation. There's a lot of documentation
well written either in French and English (and other languages too)…

Finally, if you want to test any unicode character in your terminal vim,
you can use the digraphs (<C-k>'e → é), you can read `:h digraph` for



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Re: [2nd post] vim taglist: jump to local file first

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 7:40:07 AM UTC-6, ping wrote:
> can anyone help on this?
> On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 12:17 PM, ping song <> wrote:
> > this annoys me for quite a while...
> >
> > I started some scripts and created some functions/procedures in it.
> > later when I created new script I simply borrowed these (well tested)
> > fucntions/procedures in new scripts, but I may modified them here and
> > there to get the new task done.
> > now I end up with multiple files, each with overlapped function definitions.
> >
> > this is fine for the scripts - there is no cross reference so they all
> > works good.
> >
> > now the issue is, I started taglist in one of the script1, and when I
> > want to go to definition of script1:function1, I sometime end up to to
> > have another script2 opened
> > and I was put in the postion of script2:function1 definition.
> >
> > I had impression taglist/ctags always go to local file first, so I am
> > wondering what happened and how to fix it?
> >
> > b.t.w I have vim easytags installed, so all tags were generated automatically...

I use taglist, and I've never seen this happen.

Taglist creates and uses its own tags file by default, it doesn't use one you build yourself.

It's possible easytags interferes with taglist in some way but I don't know.

If you can come up with a pair of files where this occurs reliably, I'm sure someone (probably the Taglist author) can help you figure out what's going on.

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gnome-terminal, azerty keyboard, accents problem

I am connected to my linux centos 5.5 station with an azerty keyboard pc105, with some accentuated vowels available by pressing one button (no shift, no AltGr, etc.), such as:
I see them correctly on my screen just now and I hope that you can see them, too.
If you don't: I typed "e" with acute accent, then "e" with grave accent, then "c" with cedilla, then "a" with grave accent, then "u" with a grave accent.
I see them also when using firefox and OpenOffice, but neither at the shell level with gnome-terminal 2.16.0 nor with vim 7.0.
The same symptoms appear with the other accentuated vowels reached via pressing two buttons (e.g. to put a circonflex accent on the "a" or else).
The result of the locale command is:
What should I do to see the accentuated vowels when I type them within a line shell command or when inputting text with vim ?
I read a huge of web pages about that, but nothing works.
Once some pertinent change will be found, should I just reopen a new terminal window, or logout then login, or reboot ?
Thanks for any help.

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[2nd post] vim taglist: jump to local file first

can anyone help on this?

On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 12:17 PM, ping song <> wrote:
> this annoys me for quite a while...
> I started some scripts and created some functions/procedures in it.
> later when I created new script I simply borrowed these (well tested)
> fucntions/procedures in new scripts, but I may modified them here and
> there to get the new task done.
> now I end up with multiple files, each with overlapped function definitions.
> this is fine for the scripts - there is no cross reference so they all
> works good.
> now the issue is, I started taglist in one of the script1, and when I
> want to go to definition of script1:function1, I sometime end up to to
> have another script2 opened
> and I was put in the postion of script2:function1 definition.
> I had impression taglist/ctags always go to local file first, so I am
> wondering what happened and how to fix it?
> b.t.w I have vim easytags installed, so all tags were generated automatically...

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Monday, November 24, 2014

RE: vim to format/prettyprint assembly lang source - Best way?

russurquhart1 wrote:
> I have some assembly language source, in an older document, that when it
> was ported to our current platform, the code samples got messed up.
> I am now faced with the task of going through and reformatting the assembly
> language examples. I'm using vim, to format the code but it is still a pretty
> manual task. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a better method.
> I start with something like this:
> <Code> MOVIZF32 R1H, #-2.0 ; R1H = -2.0 (0xC0000000) ABSF32 R1H, R1H ;
> R1H = 2.0 (0x40000000), ZF = NF = 0 MOVIZF32 R0H, #5.0 ; R0H = 5.0
> (0x40A00000) ABSF32 R0H, R0H ; R0H = 5.0 (0x40A00000), ZF = NF = 0
> MOVIZF32 R0H, #0.0 ; R0H = 0.0 ABSF32 R1H, R0H ; R1H = 0.0 ZF = 1, NF =
> 0</Code>
> And to maintain the formatting i need to end up with something like this:
> <Code>
> MOVIZF32 R1H, #-2.0 ; R1H = -2.0 (0xC0000000)
> ABSF32 R1H, R1H ; R1H = 2.0 (0x40000000), ZF = NF = 0
> MOVIZF32 R0H, #5.0 ; R0H = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
> ABSF32 R0H, R0H ; R0H = 5.0 (0x40A00000), ZF = NF = 0
> MOVIZF32 R0H, #0.0 ; R0H = 0.0
> ABSF32 R1H, R0H ; R1H = 0.0 ZF = 1, NF = 0</Code>

Are you able to inspect the file with a hex editor (or use
":r !xxd <file name>") and determine whether there are any
Unique bytes that mark end of line? Or, did all the line endings
end up a space?

How long is a typical line which contains all the statements?

Does each statement have a comment? If so, something might be
done with a substitute. That would be easier if each instruction
had an identifiable form. Does each consist of uppercase letters
with "32" at the end? If so, try:

:%s/ \ze\u\u\+32\>/\r /g


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vim to format/prettyprint assembly lang source - Best way?

Hi All,

I have some assembly language source, in an older document, that when it was ported to our current platform, the code samples got messed up.

I am now faced with the task of going through and reformatting the assembly language examples. I'm using vim, to format the code but it is still a pretty manual task. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a better method.

I start with something like this:

<Code> MOVIZF32 R1H, #-2.0 ; R1H = -2.0 (0xC0000000) ABSF32 R1H, R1H ; R1H = 2.0 (0x40000000), ZF = NF = 0 MOVIZF32 R0H, #5.0 ; R0H = 5.0 (0x40A00000) ABSF32 R0H, R0H ; R0H = 5.0 (0x40A00000), ZF = NF = 0 MOVIZF32 R0H, #0.0 ; R0H = 0.0 ABSF32 R1H, R0H ; R1H = 0.0 ZF = 1, NF = 0</Code>

And to maintain the formatting i need to end up with something like this:

MOVIZF32 R1H, #-2.0 ; R1H = -2.0 (0xC0000000)
ABSF32 R1H, R1H ; R1H = 2.0 (0x40000000), ZF = NF = 0

MOVIZF32 R0H, #5.0 ; R0H = 5.0 (0x40A00000)
ABSF32 R0H, R0H ; R0H = 5.0 (0x40A00000), ZF = NF = 0

MOVIZF32 R0H, #0.0 ; R0H = 0.0
ABSF32 R1H, R0H ; R1H = 0.0 ZF = 1, NF = 0</Code>

Can anyone suggest the best way to do this in Vim?



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Re: When *~ and .*.swp will be written ?

On Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:09:01 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running vim (also) on a Gentoo Linux on this little thing of
> board:
> Since there is no harddisc but only a sdcard -- and flash memeory has
> a limited amount of write cycles -- I want to eliminated unneccary
> writes to the sdcard.
> One source of unessary writes are -- in some cases -- the backup-
> and swap-files vim generates.
> When will these types of file be open while starting vim?
> Or in other words:
> Is it early enough to do a :set noswapfile | set nobackup right
> after loading an existing file (which is more then 0 bytes long)
> to prevent creating of any additional file?
> Thank you very much in advance for any help!
> Best regards,
> mcc

Backup files are only written when writing a file, so wherever you set that option is fine as long as you do it before writing the file.

Swap files are written as soon as you open a file. You'll need to either use the new :noswapfile command modifier, or turn off swap files globally in your .vimrc. Your .vimrc gets executed prior to loading any files so that will be early enough.

Undo files are like backup files, they only write when you save the file or explicitly tell Vim to write one.

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Re: :%s//\=@o/gce ignores c flag in key mapping

On 23.11.14 12:01, porphyry5 wrote:
> However I smell a rat, its so astonishingly fast, less than 2 seconds
> vs ~20 seconds for the previous version, and reports only 1050 total
> errors, against more than 3000 total before, though that did include
> good words reported as errors. I can't see that it should make any
> difference, but I note you did recommend working from the back end
> and isolating the suffix first. That's very easily done, so I think
> I'll try it as an easy check on the reliability of the result. If it
> produces exactly the same errors that would be most encouraging.

> Oh, happy day, it produces exactly the same output ...

Such testing, both coming and going, with identical results, has to
improve confidence in the new implementation. :-)

> Now just so long as my enthusiasm for quick and easy answers isn't
> blinding me to some lurking gotcha...

I am reminded of two quotes:

There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make
it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way
is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
-C.A.R. Hoare

... with proper design, the features come cheaply. This approach is
arduous, but continues to succeed. -Dennis Ritchie

I agree that associative arrays do not seem arduous enough for the
benefits they can bring to the right problem, but then, someone else has
done all the work for us.

I'd normally test with a known 100% good list, and with a list with a
known number of errors. Those lists do not need to be very long - a few
dozen words ought to suffice. The third test - grinding through a pile
of words, you have already done.

The exercise is a reminder to us all that the more lines of code we
write, the more bugs creep in undetected.


Sometimes you have to outsmart this stuff, it works for Murphy you know.
- Gene Heskett, on emc-users ML

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Re: :%s//\=@o/gce ignores c flag in key mapping

On Friday, November 21, 2014 1:31:20 AM UTC-8, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On 20.11.14 11:54, porphyry5 wrote:
> > Annoyingly, I cannot see any clear way to use an associative array in
> > this case, because of that pesky word suffix list. I believe 'if
> > (word in wd-list)' must either return "no match" or "exact match". In
> > the binary search I check for exact matches, on failure immediately
> > followed by a partial match test, 'if (word ~ wd-list[index])' to
> > indicate the need to append suffixes to the partial matching wd-list
> > entry.
> Ah ... perhaps the easiest way is to detect recognisable suffixes on
> input words, and strip them for the initial match attempt, i.e. only the
> part of the word you want is hashed. A flag, or non-null
> "found_this_suffix" string variable, retained from the partial-match
> generating pre-stripping, then guides any additional actions, if
> required.
> To cover the case where a word with a recognisable suffix is in the list
> with suffix, rather than without, a check-on-match-failure for the
> unstripped word could be performed. It would only occur when a suffix is
> detected, and would in also be faster than a search.
> That essentially reverses the order of match vs suffix handling.
> Speed-wise, I'd expect the pre-strip to be quite a bit faster than the
> partial match, since the suffix list is unlikely to number 200,000
> entries.
> Erik
> --
> Britain had first obtained a commercial Enigma machine back in 1927, by simply
> purchasing one in the open in Germany. The machine was analysed and a diagnostic
> report written on how it worked. -

This is becoming a most interesting project. Checking further in my 2000 odd error file I began discovering certain words that the binary search should have found, but didn't. The cause being that the search did not necessarily hit the root word if it was followed by variants of that root.
This redefined the problem to: you have to find the root of the word of interest if you can't find the word itself. To ensure that meant use an associative array, which also allowed an associative array for suffixes.
Cuts out many lines of code, the entire identification process is now just
function bs() {
if (v in b) return r
while (j<n) {
if (substr(v, 1, j) in b && substr(v, j+1) in s) return r
return r
However I smell a rat, its so astonishingly fast, less than 2 seconds vs ~20 seconds for the previous version, and reports only 1050 total errors, against more than 3000 total before, though that did include good words reported as errors.
I can't see that it should make any difference, but I note you did recommend working from the back end and isolating the suffix first. That's very easily done, so I think I'll try it as an easy check on the reliability of the result. If it produces exactly the same errors that would be most encouraging.
Oh, happy day, it produces exactly the same output with
function bs() {
if (v in b) return r
while (j>n) {
if (substr(v, j) in s && substr(v, 1, j-1) in b) return r
return r
Now just so long as my enthusiasm for quick and easy answers isn't blinding me to some lurking gotcha...

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Saturday, November 22, 2014

gvim default color scheme

I like the default color scheme that I get with gvim (I'm running version 7.4 on Linux). A screenshot is attached. (Note: it looks like Windows because the window is being displayed by Cygwin/X on a Windows system.) I also have MacVim on a Mac running Mavericks and I would like to use the same color scheme there. I don't care for the MacVim color scheme (I especially don't like the use of bold for certain syntax items). I'm trying to figure out how to use the same color scheme that I get with gvim in MacVim. If I start gvim and run ":colo" it just says "default", but the default color scheme file doesn't actually define any colors. Can someone tell me where those colors are coming from and how to transfer that color scheme to the Mac? Thanks.


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Re: Can vim use 24 bit colorscheme in terminal?

Hash: SHA512

Hash: SHA512

On November 22, 2014 4:01:37 PM EAT, OOO <> wrote:
>Hi ZyX
>I found the reason.
>If I set term type to 'xterm'
>Then every thing works great.
>And only happens after 'd0fc837'
>I am not sure which term type should I use for full color environment.
>So I just use 'xterm-256color'
>Thanks for your help and contribution.
>24 bit color support for Vim is very important for me.
>2014-11-22 20:35 GMT+08:00 OOO <>:
>> 'Hi ZyX
>> Thanks for reply so quick.
>> I think there is an issue on my environment.
>> I try 'ht update local-defaullt' and it switch to 'default' branch.
>> Then compile with --enable-termtruecolor
>> But the gui color only have black and white.
>> I am using this on iTerm 2.9x. with term type 'xterm-256color'
>> And on the same environment.
>> Commit '8abaeea8b2e5' is fine.
>> So the issue might between this commit to next merge.
>> 2014-11-22 19:45 GMT+08:00 Павлов Николай Александрович
>>> Hash: SHA512
>>> On November 22, 2014 7:49:04 AM EAT, othree <>
>>>>ZyX於 2014年3月20日星期四UTC+8下午11時04分58秒寫道:
>>>>> On Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:03:34 AM UTC+4, Suresh Govindachar
>>>>> > Oops! Sorry, just realized that what I wrote below might not be
>>>>> > you are asking about -- the subject says "24 bit colorscheme"
>and I
>>>>> > writing about 256 colors!
>>>>> ConEmu supports true color. The same exact sequences as konsole
>>>>Support was added shortly after I wondered whether it will be added,
>>>>I assume author of ConEmu has already prepared his code for
>>>>like this.
>>>>Hi ZyX
>>>>Are your still maintain this feature?
>>>>I found the branch '24-bit-xterm' is dead on BitBucket now.
>>>>And the last commit can support 24 bit color well is '8abaeea8b2e5'.
>>>>Just want to make sure is there any update on this.
>>>>You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
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>>>>For more information, visit
>>>>You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>>Groups "vim_use" group.
>>>>To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>>>>an email to
>>>>For more options, visit
>>> It is not "dead", it is "finished". I have merged this bookmark into
>local-default bookmark which I am using and local-default bookmark is
>being periodically merged with upstream bookmark which is periodically
>updated to upstream tip. If there were any merge conflicts with
>upstream I most likely would've updated 24-bit-xterm, but currently
>there is not much sense in this action.
>>> Currently I am using this functionality and it works just fine.
>>> Version: APG v1.1.1
>>> iQI1BAEBCgAfBQJUcHc/GBxaeVggPHp5eC52aW1AZ21haWwuY29tPgAKCRCf3UKj
>>> t7N4F6gCohQIRd7ttJ/jmV6+p7CLkaQEUYxpIjDsx6SngY7rrZoiEsNfv2QEh9q5
>>> SSE7toU633TA3kGe28ODBZ4xdxNQdzWISSt/5IlGnR8KIS9riXFkNP+XBz2u9m/5
>>> FK+C40e0jHPIApiB4NNoKoX66LH5N744rnW3Ydrf9KnlVqmMtEArNGufdAPF5Tf6
>>> zxotfR1KxiNy3W0qMpDGb85wTD821EfglazxYf6E7yj4flssrqvXEquOqHtzQ926
>>> geVsG8pbTDhhuCUE8DpuVtEOAaCzZGwdrj3tPqoVvHDjSRBMTcruwZlIS4gOwLGq
>>> eRMH3ww2xPz+/NQX+2hz/XbNs1y2PZMAhNWMuR1FkR4YWCYbmTOpiIvi10ZA8/HA
>>> OJa2h4pFALk4VJQO5WPkxR/XI2jzxt448ApnQ/UIUtIOpY4rZ5Bx5Igqz+lFV+oo
>>> yktZT3Mr9xeP4QaaqKRWj1OQqlkg+Z11tRCD2He96MF5+XCAQ33ASo5KWy8PKW1e
>>> 1VQfFe+q1DHhHuqdISC0H8t9rhjgsmHIZ58MSrDlvhx/cDhL+Dx5gTKg8V3MAEGQ
>>> Si/ZspH8rlFHjuxypFFIFiisWpRiMOkoN3cl72Slibvw7S9AO09oJA==
>>> =U9xn
>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
>> --
>> OOO

Ah, I still have not updated the documentation. Unless your terminal is "xterm" you must set t_8f and t_8b options yourself.
Version: APG v1.1.1

Version: APG v1.1.1


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Re: Can vim use 24 bit colorscheme in terminal?

'Hi ZyX

Thanks for reply so quick.
I think there is an issue on my environment.
I try 'ht update local-defaullt' and it switch to 'default' branch.
Then compile with --enable-termtruecolor
But the gui color only have black and white.

I am using this on iTerm 2.9x. with term type 'xterm-256color'
And on the same environment.
Commit '8abaeea8b2e5' is fine.
So the issue might between this commit to next merge.

2014-11-22 19:45 GMT+08:00 Павлов Николай Александрович <>:
> Hash: SHA512
> On November 22, 2014 7:49:04 AM EAT, othree <> wrote:
>>ZyX於 2014年3月20日星期四UTC+8下午11時04分58秒寫道:
>>> On Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:03:34 AM UTC+4, Suresh Govindachar
>>> > Oops! Sorry, just realized that what I wrote below might not be
>>> > you are asking about -- the subject says "24 bit colorscheme" and I
>>> > writing about 256 colors!
>>> ConEmu supports true color. The same exact sequences as konsole does.
>>Support was added shortly after I wondered whether it will be added, so
>>I assume author of ConEmu has already prepared his code for something
>>like this.
>>Hi ZyX
>>Are your still maintain this feature?
>>I found the branch '24-bit-xterm' is dead on BitBucket now.
>>And the last commit can support 24 bit color well is '8abaeea8b2e5'.
>>Just want to make sure is there any update on this.
>>You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
>>Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
>>For more information, visit
>>You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>Groups "vim_use" group.
>>To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>an email to
>>For more options, visit
> It is not "dead", it is "finished". I have merged this bookmark into local-default bookmark which I am using and local-default bookmark is being periodically merged with upstream bookmark which is periodically updated to upstream tip. If there were any merge conflicts with upstream I most likely would've updated 24-bit-xterm, but currently there is not much sense in this action.
> Currently I am using this functionality and it works just fine.
> Version: APG v1.1.1
> iQI1BAEBCgAfBQJUcHc/GBxaeVggPHp5eC52aW1AZ21haWwuY29tPgAKCRCf3UKj
> t7N4F6gCohQIRd7ttJ/jmV6+p7CLkaQEUYxpIjDsx6SngY7rrZoiEsNfv2QEh9q5
> SSE7toU633TA3kGe28ODBZ4xdxNQdzWISSt/5IlGnR8KIS9riXFkNP+XBz2u9m/5
> FK+C40e0jHPIApiB4NNoKoX66LH5N744rnW3Ydrf9KnlVqmMtEArNGufdAPF5Tf6
> zxotfR1KxiNy3W0qMpDGb85wTD821EfglazxYf6E7yj4flssrqvXEquOqHtzQ926
> geVsG8pbTDhhuCUE8DpuVtEOAaCzZGwdrj3tPqoVvHDjSRBMTcruwZlIS4gOwLGq
> eRMH3ww2xPz+/NQX+2hz/XbNs1y2PZMAhNWMuR1FkR4YWCYbmTOpiIvi10ZA8/HA
> OJa2h4pFALk4VJQO5WPkxR/XI2jzxt448ApnQ/UIUtIOpY4rZ5Bx5Igqz+lFV+oo
> yktZT3Mr9xeP4QaaqKRWj1OQqlkg+Z11tRCD2He96MF5+XCAQ33ASo5KWy8PKW1e
> 1VQfFe+q1DHhHuqdISC0H8t9rhjgsmHIZ58MSrDlvhx/cDhL+Dx5gTKg8V3MAEGQ
> Si/ZspH8rlFHjuxypFFIFiisWpRiMOkoN3cl72Slibvw7S9AO09oJA==
> =U9xn


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