Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Re: Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP

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Re: Difficulty with Packages

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 3:39:50 PM UTC-5, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Matthew Desjardins wrote:
> > > > I've been trying to get packages to work, but I'm having difficulties
> > > > with the resulting 'runtimepath'. Packages are all added after my own
> > > > "after" directory, which I would have assumed would be at the end to
> > > > allow me to override things.
> > > >
> > > > Am I missing something?
> > >
> > > What is supposed to happen is that the package directory is added just
> > > after the entry in 'runtimepath' where it that package was found.
> > >
> > > For example, the 'rtp' starts as:
> > > ~/.vim,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,~/.vim/after
> > >
> > > And when finding the matchit plugin it becomes:
> > > ~/.vim,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit,~/.vim/after
> > >
> > > Or when finding a package under ~/.vim:
> > > ~/.vim,~/.vim/pack/my/start/demo,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,~/.vim/after
> > >
> > >
> > > Can you give a small example of what you are doing and what you see
> > > happens?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Although the scythe isn't pre-eminent among the weapons of war, anyone who
> > > has been on the wrong end of, say, a peasants' revolt will know that in
> > > skilled hands it is fearsome.
> > > -- (Terry Pratchett, Mort)
> > >
> > > /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
> > > /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
> > > \\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
> > > \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///
> >
> > packadd-ing an opt is fine, but something under a start is appended to my runtimepath:
> >
> > C:\Users\desjardinsm/vimfiles,C:\Program Files\Vim/vimfiles,C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74,C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74\pack\dist\opt\matchit,C:\Program Files\Vim/vimfiles/after,C:\Users\desjardinsm/vimfiles/after,C:/Users/desjardinsm/vimfiles/pack/test/start/test
> Looks like a forward/backward slash mixup problem.
> Can somone using Windows reproduct this and find out what is the best
> way to fix it?

No suggestions on a fix, but thanks for the pointer! This workaround, placed at the beginning of my .vimrc, lets Vim put package directories in the correct location for now:

if has('win32')
let &runtimepath=substitute(&rtp, '/', '\\', 'g')

Interestingly, going the other way (changing from backslash to forward slash) does not work, even with 'shellslash' set.

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Re: Difficulty with Packages

Tumbler Terrall wrote:

> > Looks like a forward/backward slash mixup problem.
> >
> > Can somone using Windows reproduct this and find out what is the best
> > way to fix it?
> I don't think that mixes slashes is the problem. I have mixed slashes
> in my runtimepath, and it works fine. Windows happily uses either kind
> (or even both) without caring.

That works fine for using the 'rtp', that's why there can be a mix.
But when finding the spot to put the new path in strstr() is used, which
doesn't ignore the difference. This is in add_pack_plugin().

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
164. You got out to buy software, instead of going out for a beer.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

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Re: Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP

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Re: Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP


Thanks for responding to my query. Appreciate it.

Please find the details that you asked for.

1. VIM Version

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Jun 24 2016 02:35:54)
Included patches: 1-1952

2. Tried with these options (-u NONE -N -i NONE switch). Not sure if I'm doing it right. But still getting the signal HUP error. Basically, the system was working fine and not sure why we are receiving this SIGHUP error.

$ vi -u NONE -N -i NONE
Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP

Vim: Finished.


3. Please find our system version.

$ uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-407.el5 #1 SMP Wed Nov 11 08:12:41 EST 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.11 (Tikanga)

Thanks for your help on this.

Thanks & Best Regards,

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 2:50:10 PM UTC+5:30, Thiagu Janakiraman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting the below error in our Dev environment whenever I open a file using vim/vi editor.
> Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP
> Vim: Finished.
> Hangup
> Can you please help me to fix this issue?
> Thanks & Best Regards,
> Thiagu

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Re: Difficulty with Packages

> Looks like a forward/backward slash mixup problem.
> Can somone using Windows reproduct this and find out what is the best
> way to fix it?

I don't think that mixes slashes is the problem. I have mixed slashes in my runtimepath, and it works fine. Windows happily uses either kind (or even both) without caring.

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Re: Difficulty with Packages

Matthew Desjardins wrote:

> > > I've been trying to get packages to work, but I'm having difficulties
> > > with the resulting 'runtimepath'. Packages are all added after my own
> > > "after" directory, which I would have assumed would be at the end to
> > > allow me to override things.
> > >
> > > Am I missing something?
> >
> > What is supposed to happen is that the package directory is added just
> > after the entry in 'runtimepath' where it that package was found.
> >
> > For example, the 'rtp' starts as:
> > ~/.vim,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,~/.vim/after
> >
> > And when finding the matchit plugin it becomes:
> > ~/.vim,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit,~/.vim/after
> >
> > Or when finding a package under ~/.vim:
> > ~/.vim,~/.vim/pack/my/start/demo,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,~/.vim/after
> >
> >
> > Can you give a small example of what you are doing and what you see
> > happens?
> >
> > --
> > Although the scythe isn't pre-eminent among the weapons of war, anyone who
> > has been on the wrong end of, say, a peasants' revolt will know that in
> > skilled hands it is fearsome.
> > -- (Terry Pratchett, Mort)
> >
> > /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
> > /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
> > \\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
> > \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///
> packadd-ing an opt is fine, but something under a start is appended to my runtimepath:
> C:\Users\desjardinsm/vimfiles,C:\Program Files\Vim/vimfiles,C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74,C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74\pack\dist\opt\matchit,C:\Program Files\Vim/vimfiles/after,C:\Users\desjardinsm/vimfiles/after,C:/Users/desjardinsm/vimfiles/pack/test/start/test

Looks like a forward/backward slash mixup problem.

Can somone using Windows reproduct this and find out what is the best
way to fix it?

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
161. You get up before the sun rises to check your e-mail, and you
find yourself in the very same chair long after the sun has set.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

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Re: horizontal range, kindof

On 2016-06-28, BPJ wrote:

> It was intended to  match anything but a tab, but I see now that that escape
> isn't supported by Vim.

This will match any character but a tab:



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Re: How to make gvim ignore the TERM signal ?

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 5:32:04 PM UTC+8, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> I'm not 100% sure but I think SIGTERM is what (or one of the things
> that) Gvim with GNOME relies upon to save your session in a hurry when
> you log out of X11 (or shut down the whole system) with an open gvim;
> so if you want to ignore SIGTERM (which IMHO is not a very good idea)
> you "might" have to compile without GNOME.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

> > On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 6:40:07 PM UTC+8, Jacky Liu wrote:
> >> I'm using gvim as the user interface for my own application largely written in python, and I'm firing up matplotlib windows through vim's python interface to do data visualization and graphical operation, here I have an issue: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity as the desktop environment, and only by the first time triggering will Unity bring the new matplotlib window on top of my gvim window, after the first time, Unity will only give me a notice in the launching area, and I have to manually switch to the newly created matplotlib window.
> >>
> >> I'm using PyQT4 as the backend inside matplotlib, here is the demo code:
> >>
> >> nnoremap \t :<C-u>py3 test_graphical_interface()<CR>
> >>
> >> python3 << EOF
> >>
> >> import matplotlib
> >> matplotlib.use("Qt4Agg", warn=True)
> >> import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
> >>
> >> from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
> >>
> >> def test_graphical_interface():
> >>
> >> fig= pyplot.figure( \
> >> figsize= (3.0, 3.0), \
> >> dpi= 300, \
> >> facecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
> >> edgecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
> >> linewidth= 1.0
> >> )
> >> ax= fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8), axis_bgcolor='black')
> >>
> >> manager= pyplot.get_current_fig_manager()
> >> manager.window.setWindowTitle('GIF testing')
> >>
> >> manager.window.showMaximized() # XXX: show up the graphical window
> >>
> >> EOF
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The following code I found online was also tried, yet it has no effect.
> >>
> >> manager.window.setWindowState(
> >> manager.window.windowState() & \
> >> ~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | \
> >> QtCore.Qt.WindowActive
> >> )
> >>
> >> manager.window.setWindowFlags(
> >> manager.window.windowFlags() & \
> >> QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
> >>
> >> )
> >>
> >> manager.window.setWindowFlags(
> >> manager.window.windowFlags() & \
> >> ~QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
> >> )
> >>
> >> manager.window.raise_()
> >> manager.window.activateWindow()
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I realized this issue was in line with Unity's behaviour, like when you open up multiple image files with eog the viewer, only the first time opening will bring up the eog window, later opening up will only gives you notice in the launching area and Unity will not bring up new windows (having the new windows minimized and hidden below).
> >>
> >> After some try I realized two consecutive calls of will always bring up the window to the front as desired:
> >>
> >> manager.window.showNormal()
> >> manager.window.showMaximized()
> >>
> >> but a new problem occurred, when the matplotlib window is closed, gvim window will be closed as well, it looks like each call of the show() function will be registered, such that corresponding numbers of TERM signal will be generated later, first signal kills the graphical window, the second kills gvim.
> >>
> >> There are 3 options I can think of trying to solve the issue:
> >>
> >> 1. try to make gvim ignore the TERM signal, such that it can only be quitted by commands like :qall
> >> 2. try to alter the behaviour of Unity into always bringing up the new app windows to the top
> >> 3. keep trying within the Qt frame, like more methods of the manager.window object to see if a solution can be found
> >>
> >> Can someone enlighten me as to which option I should try with the most likelihood of success? Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> > OK, I found a not so elegant solution:
> >
> > evalstr= "feedkeys(':py3 subprocess.Popen([''wmctrl'', ''-a'', ''" +"GIF testing"+ "''], shell=False)' . " + '"\<CR>")'
> > vim.eval(evalstr)
> >
> >
> > When in doubt, feedkeys.
> >
> > --
> > --
> > You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
> > Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to.
> > For more information, visit
> >
> > ---
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "vim_use" group.
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
> > For more options, visit

You're right, I also realized that when I screwed up my Python program such that gvim stopped responding, I also have to rely on manually closing the window to quit gvim, so ignoring the TERM signal may not be an option. Fortunately the feedkeys() approach worked for me.

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Re: Difficulty with Packages

On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 4:56:46 PM UTC-4, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Matthew Desjardins wrote:
> > I've been trying to get packages to work, but I'm having difficulties
> > with the resulting 'runtimepath'. Packages are all added after my own
> > "after" directory, which I would have assumed would be at the end to
> > allow me to override things.
> >
> > Am I missing something?
> What is supposed to happen is that the package directory is added just
> after the entry in 'runtimepath' where it that package was found.
> For example, the 'rtp' starts as:
> ~/.vim,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,~/.vim/after
> And when finding the matchit plugin it becomes:
> ~/.vim,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime/pack/dist/opt/matchit,~/.vim/after
> Or when finding a package under ~/.vim:
> ~/.vim,~/.vim/pack/my/start/demo,/usr/lib/vim/vim74/runtime,~/.vim/after
> Can you give a small example of what you are doing and what you see
> happens?
> --
> Although the scythe isn't pre-eminent among the weapons of war, anyone who
> has been on the wrong end of, say, a peasants' revolt will know that in
> skilled hands it is fearsome.
> -- (Terry Pratchett, Mort)
> /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
> /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
> \\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
> \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

packadd-ing an opt is fine, but something under a start is appended to my runtimepath:

C:\Users\desjardinsm/vimfiles,C:\Program Files\Vim/vimfiles,C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74,C:\Program Files\Vim\vim74\pack\dist\opt\matchit,C:\Program Files\Vim/vimfiles/after,C:\Users\desjardinsm/vimfiles/after,C:/Users/desjardinsm/vimfiles/pack/test/start/test

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Re: horizontal range, kindof

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 6:11:42 PM UTC+8, BPJ wrote:
> Mind the reply to!
> Den 27 jun 2016 17:53 skrev "Tumbler Terrall" <>:
> >
> > On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 6:12:47 AM UTC-5, BPJ wrote:
> > > I'm trying to do a substitution in a 'horizontal/virtual column range'.
> > >
> > > I have an ASCII table where the columns are separated by tab
> > > characters (for now). I want to wrap the contents (which contain
> > > space (U+0020) and \S characters, being of unequal length of
> > > course!) of some specific table columns in asterisks (think
> > > Markdown emphasis). I thought I could use a range and \%v to
> > > match the text between two screen virtual columns and then use an
> > > expression with substitute() to wrap instances of \T\+
> > > inside the matched screen column range, something like
> > >
> > >     'a,'b s/\%13v.*\%46v/\=substitute(submatch(0),'\T\+','*&*','g')/
> > >
> > > but apparently I've misunderstood \%v because I get no match.
> > > So what is the right way to do this? I'm not looking forward to
> > > changing three columns on some 70 lines manually!
> > >
> > > /bpj
> >
> > What are you trying to match with "\T"? Because as far as I can tell that
> > matches the letter "t". If you're looking to match tabs, that would be "\t".
> > The case does make a difference.
> It was intended to  match anything but a tab, but I see now that that escape isn't supported by Vim. Anyway I ended up writing an external filter in Perl, since the needed steps turned out to be somewhat more complicated than I first thought: I needed to leave some Pandoc footnote marks outside the emphasis.

a backslash inside a pair of single quotes represents a backslash, literally. Look into usr_41.txt and search for "single quote".

:echo '\t' == "\t"

would results in 0, which means False.

If you want a tab character you would have to put \t in double quotes.

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Re: Settings the starting line for multiple buffers

On Monday, 27 June, 2016 at 16:27:34 BST, Zaxxon wrote:
>When I use vim for multiple files, they are placed in the buffer. Not all the buffers are at "line 1", instead, they seem to be in various other places that I am not sure why that is, as shown in the attached screen shot.
>Is there a way to set all the buffers to start at "Line 1", or at a place of my choosing?

See ":help last-position-jump". You might already have such an autocmd.

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Re: horizontal range, kindof

Mind the reply to!
Den 27 jun 2016 17:53 skrev "Tumbler Terrall" <>:
> On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 6:12:47 AM UTC-5, BPJ wrote:
> > I'm trying to do a substitution in a 'horizontal/virtual column range'.
> >
> > I have an ASCII table where the columns are separated by tab
> > characters (for now). I want to wrap the contents (which contain
> > space (U+0020) and \S characters, being of unequal length of
> > course!) of some specific table columns in asterisks (think
> > Markdown emphasis). I thought I could use a range and \%v to
> > match the text between two screen virtual columns and then use an
> > expression with substitute() to wrap instances of \T\+
> > inside the matched screen column range, something like
> >
> >     'a,'b s/\%13v.*\%46v/\=substitute(submatch(0),'\T\+','*&*','g')/
> >
> > but apparently I've misunderstood \%v because I get no match.
> > So what is the right way to do this? I'm not looking forward to
> > changing three columns on some 70 lines manually!
> >
> > /bpj
> What are you trying to match with "\T"? Because as far as I can tell that
> matches the letter "t". If you're looking to match tabs, that would be "\t".
> The case does make a difference.

It was intended to  match anything but a tab, but I see now that that escape isn't supported by Vim. Anyway I ended up writing an external filter in Perl, since the needed steps turned out to be somewhat more complicated than I first thought: I needed to leave some Pandoc footnote marks outside the emphasis.

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Re: How to make gvim ignore the TERM signal ?

I'm not 100% sure but I think SIGTERM is what (or one of the things
that) Gvim with GNOME relies upon to save your session in a hurry when
you log out of X11 (or shut down the whole system) with an open gvim;
so if you want to ignore SIGTERM (which IMHO is not a very good idea)
you "might" have to compile without GNOME.

Best regards,

On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Jacky Liu <> wrote:
> On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 6:40:07 PM UTC+8, Jacky Liu wrote:
>> I'm using gvim as the user interface for my own application largely written in python, and I'm firing up matplotlib windows through vim's python interface to do data visualization and graphical operation, here I have an issue: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity as the desktop environment, and only by the first time triggering will Unity bring the new matplotlib window on top of my gvim window, after the first time, Unity will only give me a notice in the launching area, and I have to manually switch to the newly created matplotlib window.
>> I'm using PyQT4 as the backend inside matplotlib, here is the demo code:
>> nnoremap \t :<C-u>py3 test_graphical_interface()<CR>
>> python3 << EOF
>> import matplotlib
>> matplotlib.use("Qt4Agg", warn=True)
>> import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
>> from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
>> def test_graphical_interface():
>> fig= pyplot.figure( \
>> figsize= (3.0, 3.0), \
>> dpi= 300, \
>> facecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
>> edgecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
>> linewidth= 1.0
>> )
>> ax= fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8), axis_bgcolor='black')
>> manager= pyplot.get_current_fig_manager()
>> manager.window.setWindowTitle('GIF testing')
>> manager.window.showMaximized() # XXX: show up the graphical window
>> EOF
>> The following code I found online was also tried, yet it has no effect.
>> manager.window.setWindowState(
>> manager.window.windowState() & \
>> ~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | \
>> QtCore.Qt.WindowActive
>> )
>> manager.window.setWindowFlags(
>> manager.window.windowFlags() & \
>> QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
>> )
>> manager.window.setWindowFlags(
>> manager.window.windowFlags() & \
>> ~QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
>> )
>> manager.window.raise_()
>> manager.window.activateWindow()
>> I realized this issue was in line with Unity's behaviour, like when you open up multiple image files with eog the viewer, only the first time opening will bring up the eog window, later opening up will only gives you notice in the launching area and Unity will not bring up new windows (having the new windows minimized and hidden below).
>> After some try I realized two consecutive calls of will always bring up the window to the front as desired:
>> manager.window.showNormal()
>> manager.window.showMaximized()
>> but a new problem occurred, when the matplotlib window is closed, gvim window will be closed as well, it looks like each call of the show() function will be registered, such that corresponding numbers of TERM signal will be generated later, first signal kills the graphical window, the second kills gvim.
>> There are 3 options I can think of trying to solve the issue:
>> 1. try to make gvim ignore the TERM signal, such that it can only be quitted by commands like :qall
>> 2. try to alter the behaviour of Unity into always bringing up the new app windows to the top
>> 3. keep trying within the Qt frame, like more methods of the manager.window object to see if a solution can be found
>> Can someone enlighten me as to which option I should try with the most likelihood of success? Thanks.
> OK, I found a not so elegant solution:
> evalstr= "feedkeys(':py3 subprocess.Popen([''wmctrl'', ''-a'', ''" +"GIF testing"+ "''], shell=False)' . " + '"\<CR>")'
> vim.eval(evalstr)
> When in doubt, feedkeys.
> --
> --
> You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
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> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "vim_use" group.
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Re: Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP

Hi Thiagu!

On Di, 28 Jun 2016, Thiagu Janakiraman wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm getting the below error in our Dev environment whenever I open a file using vim/vi editor.
> Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP
> Vim: Finished.
> Hangup
> Can you please help me to fix this issue?

First you should at least post your version.
Second, you could try with the -u NONE -N -i NONE switch
to rule out plugins or settings. Third mention your system

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Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP


I'm getting the below error in our Dev environment whenever I open a file using vim/vi editor.

Vim: Caught deadly signal HUP

Vim: Finished.

Can you please help me to fix this issue?

Thanks & Best Regards,

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Re: How to make gvim ignore the TERM signal ?

On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 6:40:07 PM UTC+8, Jacky Liu wrote:
> I'm using gvim as the user interface for my own application largely written in python, and I'm firing up matplotlib windows through vim's python interface to do data visualization and graphical operation, here I have an issue: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity as the desktop environment, and only by the first time triggering will Unity bring the new matplotlib window on top of my gvim window, after the first time, Unity will only give me a notice in the launching area, and I have to manually switch to the newly created matplotlib window.
> I'm using PyQT4 as the backend inside matplotlib, here is the demo code:
> nnoremap \t :<C-u>py3 test_graphical_interface()<CR>
> python3 << EOF
> import matplotlib
> matplotlib.use("Qt4Agg", warn=True)
> import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
> from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
> def test_graphical_interface():
> fig= pyplot.figure( \
> figsize= (3.0, 3.0), \
> dpi= 300, \
> facecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
> edgecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
> linewidth= 1.0
> )
> ax= fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8), axis_bgcolor='black')
> manager= pyplot.get_current_fig_manager()
> manager.window.setWindowTitle('GIF testing')
> manager.window.showMaximized() # XXX: show up the graphical window
> The following code I found online was also tried, yet it has no effect.
> manager.window.setWindowState(
> manager.window.windowState() & \
> ~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | \
> QtCore.Qt.WindowActive
> )
> manager.window.setWindowFlags(
> manager.window.windowFlags() & \
> QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
> )
> manager.window.setWindowFlags(
> manager.window.windowFlags() & \
> ~QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
> )
> manager.window.raise_()
> manager.window.activateWindow()
> I realized this issue was in line with Unity's behaviour, like when you open up multiple image files with eog the viewer, only the first time opening will bring up the eog window, later opening up will only gives you notice in the launching area and Unity will not bring up new windows (having the new windows minimized and hidden below).
> After some try I realized two consecutive calls of will always bring up the window to the front as desired:
> manager.window.showNormal()
> manager.window.showMaximized()
> but a new problem occurred, when the matplotlib window is closed, gvim window will be closed as well, it looks like each call of the show() function will be registered, such that corresponding numbers of TERM signal will be generated later, first signal kills the graphical window, the second kills gvim.
> There are 3 options I can think of trying to solve the issue:
> 1. try to make gvim ignore the TERM signal, such that it can only be quitted by commands like :qall
> 2. try to alter the behaviour of Unity into always bringing up the new app windows to the top
> 3. keep trying within the Qt frame, like more methods of the manager.window object to see if a solution can be found
> Can someone enlighten me as to which option I should try with the most likelihood of success? Thanks.

OK, I found a not so elegant solution:

evalstr= "feedkeys(':py3 subprocess.Popen([''wmctrl'', ''-a'', ''" +"GIF testing"+ "''], shell=False)' . " + '"\<CR>")'

When in doubt, feedkeys.

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Re: Difficulty with Packages

Matthew Desjardins wrote:

> I've been trying to get packages to work, but I'm having difficulties
> with the resulting 'runtimepath'. Packages are all added after my own
> "after" directory, which I would have assumed would be at the end to
> allow me to override things.
> Am I missing something?

What is supposed to happen is that the package directory is added just
after the entry in 'runtimepath' where it that package was found.

For example, the 'rtp' starts as:

And when finding the matchit plugin it becomes:

Or when finding a package under ~/.vim:

Can you give a small example of what you are doing and what you see

Although the scythe isn't pre-eminent among the weapons of war, anyone who
has been on the wrong end of, say, a peasants' revolt will know that in
skilled hands it is fearsome.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Mort)

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Re: horizontal range, kindof

On Monday, June 27, 2016 at 6:12:47 AM UTC-5, BPJ wrote:
> I'm trying to do a substitution in a 'horizontal/virtual column range'.
> I have an ASCII table where the columns are separated by tab
> characters (for now). I want to wrap the contents (which contain
> space (U+0020) and \S characters, being of unequal length of
> course!) of some specific table columns in asterisks (think
> Markdown emphasis). I thought I could use a range and \%v to
> match the text between two screen virtual columns and then use an
> expression with substitute() to wrap instances of \T\+
> inside the matched screen column range, something like
> 'a,'b s/\%13v.*\%46v/\=substitute(submatch(0),'\T\+','*&*','g')/
> but apparently I've misunderstood \%v because I get no match.
> So what is the right way to do this? I'm not looking forward to
> changing three columns on some 70 lines manually!
> /bpj

What are you trying to match with "\T"? Because as far as I can tell that
matches the letter "t". If you're looking to match tabs, that would be "\t".
The case does make a difference.

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Settings the starting line for multiple buffers

Greetings to all,

When I use vim for multiple files, they are placed in the buffer. Not all the buffers are at "line 1", instead, they seem to be in various other places that I am not sure why that is, as shown in the attached screen shot.

Is there a way to set all the buffers to start at "Line 1", or at a place of my choosing?

Thank you

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Difficulty with Packages

I've been trying to get packages to work, but I'm having difficulties with the resulting 'runtimepath'. Packages are all added after my own "after" directory, which I would have assumed would be at the end to allow me to override things.

Am I missing something?

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horizontal range, kindof

I'm trying to do a substitution in a 'horizontal/virtual column range'.

I have an ASCII table where the columns are separated by tab
characters (for now). I want to wrap the contents (which contain
space (U+0020) and \S characters, being of unequal length of
course!) of some specific table columns in asterisks (think
Markdown emphasis). I thought I could use a range and \%v to
match the text between two screen virtual columns and then use an
expression with substitute() to wrap instances of \T\+
inside the matched screen column range, something like

'a,'b s/\%13v.*\%46v/\=substitute(submatch(0),'\T\+','*&*','g')/

but apparently I've misunderstood \%v because I get no match.
So what is the right way to do this? I'm not looking forward to
changing three columns on some 70 lines manually!


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How to make gvim ignore the TERM signal ?

I'm using gvim as the user interface for my own application largely written in python, and I'm firing up matplotlib windows through vim's python interface to do data visualization and graphical operation, here I have an issue: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity as the desktop environment, and only by the first time triggering will Unity bring the new matplotlib window on top of my gvim window, after the first time, Unity will only give me a notice in the launching area, and I have to manually switch to the newly created matplotlib window.

I'm using PyQT4 as the backend inside matplotlib, here is the demo code:

nnoremap \t :<C-u>py3 test_graphical_interface()<CR>

python3 << EOF

import matplotlib
matplotlib.use("Qt4Agg", warn=True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore

def test_graphical_interface():

fig= pyplot.figure( \
figsize= (3.0, 3.0), \
dpi= 300, \
facecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
edgecolor= '#ffc0cb', \
linewidth= 1.0
ax= fig.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8), axis_bgcolor='black')

manager= pyplot.get_current_fig_manager()
manager.window.setWindowTitle('GIF testing')

manager.window.showMaximized() # XXX: show up the graphical window


The following code I found online was also tried, yet it has no effect.

manager.window.windowState() & \
~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | \

manager.window.windowFlags() & \


manager.window.windowFlags() & \


I realized this issue was in line with Unity's behaviour, like when you open up multiple image files with eog the viewer, only the first time opening will bring up the eog window, later opening up will only gives you notice in the launching area and Unity will not bring up new windows (having the new windows minimized and hidden below).

After some try I realized two consecutive calls of will always bring up the window to the front as desired:


but a new problem occurred, when the matplotlib window is closed, gvim window will be closed as well, it looks like each call of the show() function will be registered, such that corresponding numbers of TERM signal will be generated later, first signal kills the graphical window, the second kills gvim.

There are 3 options I can think of trying to solve the issue:

1. try to make gvim ignore the TERM signal, such that it can only be quitted by commands like :qall
2. try to alter the behaviour of Unity into always bringing up the new app windows to the top
3. keep trying within the Qt frame, like more methods of the manager.window object to see if a solution can be found

Can someone enlighten me as to which option I should try with the most likelihood of success? Thanks.

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Re: Continuation line doesn't work when executing from register

On 26/06/2016 08:19 a.m., Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov wrote:
> 2016-06-26 15:38 GMT+03:00 Bram Moolenaar<>:
>> Cesar Romani wrote:
>>> I'm using vim 7.4.1952 on Windows 7.
>>> Suppose I have two files on the same folder: test1.txt and test2.txt.
>>> I have 'set nocp' in both of them.
>>> test1.txt contains the following code, and I visually select it and
>>> it to the clipboard with '<,'>y+:
>>> nn<silent> <Plug>RDF :'{,'}s/-\n//ge
>>> \ :call repeat#set("\<Plug>RDF")<cr>
>>> map ,b<Plug>RDF
>>> then I go to test2.txt and do @+
>>> then I get an error:
>>> E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or&
>>> But if, on test1.txt, I do 'source test2.txt' or 'runtime
test2.txt,' it
>>> works.
>> The ":source" command executes Ex commands, the @r command executes
>> Normal mode commands. That's quite different.
> I guess he simply meant :@r (:h :@, do not confuse this with :h @).
> And this is general problem with any :execute-like functionality:
> :execute
> :@
> -c
> --cmd
> py vim.command
> : you cannot use continuation anywhere here because all these commands
> mostly execute *one* line *always* (and even if they do something else
> like ex_at does, used fgetline function still does not support
> continuation). And `\n` is being treated just like `|` is.
> Though I would say that fixing this anywhere, but in :@ is definitely
> going to break backward compatibility: because of "execute one line"
> functionality is used to do things like `execute 'normal a' .
> multiline_text` to append multiline text or `:execute 'python'
> constructed_multiline_script`. :@ is separate because it the only
> thing which actually does execute multiple lines, so making
> `getexline` used from ex_at (this is essential, ex_at is not the only
> place where it is used) support line continuation will simply get rid
> of E10 errors.

Yes, this :@r is why I meant, and thanks for the detailed explanation.

I use it very often with all kind of commands and functions, and I've
never had a problem with it, except now, with the continuation sign.

Best regards,


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Re: Continuation line doesn't work when executing from register

2016-06-26 15:38 GMT+03:00 Bram Moolenaar <>:
> Cesar Romani wrote:
>> I'm using vim 7.4.1952 on Windows 7.
>> Suppose I have two files on the same folder: test1.txt and test2.txt.
>> I have 'set nocp' in both of them.
>> test1.txt contains the following code, and I visually select it and copy
>> it to the clipboard with '<,'>y+:
>> nn <silent> <Plug>RDF :'{,'}s/-\n//ge
>> \ :call repeat#set("\<Plug>RDF")<cr>
>> map ,b <Plug>RDF
>> then I go to test2.txt and do @+
>> then I get an error:
>> E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
>> But if, on test1.txt, I do 'source test2.txt' or 'runtime test2.txt,' it
>> works.
> The ":source" command executes Ex commands, the @r command executes
> Normal mode commands. That's quite different.

I guess he simply meant :@r (:h :@, do not confuse this with :h @).
And this is general problem with any :execute-like functionality:

py vim.command

: you cannot use continuation anywhere here because all these commands
mostly execute *one* line *always* (and even if they do something else
like ex_at does, used fgetline function still does not support
continuation). And `\n` is being treated just like `|` is.

Though I would say that fixing this anywhere, but in :@ is definitely
going to break backward compatibility: because of "execute one line"
functionality is used to do things like `execute 'normal a' .
multiline_text` to append multiline text or `:execute 'python'
constructed_multiline_script`. :@ is separate because it the only
thing which actually does execute multiple lines, so making
`getexline` used from ex_at (this is essential, ex_at is not the only
place where it is used) support line continuation will simply get rid
of E10 errors.

> --
> "Microsoft is like Coke. It's a secret formula, all the money is from
> distribution, and their goal is to get Coke everywhere. Open source is like
> selling water. There are water companies like Perrier and Poland Spring, but
> you're competing with something that's free." -- Carl Howe
> /// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
> /// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
> \\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
> \\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///
> --
> --
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Re: Continuation line doesn't work when executing from register

Cesar Romani wrote:

> I'm using vim 7.4.1952 on Windows 7.
> Suppose I have two files on the same folder: test1.txt and test2.txt.
> I have 'set nocp' in both of them.
> test1.txt contains the following code, and I visually select it and copy
> it to the clipboard with '<,'>y+:
> nn <silent> <Plug>RDF :'{,'}s/-\n//ge
> \ :call repeat#set("\<Plug>RDF")<cr>
> map ,b <Plug>RDF
> then I go to test2.txt and do @+
> then I get an error:
> E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
> But if, on test1.txt, I do 'source test2.txt' or 'runtime test2.txt,' it
> works.

The ":source" command executes Ex commands, the @r command executes
Normal mode commands. That's quite different.

"Microsoft is like Coke. It's a secret formula, all the money is from
distribution, and their goal is to get Coke everywhere. Open source is like
selling water. There are water companies like Perrier and Poland Spring, but
you're competing with something that's free." -- Carl Howe

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\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Continuation line doesn't work when executing from register

I'm using vim 7.4.1952 on Windows 7.
Suppose I have two files on the same folder: test1.txt and test2.txt.
I have 'set nocp' in both of them.

test1.txt contains the following code, and I visually select it and copy
it to the clipboard with '<,'>y+:

nn <silent> <Plug>RDF :'{,'}s/-\n//ge
\ :call repeat#set("\<Plug>RDF")<cr>
map ,b <Plug>RDF

then I go to test2.txt and do @+
then I get an error:

E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &

But if, on test1.txt, I do 'source test2.txt' or 'runtime test2.txt,' it

Many thanks in advance,


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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Re: :autocmd Filetype netrw echom "Greetings from netrw"

Tumbler Terrall wrote:
>> Following autocmd Filetype does not trigger when I enter a netrw window
>> :autocmd Filetype netrw echom "Greetings from netrw"
> netrw executes all of its autocmd's silently. Therefore any echo commands will have no effect. If you're simply trying to verify that the command is going through, try setting a variable. More info on the topic can be found here:
I've changed that in netrw v157h. Consider that change as experimental
-- if I don't get complaints, it may stay that way. You can get v157h
from my website: .

Chip Campbell

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Re: :autocmd Filetype netrw echom "Greetings from netrw"

> Following autocmd Filetype does not trigger when I enter a netrw window
> :autocmd Filetype netrw echom "Greetings from netrw"

netrw executes all of its autocmd's silently. Therefore any echo commands will have no effect. If you're simply trying to verify that the command is going through, try setting a variable. More info on the topic can be found here:

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Bug (?) with getcwd()

On Windows, I have this in the registry:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open in gVim Tab\command]
@="\"d:\\Vim\\vim74\\gvim.exe\" --remote-tab-silent \"%1\" \"%*\""

and I like to open files with right-click "Open in gVim Tab" in Explorer.

But today when I did this on a file (say, c:\abc's\file), I got this:

E15: Invalid expression: getcwd() ==# 'c:\abc's' | cd - |endif|endif

I encountered this before - when I tried to right-click open files in a drive's root directory (like, j:\file) and back then the message was:

E114: Missing quote: "j:\"|cd -|endif|endif
E15: Invalid expression: getcwd() ==# "j:\|cd -|endif|endif

See the difference? double quotes and single quotes.

If I change c:\abc's to c:\abc''s, vim gives no error.

So maybe getcwd() should check if there is char like ' in the path name.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Re: Unknown option argument: "--multiprocessing-fork"

在 2014年12月23日星期二 UTC+8下午6:32:05,Canis Major写道:
> I have an error on Windows vim version 7.4.417: Unknown option argument:
> "--multiprocessing-fork" . It is related to using python
> multiprocessing. How I can fix that?

Same issue here on Windows vim version 7.4.1923.
It's not related to any plugin.
To reproduce:
:py from multiprocessing import Pool
:py p = Pool(4)

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:autocmd Filetype netrw echom "Greetings from netrw"

Following autocmd Filetype does not trigger when I enter a netrw window

:autocmd Filetype netrw echom "Greetings from netrw"

I have tried following minimal approach:

$ vim -C -u NONE
:so $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
:autocmd Filetype netrw echom "Greetings from netrw"
:E .

I miss the message from my autocommand.

What am I doing wrong?

$ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled May 17 2016 05:04:31)
MacOS X (unix) version
Included patches: 1-1831
Compiled by _spotlight@Traviss-Mac-747.local
Huge version with MacVim GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl +file_in_path +mouse_sgr +tag_old_static
+arabic +find_in_path -mouse_sysmouse -tag_any_white
+autocmd +float +mouse_urxvt -tcl
+balloon_eval +folding +mouse_xterm +termguicolors
+browse -footer +multi_byte +terminfo
++builtin_terms +fork() +multi_lang +termresponse
+byte_offset +fullscreen -mzscheme +textobjects
+channel -gettext +netbeans_intg +timers
+cindent -hangul_input +odbeditor +title
+clientserver +iconv +packages +toolbar
+clipboard +insert_expand +path_extra +transparency
+cmdline_compl +job +perl/dyn +user_commands
+cmdline_hist +jumplist +persistent_undo +vertsplit
+cmdline_info +keymap +postscript +virtualedit
+comments +langmap +printer +visual
+conceal +libcall +profile +visualextra
+cryptv +linebreak +python/dyn +viminfo
+cscope +lispindent +python3/dyn +vreplace
+cursorbind +listcmds +quickfix +wildignore
+cursorshape +localmap +reltime +wildmenu
+dialog_con_gui +lua/dyn +rightleft +windows
+diff +menu +ruby/dyn +writebackup
+digraphs +mksession +scrollbind -X11
+dnd +modify_fname +signs -xfontset
-ebcdic +mouse +smartindent +xim
+emacs_tags +mouseshape +startuptime -xsmp
+eval +mouse_dec +statusline -xterm_clipboard
+ex_extra -mouse_gpm -sun_workshop -xterm_save
+extra_search -mouse_jsbterm +syntax -xpm
+farsi +mouse_netterm +tag_binary

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Re: how to change the color at the start page ?

在 2016年6月16日星期四 UTC+8下午10:33:10,Ben Fritz写道:
> On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 8:19:07 PM UTC-5, 李哲 wrote:
> > Yeah, I use molokai scheme, and `set background=dark`
> I was not looking at the correct area.
> You need to set the 'NonText' highlight group. In my colorscheme I set guibg=NONE which allows it to use the same background as Normal.

yeah the nontext group worked !tnx a lot

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Re: how to change the color at the start page ?

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 8:19:07 PM UTC-5, 李哲 wrote:
> Yeah, I use molokai scheme, and `set background=dark`

I was not looking at the correct area.

You need to set the 'NonText' highlight group. In my colorscheme I set guibg=NONE which allows it to use the same background as Normal.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Re: Help in writing vim script

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 7:03:20 PM UTC+12, Siddhant Gupta wrote:
> I have a variable containing Result: "/tmp/abcd/1234", I want to extract /tmp/abcd/1234 in another variable.How can I do this?

That depends on what you want to match around what you want. Matching the word Result and the colon and quotes, and assuming there's nothing else,

let x = 'Result: "/tmp/abcd/1234"'
let y = substitute(x, 'Result: "\(.*\)"', '\1', '')

is one way to do it. Add .* to the beginning or end or both if there's characters to ignore there.

Regards, John Little

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Re: how to change the color at the start page ?

Yeah, I use molokai scheme, and `set background=dark`

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Re: how to change the color at the start page ?

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 9:54:34 AM UTC-5, 李哲 wrote:
> How to change the color in the red frame?
> I already set
> highlight Normal guibg=black but it work. So how to change the bg color in the start page ?

Where did you put that setting? It needs to come after you apply your colorscheme.

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Re: how to change the color at the start page ?

在 2016年6月15日星期三 UTC+8下午10:54:34,李哲写道:
> How to change the color in the red frame?
> I already set
> highlight Normal guibg=black but it work. So how to change the bg color in the start page ?

I make the pic more clear

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how to change the color at the start page ?

How to change the color in the red frame?

I already set
highlight Normal guibg=black but it work. So how to change the bg color in the start page ?

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Re: help writing vim script

* Siddhant Gupta <> [2016-06-15 10:03]:
> I have a variable containing Result: "/tmp/abcd/1234". I want to store
> tmp/abcd/1234 in another variable. how can I do this.

There is more than one way to do it :) Two of them are

let bar = foo[1:]
let bar = substitute(foo, '^/', '', '')

Dmitri Vereshchagin

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Help in writing vim script

I have a variable containing Result: "/tmp/abcd/1234", I want to extract /tmp/abcd/1234 in another variable.How can I do this?

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help writing vim script

I have a variable containing Result: "/tmp/abcd/1234". I want to store tmp/abcd/1234 in another variable. how can I do this.

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Re: hash syntax highlighting

HI Ritchie,

Maybe this is something you'll find useful.

I use an older plugin highlights.vim [1] and have added the following to my .vimrc

--- snip ---
" The leader defaults to backslash, so (by default) this maps \* and \g* (see :help Leader).
" These work like * and g*, but do not move the cursor and always set hls.
map         <Leader>*       :let @/ = '\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>'\|set hlsearch<C-M>
map         <Leader>g*      :let @/ = expand('<cword>')\|set hlsearch<C-M>
nm          <Leader>1       :Highlight 1 <C-R>='\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'<CR><CR>
nm          <Leader>2       :Highlight 2 <C-R>='\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'<CR><CR>
nm          <Leader>3       :Highlight 3 <C-R>='\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'<CR><CR>
nm          <Leader>4       :Highlight 4 <C-R>='\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'<CR><CR>
nm          <Leader>5       :Highlight 5 <C-R>='\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'<CR><CR>
nm          <Leader>0       :Hclear <C-R>='\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>'<CR><CR>
nm          <Leader>*0      :Hclear *<CR><CR>
--- end snip ---

And this gives me a quick and efficient way to uniquely highlight the keyword under the cursor with one of <Leader>1-9. Turn off highlighting the specific keyword under cursor with <Leader>0; to disable all highlights I execute ":hclear".

You'll additionally need to provide your own hightlights.csv in the same directory as highlights.vim. Here is mine as an example

--- snip ---
--- end snip ---

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 3:16 PM, Ritchie Lee <> wrote:

I'm looking for hash syntax highlighting capability --- words that are not highlighted as keywords, such as user variables, etc., are hashed to a random color.  The color would be consistent for the same variable though.  This makes it easy to spot where the variable is being used at a glance.

If this sort of plugin is not already available, how would I go about implementing it? Or adding it to an existing syntax plugin?


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