Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Alt keys not sent to Vim :terminal


I'm in Windows. In Linux, I always use Tmux for my terminal use cases.
But since Tmux doesn't exist in Windows, I wanted to use the embedded
terminal in Vim. It works great. Except --

The alt keys are sending accent letters. For example, I am using Clink,
which adds GNU readline-like features to Command Prompt. So I can use
Alt-f and Alt-b to move cursor one word forward and backward. It works
in external terminal emulator. But it doesn't work in Vim's embedded

C:> this is a word æâ

Above you can see the accented characters æ and â where I pressed Alt-b
and Alt-f respectively. This issue exists in both TUI Vim and GVim.

How can I fix this issue?

Note that I checked with pressing <Ctrl-v><Alt-f> in insert mode in a
non-terminal buffer and it indeed put æ. So I'm thinking if I can send
some other code corresponding to Alt-f, it will work, but I'm not sure.


P.S. Ctrl keys work fine. Ctrl-a/e moves the cursor to the start/end of
the line.

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