Monday, August 31, 2015

custom highlighting no longer works


Using debian/testing I've long had this in my ~/.vimrc

if has("syntax")
let mysyntaxfile = "~/.vim/syntax.vim"
let myscriptsfile = "~/.vim/scripts.vim"
let myfiletypefile = "~/.vim/filetype.vim"
syntax on

and ~/.vim/syntax.vim contains only:

hi Comment term=bold ctermfg=6 guifg=DarkCyan
hi Identifier term=underline ctermfg=4 guifg=Blue

Now this highlighting no longer works with debian's 2:7.4.826-1 but
works with 2:7.4.488-7 (826 and 488 being the patchlevels).

Any idea if this is a bug or a configuration change?


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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Re: Gvim shows some letters with strike

On Thursday, August 27, 2015 at 5:14:29 AM UTC-6, Yukihiro Nakadaira wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 7:30 PM, skeept <> wrote:
> When viewing the attached file with gvim I get the screenshot attached.
> I am using Terminus font but i think it is possible to see this with other fonts also.
> The command used to produce is:
> gvim --noplugin -u NONE -U NONE -c "set encoding=utf8" -c "set gfn=Terminus:h12" tree.txt.
> If I move the cursor with the keys l and k on top one of the letters that is striked then it gets fixed.
> I am not sure if something like this has been reported before. If so please disregard this message.
> Try ":set ambiwidth=double".

Thank you, that solved it!

> --
> Yukihiro Nakadaira -

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Re: Copy text and Paste at multiple lines

On 2015-08-28 23:04, John Little wrote:
> On Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 2:36:43 PM UTC+12, ali jaan wrote:
>> Say i had a text like this
>> baseline string a;
>> baseline b;
>> baseline c;
>> baseline d;
>> I need to have like this
>> baseline string a;
>> baseline string b;
>> baseline string c;
>> baseline string d;
>> Q1.I wanted to copy "string" and Paste across different lines at
>> a single shot .How can i do this.?
> If, as in your example, the lines are contiguous, read on.
> visual block put. See :help v_p. It's a bit tricky, but will do
> the job. First yank the text you want to copy, then start a visual
> block down the spaces at the end of "baseline", and press p. The
> pasted string will *replace* the visual block, and you can't have a
> zero width block. If you want to keep the contents of the block,
> press p again.

As an alternative, if you don't want to overwrite the visual
selection, you can append to the visual block with "A" and then paste
the contents of the selection with


and then hit <esc> which will paste the register after each line. So
the entire sequence would look something like

«visually select text you want to copy»
y "yank that text
«move to the top of where you want to paste»
<c-v> " enter visual-block mode
«move to the other end of the range»
A<c-r>"<esc> " paste the yanked text

>> Q2.I wanted to copy a text from "unix terminal/from different
>> Vim file".How can i paste that string in multiple lines at a
>> single shot?

You can use the same trick, only with your system selection register
("*" or "+") instead of using the default register (")

For reading it from a file, it gets a little more complex because the
standard EOL marker would also come in, so it would appear as if
you're also adding blank lines to your text. But you could do this
with the expression register. Inefficiently, that would be


which reads the file's contents fresh each time. Alternatively, you
could read it in once into a variable (say, `content`), and then
append the resulting contents:

:let content=readfile('somefile.txt')
«do most of the above»

This all assumes that your destination locations are column-aligned.
If they're ragged, you'd have to do a search-and-replace. Which also
isn't that hard. For your (OP's) purposes, it's pretty
straightforward and can be done in any of the ways above:

:'<,'>s/baseline\zs\ze b;/\=' '.@"
:'<,'>s/baseline\zs\ze b;/\=' '.@*
:'<,'>s/baseline\zs\ze b;/\=' '.readfile('somefile.txt')
:'<,'>s/baseline\zs\ze b;/\=' '.content

The "\zs" sets the start of where the replacement will occur and the
"\ze" set the end of where the replacement will occur, so by having
them back-to-back like in my example, they do an insertion rather
than a replacement. But notice that you also have to add another
space before (or after, depending on where the space occurs in
relation to the "\zs\ze") the content that you want to paste.


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Friday, August 28, 2015

Re: Copy text and Paste at multiple lines

On Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 2:36:43 PM UTC+12, ali jaan wrote:
> Say i had a text like this
> baseline string a;
> baseline b;
> baseline c;
> baseline d;
> I need to have like this
> baseline string a;
> baseline string b;
> baseline string c;
> baseline string d;
> Q1.I wanted to copy "string" and Paste across different lines at a single
> shot .How can i do this.?

If, as in your example, the lines are contiguous, read on.

visual block put. See :help v_p. It's a bit tricky, but will do the job. First yank the text you want to copy, then start a visual block down the spaces at the end of "baseline", and press p. The pasted string will *replace* the visual block, and you can't have a zero width block. If you want to keep the contents of the block, press p again.

> Q2.I wanted to copy a text from "unix terminal/from different Vim file".How
> can i paste that string in multiple lines at a single shot?

Again tricky, the setting of the 'clipboard' or 'guioptions' settings interfere.
You probably have "a" for "autoselect" in guioptions, which means when you start the block mode, the contents of the block becomes the X selection, forgetting the text you want to paste. If you have "autoselect" on:
- You can use the X "clipboard"; at the source, after selecting do an explicit "Copy" operation (like you have to on Windows). Then, after making your visual block, use "+p to paste from the clipboard.
- You can copy the text to be pasted before starting the visual block. One way is to paste it (using "*p or middle-mouse) and immediately delete it. Another,
:let @" = @* "copies the selection to the unnamed register

HTH, John Little

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Copy text and Paste at multiple lines

Say i had a text like this
baseline string a;
baseline b;
baseline c;
baseline d;

I need to have like this
baseline string a;
baseline string b;
baseline string c;
baseline string d;

Q1.I wanted to copy "string" and Paste across different lines at a single
shot .How can i do this.?
Q2.I wanted to copy a text from "unix terminal/from different Vim file".How
can i paste that string in multiple lines at a single shot?

I dont want to use "string find and replace".

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Re: clearing plugin augroup

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:40:47AM -0700, Josef Fortier wrote:
> Thank you as well :-)

> > you can see what's been sourced, and the order of sourcing by using the
> > :scriptnames

> Which I've never used before. The ordering was a little surprising, but it's starting to make some sense.

> > using this command provided the tipping point for me to start using the
> > 'noloadplugins' option

> OK, now I'm interested. Do you use noloadplugins and then explicitly load plugins?

generally no -- as a rule I use noloadplugins and if there's something
cute I want done I script it myself -- I have my own iteration of netrw
that's tiny compared to the real plugin and it does everything I need

if you want details, here's everything you want to know and much much

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Re: clearing plugin augroup

Thank you as well :-)

> you can see what's been sourced, and the order of sourcing by using the
> :scriptnames

Which I've never used before. The ordering was a little surprising, but it's starting to make some sense.

> using this command provided the tipping point for me to start using the
> 'noloadplugins' option

OK, now I'm interested. Do you use noloadplugins and then explicitly load plugins?

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Re: clearing plugin augroup

And thank you again :-)

> Despite the fact that this directory is referenced in :h
> after-directory it has absolutely *no* special meaning despite its
> position in &runtimepath default value. Set &runtimepath setting to
> another value and any special meaning will disappear.


I see it is at the end of my runtimepath (as a Plug user there's a **lot** of paths).
I'd assume every runtimepath mangler honors "/after" for exactly this reason.

> There is no such a thing as "the absolute last file to get sourced".
> VimEnter will be run after sourcing all plugins.

This explains some of the less then attractive workarounds I've seen described with vimenter events (seems ugly to me to patch such an event for a onetime job).

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Re: clearing plugin augroup

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 08:30:37AM -0700, Josef Fortier wrote:

> This raises a more general question, what is the absolute last file to
> get sourced? Or more generally, what is the reverse order?

you can see what's been sourced, and the order of sourcing by using the



using this command provided the tipping point for me to start using the
'noloadplugins' option

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Re: clearing plugin augroup

2015-08-28 18:30 GMT+03:00 Josef Fortier <>:
>> Put it into ~/.vim/after/plugin/name.vim.
> Thanks!
> FWIW, this little tidbit is hard to learn from googling, and seems quite generally applicable.
>> And read :h initialization.
> Good advice. So I did (probably not as thoroughly as I should).
> I see that plugins are loaded after exrc loaded local vimrc (and after vimrc). I know that ".vim/after" has special signifigence but I didn't see reference of it here.

Despite the fact that this directory is referenced in :h
after-directory it has absolutely *no* special meaning despite its
position in &runtimepath default value. Set &runtimepath setting to
another value and any special meaning will disappear.

> This raises a more general question, what is the absolute last file to get sourced? Or more generally, what is the reverse order?

There is no such a thing as "the absolute last file to get sourced".
VimEnter will be run after sourcing all plugins. Order is described in
:h initialization.

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Re: clearing plugin augroup

> Put it into ~/.vim/after/plugin/name.vim.


FWIW, this little tidbit is hard to learn from googling, and seems quite generally applicable.

> And read :h initialization.

Good advice. So I did (probably not as thoroughly as I should).

I see that plugins are loaded after exrc loaded local vimrc (and after vimrc). I know that ".vim/after" has special signifigence but I didn't see reference of it here.

This raises a more general question, what is the absolute last file to get sourced? Or more generally, what is the reverse order?

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Odd delay in execution of u

When undoing the most recent change in insert mode by typing
<C-O>u , there is a delay of about three seconds before the undo
takes effect.

For example, start vim like this,

$ vim -N -u NONE

and insert two sets of changes by typing the following:

first change<Esc>A second change

where <Esc> is a literal Escape. Now undo the second change by


The second change is deleted immediately. Now add the second change
again, but this time undo it while remaining in insert mode by


Notice that the cursor moves to the start of the second change
immediately, but that there is a pause of about three seconds before
the text of the second change is deleted.

Why is that, and can it be fixed?

I'm using Vim 7.4.838 in an xterm on Fedora 14.


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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Re: clearing plugin augroup

2015-08-28 6:50 GMT+03:00 Josef Fortier <>:
> I'm trying to clear augroup events from a plugin that's useful, but has some annoying event bindings.
> I can run autocmd! GROUP_NAME interactively, but when I try to do this in my .vimrc (or a local .vimrc) I get the error
> E367: No such group:
> I'm sure there's some arcane load ordering thing here, but it escapes me. I've tried:
> * putting the augroup at the end of my .vimrc
> * in a directory local .vimrc (I've enabled exrc)
> Any advice?

Put it into ~/.vim/after/plugin/name.vim. And read :h initialization.

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clearing plugin augroup

I'm trying to clear augroup events from a plugin that's useful, but has some annoying event bindings.

I can run autocmd! GROUP_NAME interactively, but when I try to do this in my .vimrc (or a local .vimrc) I get the error
E367: No such group:

I'm sure there's some arcane load ordering thing here, but it escapes me. I've tried:

* putting the augroup at the end of my .vimrc
* in a directory local .vimrc (I've enabled exrc)

Any advice?

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Re: vim - how to enable searching in vim editor and finding/highlighting pattern that is only in non-commented block/line

> I am looking for a way to search in vim editor and to find text highlighted only for pattern found in non-commented blocks/lines.

With the trag[1] plugin you could do:

:Trag -i PATTERN

This will search all files in the current project though and not just the current buffer.


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Re: Bug with i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O?

Hi Tim!

On Do, 27 Aug 2015, Tim Chase wrote:

> Documented, but far less useful than preserving/restoring would
> have been. :-/ And somewhat misleading that the help target states
> "like CTRL-O but don't move the cursor" when it should state
> something more like "like CTRL-O but don't move the cursor except
> when the issued command moves the cursor" ;-)
> Ah well. I'll return to doing it the more manual way.

Well, we accept documentation patches at vim-dev/github 24/7 ;)

Mut besteht nicht darin, daß man die Gefahr blind übersieht, sondern
darin, daß man sie sehend überwindet.
-- Jean Paul (eig. Johann Paul Friedrich Richter)

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Re: Bug with i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O?

On 2015-08-27 15:05, 'Jürgen Krämer' via vim_use wrote:
> this is to be expected. The last sentence in the second paragraph
> below
> :help i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O
> documents that cursor position is *not* restored after the command
> following i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O.

Documented, but far less useful than preserving/restoring would
have been. :-/ And somewhat misleading that the help target states
"like CTRL-O but don't move the cursor" when it should state
something more like "like CTRL-O but don't move the cursor except
when the issued command moves the cursor" ;-)

Ah well. I'll return to doing it the more manual way.


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Re: Bug with i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O?


Tim Chase schrieb am 27.08.2015 um 14:46:
> Based on my reading of
> :help i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O
> it should act like i_CTRL-O without moving the cursor. However, I
> tried the following sequence and didn't see the behavior:
> $ vim -u NONE some_prose.txt
> " move to some arbitrary middle-of-the-document location
> ihello<c-\><c-o>gUb
> At this point, it takes a full second (not the instantaneous update
> that would happen in normal mode; not the main problem, just odd;
> happens to coincide with 'timeoutlen') before the text changes
> visually to upper-case unless I hit another key. However the cursor
> gets positioned at the *beginning* of "hello" rather than after
> "hello" where it was before the command was issued.

this is to be expected. The last sentence in the second paragraph below

:help i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O

documents that cursor position is *not* restored after the command
following i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O.

> So i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O appears to be the same behavior as i_CTRL-O
> instead of preserving the cursor-location.

The difference is visible immediately after




In the first case the cursor is moved back to the 'o', while in the
second case it stays after the 'o'. More examples:

ohello<c-o>:echo col('.')<cr>

will print '5', while

ohello<c-\><c-o>:echo col('.')<cr>

will print '6' although the line only has 5 letters.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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Bug with i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O?

Based on my reading of

:help i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O

it should act like i_CTRL-O without moving the cursor. However, I
tried the following sequence and didn't see the behavior:

$ vim -u NONE some_prose.txt
" move to some arbitrary middle-of-the-document location

At this point, it takes a full second (not the instantaneous update
that would happen in normal mode; not the main problem, just odd;
happens to coincide with 'timeoutlen') before the text changes
visually to upper-case unless I hit another key. However the cursor
gets positioned at the *beginning* of "hello" rather than after
"hello" where it was before the command was issued.

So i_CTRL-\_CTRL-O appears to be the same behavior as i_CTRL-O
instead of preserving the cursor-location.

This is stock 7.4.1-488,576 that comes with Debian Stable, so if this
has already been encountered and fixed in a later version, sorry for
the repeat report. Otherwise, it sounds like something is amiss here.


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Re: gVim closing randomly.

Le jeudi 27 août 2015 à 13:44, John Little a écrit:
> On Thursday, August 27, 2015 at 9:14:20 PM UTC+12, Paul Isambert wrote:
> > Vim (GUI) ... simply closes abruptly...
> How are you starting gvim? If you start it in a terminal window,
> there might be messages from vim saying what's happening. If I
> start gvim in a terminal, then pkill it, a message appears in the
> terminal where I started it.

I hadn't thought of that. I usually don't start gvim from the
terminal, but I might try that route until it closes and see if
anything is printed.


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Re: gVim closing randomly.

On Thursday, August 27, 2015 at 9:14:20 PM UTC+12, Paul Isambert wrote:
> Vim (GUI) ... simply closes abruptly...

How are you starting gvim? If you start it in a terminal window, there might be messages from vim saying what's happening. If I start gvim in a terminal, then pkill it, a message appears in the terminal where I started it.

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Re: Gvim shows some letters with strike

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 7:30 PM, skeept <> wrote:
When viewing the attached file with gvim I get the screenshot attached.
I am using Terminus font but i think it is possible to see this with other fonts also.

The command used to produce is:
gvim --noplugin -u NONE -U NONE -c "set encoding=utf8" -c "set gfn=Terminus:h12" tree.txt.

If I move the cursor with the keys l and k on top one of the letters that is striked then it gets fixed.

I am not sure if something like this has been reported before. If so please disregard this message.

Try ":set ambiwidth=double".

Yukihiro Nakadaira -

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Gvim shows some letters with strike

Folder PATH listing for volume Sabre
Volume serial number is EE5C-CF59
│ └───refs
│ ├───heads
│ └───remotes
│ ├───bitb
│ └───origin
│ ├───00
│ ├───01
│ ├───03
│ ├───04
│ ├───05
│ ├───06
│ ├───07

When viewing the attached file with gvim I get the screenshot attached.
I am using Terminus font but i think it is possible to see this with other fonts also.

The command used to produce is:
gvim --noplugin -u NONE -U NONE -c "set encoding=utf8" -c "set gfn=Terminus:h12" tree.txt.

If I move the cursor with the keys l and k on top one of the letters that is striked then it gets fixed.

I am not sure if something like this has been reported before. If so please disregard this message.

Thank you!

Gvim version is:
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 26 2015 14:30:20)
MS-Windows 64-bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-838
Compiled by dummy9@GLOBAL
Huge version with GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl +digraphs +libcall +profile +textobjects
+arabic +directx +linebreak +python/dyn +title
+autocmd -dnd +lispindent +python3/dyn +toolbar
+balloon_eval -ebcdic +listcmds +quickfix +user_commands
+browse +emacs_tags +localmap +reltime +vertsplit
++builtin_terms +eval +lua +rightleft +virtualedit
+byte_offset +ex_extra +menu +ruby/dyn +visual
+cindent +extra_search +mksession +scrollbind +visualextra
+clientserver +farsi +modify_fname +signs +viminfo
+clipboard +file_in_path +mouse +smartindent +vreplace
+cmdline_compl +find_in_path +mouseshape -sniff +wildignore
+cmdline_hist +float +multi_byte_ime/dyn +startuptime +wildmenu
+cmdline_info +folding +multi_lang +statusline +windows
+comments -footer -mzscheme -sun_workshop +writebackup
+conceal +gettext/dyn +netbeans_intg +syntax -xfontset
+cryptv -hangul_input +ole +tag_binary -xim
+cscope +iconv/dyn +path_extra +tag_old_static -xterm_save
+cursorbind +insert_expand +perl/dyn -tag_any_white -xpm_w32
+cursorshape +jumplist +persistent_undo -tcl
+dialog_con_gui +keymap -postscript -tgetent
+diff +langmap +printer -termresponse
system vimrc file: "$VIM\vimrc"
user vimrc file: "$HOME\_vimrc"
2nd user vimrc file: "$HOME\vimfiles\vimrc"
3rd user vimrc file: "$VIM\_vimrc"
user exrc file: "$HOME\_exrc"
2nd user exrc file: "$VIM\_exrc"
system gvimrc file: "$VIM\gvimrc"
user gvimrc file: "$HOME\_gvimrc"
2nd user gvimrc file: "$HOME\vimfiles\gvimrc"
3rd user gvimrc file: "$VIM\_gvimrc"
system menu file: "$VIMRUNTIME\menu.vim"
Linking: link /RELEASE /nologo /subsystem:windows /LTCG:STATUS oldnames.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib /machine:AMD64 /nodefaultlib gdi32.lib version.lib winspool.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /machine:AMD64 /nodefaultlib libcmt.lib oleaut32.lib user32.lib "C:\htemp\lua\lib\lua52.lib" /nodefaultlib:python27.lib /nodefaultlib:python34.lib WSock32.lib /PDB:gvim.pdb -debug

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Re: gVim closing randomly.

Le jeudi 27 août 2015 à 04:26, Ben Fritz a écrit:
> On Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 2:27:37 AM UTC-5, Paul Isambert wrote:
> > Hello there,
> >
> > Vim (GUI) has behaved strangely for the past few weeks (or perhaps
> > months): it simply closes abruptly, without reason, a few times per
> > week. Swap files are deleted, so it seems Vim is closing "normally".
> >
> > Has anybody encountered the same problem, and if so, any solution?
> >
> > (I'm running Arch.)
> >
> Maybe you're accidentally pressing ZZ or ZQ?

That's a possibility of course, but I can't see why I would have made
those accidental key presses in the last weeks only. Also, console Vim
doesn't close randomly. And finally, I remember (but I'm not 100%
sure) that the closing often occurs when I'm not doing anything.

Thanks anyway,

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Re: gVim closing randomly.

On Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 2:27:37 AM UTC-5, Paul Isambert wrote:
> Hello there,
> Vim (GUI) has behaved strangely for the past few weeks (or perhaps
> months): it simply closes abruptly, without reason, a few times per
> week. Swap files are deleted, so it seems Vim is closing "normally".
> Has anybody encountered the same problem, and if so, any solution?
> (I'm running Arch.)

Maybe you're accidentally pressing ZZ or ZQ?

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Re: Highlight if-else-endif structures in Vim

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015, Fabian Nick wrote:
> Hi all,
> ss there a way to highlight if-else-endif structures in Vim on demand based on their 'level' in the overall program hierarchy? I.e. I want something like
> if <<< highlight in red
> foo
> else <<<< red
> if <<< blue
> baz
> bar
> endif <<< blue
> endif <<< red
> I'm mostly editing FORTRAN code, but I guess this feature would be pretty generic, as long as the syntax highlighting works for the given language...

That sounds like the various "rainbow parentheses" plugins, except using
if/else/endif instead of parentheses. I wonder if you could adapt one of
those for your use.

Eric Christopherson

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Re: Solver in vim?

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 10:03 AM, Charles Campbell
<> wrote:

> Along this line of reasoning: check out sage or macsyma. If you'd like
> a commercial product, check out maple.

OP might also be interested in something like IPython / Jupyter:

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Re: Make VIM IDE-like

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Sergius Lord <> wrote:
I installed NERDTree, but it opens only one file, and can't make that it will be like separate window, and all files will open in tabs, just like ":tabnew filename" - it makes new tab and Tree View disappears. So, I'd like to have such behaviour, if it's possible. I also installed NERDTree Tabs plugin, but can't understand how it works and is it do exactly what I want. Please, help.

You can toggle a list of shortcuts in NERDTree with "?"

I usually hit "i", which opens the file in a new split window if something's already open.

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Re: Make VIM IDE-like

Not sure if this satisfies your question, but I've been using "exvim" for a little while now.
It's a reasonably good IDE-like overlay to gvim.


On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Sergius Lord <> wrote:
I installed NERDTree, but it opens only one file, and can't make that it will be like separate window, and all files will open in tabs, just like ":tabnew filename" - it makes new tab and Tree View disappears. So, I'd like to have such behaviour, if it's possible. I also installed NERDTree Tabs plugin, but can't understand how it works and is it do exactly what I want. Please, help.

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Re: How to keep vim registers across applications?

2015-08-26 15:44 GMT+03:00 Mash Walter <>:
> I'm wondering if I can somehow keep vim registers across applications say I
> copy something in vim and then paste it into fish-shell in vim mode or into
> my browser in vim mode or if I can at least make it to store the registers
> accessible so that I can write other applications which may reuse those
> registers. Because copy pasting without vim mode sucks even though I have a
> map for set paste!

:h quote+ for interactions with system clipboard. :h viminfo for
saving registers across sessions (though this variant works correctly
only as long as you want to use a single Vim instance). :h
clipboard-unnamedplus for making quote+ default. Also see adjacent

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Re: [SOLVED] Showmarks problems

* Tim Johnson <> [150826 10:55]:
> * Christian Brabandt <> [150826 01:10]:
> > On Di, 25 Aug 2015, Tim Johnson wrote:
> >
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Version info
> > > :version
> > > VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 25 2015 13:38:04)
> > > MacOS X (unix) version
> > > Included patches: 1-729
> > > Huge version without GUI.
> > >
> > > NOTE : features set to +signs
> > > NOTE : Upgrade via macports
> >
> > What was the previous version?
> I believe it was 7.4 with patch 258.1
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Message :
> > > Error detected while processing CursorHold Auto commands for "*":
> > > E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits:
> > > checktime
> > > Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
> > > line 39:
> > > E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72
> > > Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
> > > line 39:
> > > E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------------
Replaced the following line :
exe 'sign place '.id.' name=ShowMark'.nm.' line='.ln.' buffer='.winbufnr(0)
by the following three lines

if ln > 0 " conditional which tests for the line number as greater than 0
exe 'sign place '.id.' name=ShowMark'.nm.' line='.ln.' buffer='.winbufnr(0)
endif " end conditional

Seems to be the easiest solution...

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Make VIM IDE-like

I installed NERDTree, but it opens only one file, and can't make that it will be like separate window, and all files will open in tabs, just like ":tabnew filename" - it makes new tab and Tree View disappears. So, I'd like to have such behaviour, if it's possible. I also installed NERDTree Tabs plugin, but can't understand how it works and is it do exactly what I want. Please, help.

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Re: Showmarks problems

* Christian Brabandt <> [150826 01:10]:
> On Di, 25 Aug 2015, Tim Johnson wrote:
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Version info
> > :version
> > VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 25 2015 13:38:04)
> > MacOS X (unix) version
> > Included patches: 1-729
> > Huge version without GUI.
> >
> > NOTE : features set to +signs
> > NOTE : Upgrade via macports
> What was the previous version?
I believe it was 7.4 with patch 258.1
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Message :
> > Error detected while processing CursorHold Auto commands for "*":
> > E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits:
> > checktime
> > Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
> > line 39:
> > E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72
> > Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
> > line 39:
> > E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > I _am able_ to set marks and have them displayed in the signs
> > column, just wondering why the messages, this just started with this
> > upgrade
> I think, this is caused by patch 7.4.275 and has been discussed here
> before:
> Looks like you have asked the same question before.

You're correct. Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten about
that because I just rolled back to the previous version.

From that previous discussion, I gather from other posters that
the original showmarks is probably not being actively maintained
and an alternative was presented by

I'll give that a try.

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Highlight if-else-endif structures in Vim

Hi all,

ss there a way to highlight if-else-endif structures in Vim on demand based on their 'level' in the overall program hierarchy? I.e. I want something like

if <<< highlight in red
else <<<< red
if <<< blue
endif <<< blue
endif <<< red

I'm mostly editing FORTRAN code, but I guess this feature would be pretty generic, as long as the syntax highlighting works for the given language...


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Re: Solver in vim?

Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On 26.08.15 15:00, Uwe Husmann wrote:
>> Those are textpads that will recognize and solve mathematical formulas and
>> equations.
>> I just wonder if there are similar plugins for vim that will do the same
>> thing or at least go in the same direction?
> Sounds like an attempt to build a new emacs. Trying to imitate every
> application which passes by seems a strange practice when it is easier
> to use and manage a suite of applications, each of which caters well for
> one area of work - such as text editing.
> Take a look at the *nix application "units". It'll take expressions
> like:
> You have: (400 W/m^2 / stefanboltzmann)^(1/4)
> You want: kelvin
> * 289.80881
> / 0.0034505507
> You have: 2 btu + 450 ft lbf
> You want: btu
> * 2.5782804
> / 0.38785542
> You have: 5 kg * 1 m * (10 radians/second)^2
> You want: newtons
> * 500
> / 0.002
> You have: wiregauge(22)
> You want: mm
> * 0.6438033
> / 1.5532695
> The nifty thing about "units" is that it protests if you muck up the
> dimensions. (Try leaving off the "^2" in the f = mrw^2 computation,
> above.)
> There doesn't seem to be much point reinventing the wheel when there are
> so many of them floating around already. Piping a line of text out to
> another application is something that Vim already does.
Along this line of reasoning: check out sage or macsyma. If you'd like
a commercial product, check out maple.

Chip Campbell

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Re: Terminal issues with vim + tmux + Bitvise SSH Server

* Florian Bruhin <> [2015-08-26 08:47:20 +0200]:
> My terminal is rxvt-unicode -> tmux -> ssh to Windows. When I drop the
> tmux part, it seems only the last problem persists (which I can live
> with).
> Any idea what could be going wrong, and if there's some workaround I
> could do in the SSH server/tmux/vim?

It seems I can work around the other issues by doing
"TERM=linux ssh windowsmachine". Seeing a cursor and being able to use
backspace just makes editing a lot better! :)

If someone knows the proper solution to this however, I'd still be all
ears. My TERM is set to screen-256color in my .tmuxrc (which was IIRC
the only way to get 256color output working everywhere, and never
caused any trouble apart from this).


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Re: Solver in vim?

On 26.08.15 15:00, Uwe Husmann wrote:
> Those are textpads that will recognize and solve mathematical formulas and
> equations.
> I just wonder if there are similar plugins for vim that will do the same
> thing or at least go in the same direction?

Sounds like an attempt to build a new emacs. Trying to imitate every
application which passes by seems a strange practice when it is easier
to use and manage a suite of applications, each of which caters well for
one area of work - such as text editing.

Take a look at the *nix application "units". It'll take expressions

You have: (400 W/m^2 / stefanboltzmann)^(1/4)
You want: kelvin
* 289.80881
/ 0.0034505507

You have: 2 btu + 450 ft lbf
You want: btu
* 2.5782804
/ 0.38785542

You have: 5 kg * 1 m * (10 radians/second)^2
You want: newtons
* 500
/ 0.002

You have: wiregauge(22)
You want: mm
* 0.6438033
/ 1.5532695

The nifty thing about "units" is that it protests if you muck up the
dimensions. (Try leaving off the "^2" in the f = mrw^2 computation,

There doesn't seem to be much point reinventing the wheel when there are
so many of them floating around already. Piping a line of text out to
another application is something that Vim already does.


"Ben and Paddy (police officers from Ramingining, about 20 kilometres away) came
over and took it away from me." - Damien Lumsden referring to an unexploded WW2
bomb he'd been carting around in the back of his ute.

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Solver in vim?

Today i've seen a blogpost about some very interesting tools that i haven't seen before. 

Those are textpads that will recognize and solve mathematical formulas and equations.

I just wonder if there are similar plugins for vim that will do the same thing or at least go in the same direction?

Thank you all,

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How to keep vim registers across applications?

I'm wondering if I can somehow keep vim registers across applications say I copy something in vim and then paste it into fish-shell in vim mode or into my browser in vim mode or if I can at least make it to store the registers accessible so that I can write other applications which may reuse those registers. Because copy pasting without vim mode sucks even though I have a map for set paste!

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gVim closing randomly.

Hello there,

Vim (GUI) has behaved strangely for the past few weeks (or perhaps
months): it simply closes abruptly, without reason, a few times per
week. Swap files are deleted, so it seems Vim is closing "normally".

Has anybody encountered the same problem, and if so, any solution?

(I'm running Arch.)


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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Terminal issues with vim + tmux + Bitvise SSH Server


I regularely access my Windows VM using SSH via BitVise SSH Server[1].
Using vim via VNC in a cmd.exe works fine and as expected.

However, via SSH, I noticed the following problems:

- The cursor is only visible in insert mode - outside of insert mode,
I get no visible cursor at all.

- When I press backspace, an U+2302 HOUSE[2] is inserted instead of a
character being deleted.

- When I press the escape key, I have to wait some time before
continuing to type - otherwise, strange symbols are inserted (e.g.
an 'i' with diaeresis for <Esc>o)

My terminal is rxvt-unicode -> tmux -> ssh to Windows. When I drop the
tmux part, it seems only the last problem persists (which I can live

Any idea what could be going wrong, and if there's some workaround I
could do in the SSH server/tmux/vim?




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Re: Showmarks problems

On Di, 25 Aug 2015, Tim Johnson wrote:

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Version info
> :version
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 25 2015 13:38:04)
> MacOS X (unix) version
> Included patches: 1-729
> Huge version without GUI.
> NOTE : features set to +signs
> NOTE : Upgrade via macports

What was the previous version?

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Message :
> Error detected while processing CursorHold Auto commands for "*":
> E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits:
> checktime
> Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
> line 39:
> E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72
> Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
> line 39:
> E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> I _am able_ to set marks and have them displayed in the signs
> column, just wondering why the messages, this just started with this
> upgrade

I think, this is caused by patch 7.4.275 and has been discussed here

Looks like you have asked the same question before.

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Showmarks problems

Version info
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 25 2015 13:38:04)
MacOS X (unix) version
Included patches: 1-729
Huge version without GUI.

NOTE : features set to +signs
NOTE : Upgrade via macports
Message :
Error detected while processing CursorHold Auto commands for "*":
E11: Invalid in command-line window; <CR> executes, CTRL-C quits:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
line 39:
E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72
Error detected while processing function <SNR>60_ShowMarks:
line 39:
E885: Not possible to change sign ShowMark72

I _am able_ to set marks and have them displayed in the signs
column, just wondering why the messages, this just started with this


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Re: How to easily enable "Lua" in Vim 7.4 (would possibly like to avoid building it from source if possible)

On Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 6:46:13 AM UTC+2, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Monday, August 24, 2015 at 7:43:22 PM UTC-5, Annis Monadjem wrote:
> > My Vim 7.4 "Lua" is disabled. I need to enable "Lua" in Vim so that I can setup "neocomplete". Is there a way to enable "Lua" without removing/reinstalling my current Vim installation. If I happen to built source from scratch I'm aware about "", however any further detail hints/specification are greatly appreciated (I'm still a beginner). Thanks in advance
> That depends on what you mean by "disabled".
> If you have Lua support compiled in (with a '+' by the Lua options in :version output) then you just need to install the correct version of Lua to match what Vim was compiled with, and possible set up some paths.
> If you do NOT have Lua support compiled in already, then you must compile your own or get a different installation that already has it.
> Try some of these if you're on Windows:


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Re: vim suitable for professional software development?


thanks a lot for the explanation.


Am 24.08.2015 15:00 schrieb Stefan Klein:
> Hi,
> 2015-08-24 14:33 GMT+02:00 <>:
>> You've said " Vim plugins will never be as complete as Eclipse (eg
>> refactoring)." Could you elaborate that point, please?
> Eclipse "understands" the java code you write.
> That is, if you have 2 variables "i" in different context, Eclipse
> know these are 2 different variables that just happend to be named the
> same.
> Also Eclipse knows or can find all places where "i" (but not the other
> "i") is used.
> So it's very easy to say 'eclipse, please rename "i" to "j"' and
> eclipse will do so, it will find all places where this exact "i" (and
> not the other "i") is used.
> This would require to implement at least a partial java compiler as a
> vim plugin, so it is not practical.
> (eclipse in fact implements a java compiler)
> A pure editor is limited to find all places where the text "i" is
> used, so it would find the 2nd complete different "i" too.
> regards,
> Stefan
> P.S.: +1 on "use what my (potential) colleagues use"
> --

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Re: vim - how to enable searching in vim editor and finding/highlighting pattern that is only in non-commented block/line

> Is there a more productive way of searching/highlighting patterns of text that appear in a file only in non-commented blocks/lines.

The commands at :help include-search do exactly that.

:ilist foo

will list:

bar baz foo
foo bar baz

but not:

// foo does this

The "d" variants of those commands are particularly useful for programming.

This might need a bit of setup, though, but not much.

FWIW, I wrote to be able to use the quickfix list/window with :ilist, :dlist and friends.

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Re: vim - how to enable searching in vim editor and finding/highlighting pattern that is only in non-commented block/line

On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 7:02 PM, 'Annis Monadjem' via vim_use <> wrote:

I am looking for a way to search in vim editor and to find text highlighted only for pattern found in non-commented blocks/lines.

Is there a more productive way of searching/highlighting patterns of text that appear in a file only in non-commented blocks/lines.


It depends on what level of functionality you are looking for.

My plugin, 

SrchRplcHiGrp.vim  - Search and Replace based on a highlight group

SR = Search and/or Replace

This plugin defines some commands to allow you to: 
1.  Search for characters with a particular syntax highlight group 
2.  Search and replace characters with a particular syntax highlight group 

Allows you to choose the syntax group for comments and then perform searches that are either contained within that syntax group or outside of that syntax group.

Have a quick look at that plugin page, there is an example at the bottom, where I specifically look for things that are NOT comments.


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ANN: SrchRplcHiGrp version 7

What is it?
SrchRplcHiGrp.vim  - Search and Replace based on a highlight group

SR = Search and/or Replace

This plugin defines some commands to allow you to: 
1.  Search for characters with a particular syntax highlight group 
2.  Search and replace characters with a particular syntax highlight group 

See web page for more details on the commands available.


Changed SRSeach.  

It will first look for the next item that has the syntax group chosen via SRChooseHiGrp.  

It will also take an optional regular expression and not only find that syntax group, but also match the regular expression.

Added SRSearch!, which will find the next item that is NOT what was chosen via SRChooseHiGrp.  

Same applied with the regular expression, so if I put my cursor on a comment and 

Then ran 
    :SRSearch! something

It will find the word "something" that is NOT in a comment.

I am always open to suggestions, just email me.  See :h dbext.txt for contact details.


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Monday, August 24, 2015

Re: How to easily enable "Lua" in Vim 7.4 (would possibly like to avoid building it from source if possible)

On Monday, August 24, 2015 at 7:43:22 PM UTC-5, Annis Monadjem wrote:
> My Vim 7.4 "Lua" is disabled. I need to enable "Lua" in Vim so that I can setup "neocomplete". Is there a way to enable "Lua" without removing/reinstalling my current Vim installation. If I happen to built source from scratch I'm aware about "", however any further detail hints/specification are greatly appreciated (I'm still a beginner). Thanks in advance

That depends on what you mean by "disabled".

If you have Lua support compiled in (with a '+' by the Lua options in :version output) then you just need to install the correct version of Lua to match what Vim was compiled with, and possible set up some paths.

If you do NOT have Lua support compiled in already, then you must compile your own or get a different installation that already has it.

Try some of these if you're on Windows:

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Re: DBext cursor jump after execution

Hi David:

> I can send you a updated file to return the cursor to the start of the visual selection.  And you can try it out for a bit.

Sure :-)

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How to easily enable "Lua" in Vim 7.4 (would possibly like to avoid building it from source if possible)

My Vim 7.4 "Lua" is disabled. I need to enable "Lua" in Vim so that I can setup "neocomplete". Is there a way to enable "Lua" without removing/reinstalling my current Vim installation. If I happen to built source from scratch I'm aware about "", however any further detail hints/specification are greatly appreciated (I'm still a beginner). Thanks in advance

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