I copy paste this from $MYVIMRC
nnoremap n n<ScriptCmd> thatHelp.HLNext(80)<CR>
nnoremap N N<ScriptCmd> thatHelp.HLNext(80)<CR>
nnoremap N N<ScriptCmd> thatHelp.HLNext(80)<CR>
it's in reference to another post https://groups.google.com/g/vim_use/c/_U2ne7QlOWc/m/7pUuGJ2BAwAJ.
I cannot or don"'t know how to test it through command line because it calls an imported vim9 def func.
Le lundi 31 octobre 2022 à 15:16:52 UTC+1, Salman Halim a écrit :
Did you type the mappings in the email message or did you copy/paste them from your VIMRC? Are you able to get the mappings to work if you copy/paste them onto the command-line after Vim has started? The primary problem I can see with the mappings is that you have them defined as n<ScriptCmd> instead of just n:...n<ScriptCmd> th... defines a mapping for n<ScriptCmd>...n <ScriptCmd>th... defines a mapping for n that then executes a script command and is probably what you wantAs an aside, the function you defined is technically correct, though inefficient in a few things, but that's not likely to be the cause of your woes.On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 1:43 AM Nicolas <niva...@gmail.com> wrote:Hi,Using this def func to blink searched word I mapped it in $MYVIMRC as this but it seems that at vim startup, the nnoremap is not defined, no call occurs.Thankyou for helpNicolas$MYVIMRCimport autoload './vimfiles/plugged/foobar.vim'
as thatHelp
nnoremap n n<ScriptCmd> thatHelp.HLNext(80)<CR>
nnoremap N N<ScriptCmd> thatHelp.HLNext(80)<CR>foobar.vimexport def HLNext(blinktime: number): number
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHm36-na4-4#t6m36s
echomsg 'export def HLNext has been called.'
highlight BlackOnBlack guibg=black guifg=#3c4c55 ctermbg=black ctermfg=black
var [bufnum: number, lnum: number, col: number, off: number] = getpos('.')
var target_pat: string = '\k*\%#\k*'
target_pat = '\%#' .. @/
target_pat = '\k*\%#\k*'
var blinks: number = 3
var sleep_duration: number = ( blinktime / (2 * blinks) )->float2nr()
var sleep_cmd: string = 'sleep ' .. sleep_duration .. 'm'
for n in range(1, blinks)
# echomsg n
var hide: number = matchadd('BlackOnBlack', target_pat, 101)
exec sleep_cmd
exec sleep_cmd
return 0
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