Saturday, December 31, 2011

Re: getting rid of the underline in folding

Thank you. that what I ended up doing:
hi Folded term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE ctermbg=None
set foldtext=""

the second line got rid of the text, so now i see:
+-- 2 lines folded

On Dec 31, 9:21 am, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
> On 2011-12-31, josh wrote:
> > I don't like the dashes and underline that appear on folding.
> > I managed to get rid of the dashes:
> > set fillchars="fold: "
> > Now I try to get rid of the underline.
> > any help would be appreciated!
> I don't see underlines on my folds, so I'm not sure, but that's
> probably set by the Folded highlight group.  You can see what it's
> set to with
>     :hi Folded
> The following will probably turn off the underlining:
>     :hi Folded term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE
> See
>     :help usr_06.txt
>     :help :hi
> Regards,
> Gary

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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On Dec 31, 2:33 pm, Tony Mechelynck <>
> On 31/12/11 21:44, wolfv wrote:
> Try
>         :verbose setlocal tw? wm? fo?
>         :echo $HOME
>         :scriptnames
> while editing a text file. Then check the help for these options (and
> |fo-table| for the latter one).
> The 2nd and 3rd ex-commands above are to make sure that you put the
> text.vim script at some location where Vim looked for it.
> > I don't get the auto-carriage return when I comment this line in
> > filetype.vim:
> >      au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt,README*,LISEZMOI*,LIESMICH*,LEESMIJ*
> > setf text
> > Is the auto-carriage return a text-file feature?
> > How to turn it off?
> I don't know yet, but maybe the answer to the question above will help
> us debug the problem.

:verbose setlocal tw? wm? fo?
Last set from C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim
Last set from C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim

:echo $HOME

C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\filetype.vim
... and 27 other files

After this command, the auto-carriage-return insert stopped:
:setl textwidth=0

so I added it to _vimrc:
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt setlocal spell textwidth=0

:verbose setlocal tw?
Last set from C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim\_vimrc

That fixed it!
Once again Tony, thank you for your help.

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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On 31/12/11 21:44, wolfv wrote:
> On Dec 31, 11:59 am, Tony Mechelynck<>
> wrote:
>> add a file $HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/text.vim (for Windows)
>> In that file, either the following commands:
>> setlocal wm=0
>> let&l:tw =&columns
> Tony I tried both " setlocal wm=0" and "let&l:tw =&columns" (one at
> a time) in $HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/text.vim, but neither line
> worked.
> Now that I look at the problem more closely, I don't think text is
> wrapping, but a carriage return is being inserted automatically. I
> made hidden characters visible:
> :set invlist
> A blue "$" (carriage return) is visible at end of each line.
> The lines wrap at column 100 as they should.
> However, when the cursor crosses column 80 while I am typing, the
> first whitespace left of column 80 is automatically replaced by a blue
> "$" (carriage return).

:verbose setlocal tw? wm? fo?
:echo $HOME

while editing a text file. Then check the help for these options (and
|fo-table| for the latter one).

The 2nd and 3rd ex-commands above are to make sure that you put the
text.vim script at some location where Vim looked for it.

> I don't get the auto-carriage return when I comment this line in
> filetype.vim:
> setf text
> Is the auto-carriage return a text-file feature?
> How to turn it off?

I don't know yet, but maybe the answer to the question above will help
us debug the problem.

> Thank you for all your help. I didn't think it would take so long.

Best regards,
A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.

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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On Dec 31, 11:59 am, Tony Mechelynck <>
> add a file $HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/text.vim (for Windows)
> In that file, either the following commands:
> setlocal wm=0
> let &l:tw = &columns

Tony I tried both " setlocal wm=0" and "let &l:tw = &columns" (one at
a time) in $HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/text.vim, but neither line

Now that I look at the problem more closely, I don't think text is
wrapping, but a carriage return is being inserted automatically. I
made hidden characters visible:
:set invlist
A blue "$" (carriage return) is visible at end of each line.

The lines wrap at column 100 as they should.
However, when the cursor crosses column 80 while I am typing, the
first whitespace left of column 80 is automatically replaced by a blue
"$" (carriage return).

I don't get the auto-carriage return when I comment this line in
setf text
Is the auto-carriage return a text-file feature?
How to turn it off?

Thank you for all your help. I didn't think it would take so long.

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Re: :view with split first?

On 31/12/11 20:16, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 12/31/11 12:43, Taylor Hedberg wrote:
>> Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, I think you're looking for
>> `:sview`.
>> e.g.:
>> :vert sv some_readonly_file.txt
> Precisely! I knew it had to be some combination of pieces I already
> knew, I just didn't try :sv
> I want to say I'd tried that at one point, but either it didn't exist at
> the time, or I missed the optional "[file]" parameter, and assumed it
> did the same as CTRL-W_^ (just splitting the current file)
> Thanks!
> -tim

IIUC, with :sv[iew] the {file} parameter is not optional. It is,
however, with :vs[plit].

Best regards,

RAZORBACK: Paul Harbride, 1984, 2 hours 25 min.
One of the great Australian films of the early 1980's, and
arguably the best movie ever made about a large, man-eating
hog. Some violence. With Gregory Harrison.

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Re: :view with split first?

On 12/31/11 12:43, Taylor Hedberg wrote:
> Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, I think you're looking for
> `:sview`.
> e.g.:
> :vert sv some_readonly_file.txt

Precisely! I knew it had to be some combination of pieces I
already knew, I just didn't try :sv

I want to say I'd tried that at one point, but either it didn't
exist at the time, or I missed the optional "[file]" parameter,
and assumed it did the same as CTRL-W_^ (just splitting the
current file)



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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On 31/12/11 18:18, wolfv wrote:
> On Dec 27, 12:55 am, Tony Mechelynck<>
> wrote:
>> /vimfiles/filetype.vim
>> " filetype detection script (user customizations)
>> " I'll say this once only
>> if exists("did_load_filetypes")
>> finish
>> endif
>> " allow continuation lines
>> let s:cpo =&cpo
>> set cpo&vim
>> augroup filetypedetect
>> " text files
>> au BufRead,BufNewFile
>> \ setf text
>> " add additional filetype detection autocommands above this line
>> augroup END
>> let&cpo = s:cpo
> Hi Tony. After using Vim some more I noticed that my txt files wrap
> at column 80.
> My vimrc file has:
> setlocal lines=72 columns=100
> I copied the above filetype.vim file:
> When I have no filetype, files wrap at column 100 as desired. How to
> make txt files wrap at column 100?
> Thanks,
> wolfv

add a file $HOME/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/text.vim (for Windows) or
$HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/text.vim (for Unix) (in either case, create
missing directories, if any, as you go).

In that file, either the following commands:

setlocal wm=0
let &l:tw = &columns

to break lines at the screen width current when the file is opened, or

setlocal tw=0 wm=0 wrap

not to break lines at all ("file lines" longer than the screen width
will be wrapped onto several "screen lines" but with no insertion of any
end-of-line marker).

See also the 'linebreak' option if you want the wrap to happen between
words but not break lines in the file.

:help 'wrapmargin'
:help 'textwidth'
:help 'wrap'
:help 'linebreak'
:help after-directory

and about the latter, I don't agree when the help says that it is
"rarely needed".

Alternatively, if your vimrc invokes the vimrc_example.vim, or if it was
copied from the version on the vimrc_example.vim which was current when
you first installed Vim, you have an autocommand: see
$VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim lines 69-70:

" For all text files set 'textwidth' to 78 characters.
autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78

DO NOT modify the vimrc_example.vim (any upgrade may silently replace
it). If that autocommand was copied into your vimrc, you may remove it
there. Otherwise, immediately after the line which invokes the
vimrc_example.vim (with a :source or :runtime statement), add

au! vimrcEx FileType text

to remove that autocommand.

Best regards,
Serocki's Stricture:
Marriage is always a bachelor's last option.

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Re: :view with split first?

Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, I think you're looking for


:vert sv some_readonly_file.txt

:view with split first?

I regularly find myself doing the following sequence:

:view some_readonly_file.txt

in order to avoid the "a swap-file already exists" or "this file
is RO" messages.

While I know I can create a ":View" command to do this for me, I
was wondering if there was something built-in I missed. Perhaps
like the ":vert" prefix, if there was a "and put the following
results in a new window" prefix that I missed or a flag for
":vsp" to specify that the file should be opened RO? I'd expect
it to looks something like

:vnew ++readonly some_readonly_file.txt
:vert view some_readonly_file.txt

For now, I just have

:command -nargs=1 -complete=file Vsp vnew|view <args>

which does the job. I just felt like I was missing something
that Vim might provide.


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Re: Is there a way to speed up vimwiki (a vim plugin) ?

On Dec 30, 2011, at 10:50 AM, stardiviner wrote:

> Thanks, I think email to developer is better.

Yes. I just wasn't comfortable giving you his address, even though it's readily obtainable from the Google page.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA

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Re: getting rid of the underline in folding

On 2011-12-31, josh wrote:
> I don't like the dashes and underline that appear on folding.
> I managed to get rid of the dashes:
> set fillchars="fold: "
> Now I try to get rid of the underline.
> any help would be appreciated!

I don't see underlines on my folds, so I'm not sure, but that's
probably set by the Folded highlight group. You can see what it's
set to with

:hi Folded

The following will probably turn off the underlining:

:hi Folded term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE


:help usr_06.txt
:help :hi


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On Dec 27, 12:55 am, Tony Mechelynck <>
> /vimfiles/filetype.vim
> " filetype detection script (user customizations)
> " I'll say this once only
> if exists("did_load_filetypes")
>         finish
> endif
> " allow continuation lines
> let s:cpo = &cpo
> set cpo&vim
> augroup filetypedetect
> " text files
>         au BufRead,BufNewFile
>                 \ *.txt,README*,LISEZMOI*,LIESMICH*,LEESMIJ*
>                 \ setf text
> " add additional filetype detection autocommands above this line
> augroup END
> let &cpo = s:cpo
Hi Tony. After using Vim some more I noticed that my txt files wrap
at column 80.

My vimrc file has:
setlocal lines=72 columns=100

I copied the above filetype.vim file:

When I have no filetype, files wrap at column 100 as desired. How to
make txt files wrap at column 100?


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Re: folding ruby comments

josh, Sat 2011-12-31 @ 04:31:03-0800:
> the problem is it's folding 2 lines whenever there is only 1 comment.
> def self.perform(picture_id)
> #do something that takes time
> puts "doing some job. picture id #{picture_id}"
> sleep(5)
> puts "done!!!"
> end

If I understand you correctly, Vim is folding the first 2 lines inside
the body of the function you gave as an example.

This is exactly what your foldexpr is telling it to do. It says, "Fold
any line that contains a hash character, optionally preceded by
whitespace". Both the comment line and the `puts` line meet this
criterion. It's not folding an extra line after the comment line, it's
folding 2 separate lines that each individually match the foldexpr you

In the case of the `puts`, the hash does not indicate the start of a
comment. But Vim doesn't know that, it's just doing what you told it to
do. You need to make your regex "smarter", so that it will match hashes
that begin a comment, but not hashes that begin a variable interpolation
within a string.

Perhaps something like this would work:

let &foldexpr = getline(v:lnum) =~ '\s*#[^{]'

(I used `:let-&` instead of `:set` just because it allows more liberal
use of unescaped spaces.)

But the above would still match a string that contained a literal hash
character that was not part of a variable interpolation, such as

"My phone # is 555-2345."

Perhaps you should count the quotation marks to determine whether the
hash character occurs inside of a string literal to deal with this case.
I'm not a Ruby programmer, so the precise details of the syntax are a
little fuzzy to me; I'll leave this and other corner cases as an
exercise for you to figure out. :)

getting rid of the underline in folding

I don't like the dashes and underline that appear on folding.

I managed to get rid of the dashes:
set fillchars="fold: "

Now I try to get rid of the underline.
any help would be appreciated!

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folding ruby comments

in ruby a line that start with # (can have spaces before) is a
I want to be able to toggle between fold all comments and unfold them.
It will also be nice to apply this rule only on 3 consecutive lines
(or more).
Here is what I came up so far:

set foldmethod=expr
set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'\s*#'

the problem is it's folding 2 lines whenever there is only 1 comment.

def self.perform(picture_id)
#do something that takes time
puts "doing some job. picture id #{picture_id}"
puts "done!!!"

any help would be great. thanks!

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Whole line completion using tags file


I'd like to use Ctrl+X Ctrl+L to autocomplete whole lines that are in
tag files. C+X C+L works for completing lines in the same buffer, Ctrl
+N works for completing keywords in tag files, and Ctrl+] works for
completing single tags, but I can't get C+X C+L to complete lines that
are in tag files.

The help for 'complete' says:

This option specifies how keyword completion |ins-completion|
when CTRL-P or CTRL-N are used. It is also used for whole-
completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-L|. It indicates the type of
and the places to scan. It is a comma separated list of
. scan the current buffer ('wrapscan' is ignored)
] tag completion
t same as "]

So it seems like what I want should be possible. The default value of
'complete' is ".,w,b,u,t,i" and so includes 't'. And unless I'm more
than slightly crazy I believe C+X C+L has been doing whole line
completion from tag files for me for years and only recently stopped

I've tried lots of combinations under my normal user account and fresh
user accounts, and no luck. Vim 7.2 on Debian Squeeze and Vim 7.1.314
on Debian Lenny. I'm using ctags-exuberant to generate the tag file,
and have tried different options with that too. The files being
tagged are PHP, and I'm not using PHP omni completion. I tried
creating small tag files from just one subdirectory of code, same
result. The tag files themselves look ok, and are working for Ctrl+N
and Ctrl+].

:set tags=/home/user/tags
:echo tagfiles()
:set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i (also tried just 't', and putting 't' in
the first or second position)

Any ideas?


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Re: RegExp - Matching comments doubt

On Dec 30, 5:06 pm, Ben Fritz <> wrote:

> >     g:/<!--\_.\{-}-->/ delete
> I honestly cannot say why this would work for you. It certainly does
> not "work" for me, at least not in the way you seem to expect it to.
> I assume you meant :g/<!--\_.\{-}-->/ delete, which I tested, and it
> only deleted the first line, as I expected.

All right. I was certainly misunderstanding it.

> > But why isn't
> >     :g/<!--\_.\{-}> /delete
> > deleting until the >
> > Also, If I try to delete until the last > in the file:
> >    :g/<!--\_.*>/ delete
> > is not deleting until the last >. I don't understand why...
> The reason none of these work, is because you are using the :g command
> with a multi-line pattern and expecting it to operate on every line.
> The :g command does not work that way. The :g command works by first
> finding every line starting a match for the pattern (in this case, the
> first line only) and then performing your given operation on the lines
> found. It does not operate on any but the first line of a multi-line
> match. There are a couple of ways you could do this.

Okay. I was really using the :g command wrongly.

> 1. Give a range to your delete command. Something like:
> :g/<!--\_.\{-}-->/ .,/-->/delete
> 2. Use an :s command instead. Something like:
> :%s/<!--\_.\{-}-->//
> This being Vim, there are probably a dozen more ways as well, but
> these are the two which immediately spring to mind.

Thanks. I see now that I was taking misguided attempts with a lot of

I'm re-reading usr_27.txt, and after that I'm heading to pattern.txt.

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Re: RegExp - Matching comments doubt

On Dec 30, 9:47 am, Fernando Basso <> wrote:
> Suppose I have:
> <!-- two
>        lines --> ?
> This works:
>     g:/<!--\_.\{-}-->/ delete

I honestly cannot say why this would work for you. It certainly does
not "work" for me, at least not in the way you seem to expect it to.

I assume you meant :g/<!--\_.\{-}-->/ delete, which I tested, and it
only deleted the first line, as I expected.

> But why isn't
>     :g/<!--\_.\{-}> /delete
> deleting until the >
> Also, If I try to delete until the last > in the file:
>    :g/<!--\_.*>/ delete
> is not deleting until the last >. I don't understand why...

The reason none of these work, is because you are using the :g command
with a multi-line pattern and expecting it to operate on every line.
The :g command does not work that way. The :g command works by first
finding every line starting a match for the pattern (in this case, the
first line only) and then performing your given operation on the lines
found. It does not operate on any but the first line of a multi-line
match. There are a couple of ways you could do this.

1. Give a range to your delete command. Something like:

:g/<!--\_.\{-}-->/ .,/-->/delete

2. Use an :s command instead. Something like:


This being Vim, there are probably a dozen more ways as well, but
these are the two which immediately spring to mind.

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Smooth Scrolling in Vim

I have been working on a script to allow smooth scrolling in Vim. I
got it working pretty well, even with a variable pause in between
steps (currently set to speed up for the first 80% of iterations, and
then slow down at the end). I am happy with the result for the most
part, but have an issue with the speed of the scroll especially when
the window is maximized on slow machines. Right now, I am only
setting a delay between steps of 5ms, but it still is taking a bit of
time with 0. I was wondering if there were any ideas of anything I
can be doing differently to get it sped up.

" Smooth Scrolling
nnoremap <c-d> :call DelayedFunc("normal! gjzz",winheight(".")/
nnoremap <c-u> :call DelayedFunc("normal! gkzz",winheight(".")/

func! DelayedFunc(cmd,...)
" cmd , iter , delay
let iter=10
let delay=20
if a:0 == 2
let iter = a:1
let delay = a:2
let i = 0
" first section
let ot = iter/5*4
let start = range(100,0,eval(-100/(ot-1)))
" second section
let tt = iter - ot
let end = range(0,100,eval(100/(tt-1)))
" list of speeds
let speed = start + end
if a:cmd != ""
while i < iter
execute a:cmd
exec "sleep " . eval(delay*speed[i]/100) . "m"
catch *
let i = i + 1

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Re: Is there a way to speed up vimwiki (a vim plugin) ?

=> On [2011-12-27 05:19:08 -0500]:
Eric Weir Said:
> On Dec 26, 2011, at 4:15 AM, stardiviner wrote:
> > When my vimwiki grow up. I find it is very slow to navigate or open. And vimwiki is slow to open a
> > big file. Is there some method to speed up vimwiki or vim ?
> I thought my VimWiki was pretty grown up, but your's must be a lot more grownup. I have yet to experience even a hint of it slowing down.
> Unfortunately, I can't help you. You might wanna join the VimWiki Google group. <> It's small and responses are sometimes a little slow in coming, but the developer is on it and he or others would very likely be able to help you. And once you do get a response they'll stick with you till the problem's solved.

Thanks, I think email to developer is better.
> Regards,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA
> "Style is truth."
> - Ray Bradbury
> --
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>> stardiviner << =>GPG: 5D9F64D8 Twitter: @numbchild

RegExp - Matching comments doubt

Suppose I have:

<!-- two
lines --> ?

This works:

g:/<!--\_.\{-}-->/ delete

But why isn't

:g/<!--\_.\{-}> /delete

deleting until the >

Also, If I try to delete until the last > in the file:

:g/<!--\_.*>/ delete

is not deleting until the last >. I don't understand why...

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Re: weird highlighting when i edit java code

Rian Hunter wrote:

> On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:21 AM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> >> if !exists("java_allow_cpp_keywords")
> >> syn keyword javaError auto delete extern friend inline redeclared
> >> syn keyword javaError register signed sizeof struct template typedef union
> >> syn keyword javaError unsigned operator
> >> endif
> >
> > so the default is to have all those highlighted as error; define that variable (with any value) to remove that highlight.
> oh wow, would you look at that! so by default since
> "java_allow_cpp_keywords" isn't defined it shows me false errors.

Since there are many Java programmers now and much fewer C++
programmers, let's remove this highlighting. It wasn't very helpful
anyway, you can't write code that works both on Java and C++.
And making mistakes is easily detected by the compiler.

There are three kinds of people: Those who can count & those who can't.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Re: weird highlighting when i edit java code

Rian Hunter, Thu 2011-12-29 @ 12:29:05-0800:
> does vim do this for all languages similar to the currently edited
> language by default?

No, it doesn't. The Java/C++ case is the only one in which I've seen
this behavior. Maybe there are others lurking in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax, but
I haven't encountered them.

That's what makes it so weird. It just seems completely arbitrary that,
just for this specific combination of languages, the syntax would try to
be more "helpful" than usual, especially when only a vanishingly tiny
portion of users is likely to consider this feature helpful.

But at least it's easy to disable. :)

Re: weird highlighting when i edit java code

On Dec 29, 2011, at 10:21 AM, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

>> if !exists("java_allow_cpp_keywords")
>> syn keyword javaError auto delete extern friend inline redeclared
>> syn keyword javaError register signed sizeof struct template typedef union
>> syn keyword javaError unsigned operator
>> endif
> so the default is to have all those highlighted as error; define that variable (with any value) to remove that highlight.

oh wow, would you look at that! so by default since "java_allow_cpp_keywords" isn't defined it shows me false errors.

On Dec 29, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Taylor Hedberg wrote:

> The only reason I can think of
> for doing that is that if you happen to be a C++ programmer who is
> learning Java, you might accidentally start writing C++ in the middle of
> your Java code since the syntax of the two languages is somewhat
> similar.

hmm i never learned C++. does vim do this for all languages similar to the currently edited language by default? at my last job i used a lot of C# but it doesn't highlight disjoint C# keywords. i tried using some Ruby keywords in Python but those didn't show red errors either. i feel like that can't be the real reason.

i've read a lot of complaints about this on the web now but i couldn't find a reason for why this is the default behavior. seems like it should be turned off. is this a distribution thing? i only had this problem on ubuntu. the version of vim that comes default on my mac doesn't behave this way by default. any advice on where i can submit a patch?


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Re: weird highlighting when i edit java code

[reordered to bottom-posting standards]

On 29/12/11 17:19, Walkman wrote:
> On 2011.12.29., at 12:23, Rian Hunter<> wrote:
>> hey all
>> i seem to be getting weird behavior when editing java code and i'm not sure why. for some reason every time i have the word "register" in my source file it gets red highlighting. i just started using vim so i thought this was an error but my code seems to compile correctly. i've googled around but there is too much garbage in google when i search for "register vim java". i've been able to isolate and reproduce the problem, here's a screenshot:
>> am i missing something?
>> rian
> "register word highlighted in vim" first hit in google:
> Sent from my iPad

Despite what is said in that archived discussion thread, my
$VIMRUNTIME/syntax/java.vim (official version dated 2010 March 23, found
in latest changeset of Bram's hg repository) includes the following at
lines 123-127:

> if !exists("java_allow_cpp_keywords")
> syn keyword javaError auto delete extern friend inline redeclared
> syn keyword javaError register signed sizeof struct template typedef union
> syn keyword javaError unsigned operator
> endif

so the default is to have all those highlighted as error; define that
variable (with any value) to remove that highlight.

The current help, however, says (syntax.txt lines 1606-1609):

> In order to help you write code that can be easily ported between Java and
> C++, all C++ keywords can be marked as an error in a Java program. To
> have this add this line in your .vimrc file: >
> :let java_allow_cpp_keywords = 0

which is the *opposite* of the current behaviour (actually, with that
variable undefined you get the highlight, and with it defined, even as
zero, the highlight is removed).

Best regards,
There *is* intelligent life on Earth, but I leave for Texas on Monday.

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Re: mutt and vim playing together

Hi Kai!

On Do, 29 Dez 2011, Kai Weber wrote:

> * Marc Weber <>:
> > > So everytime I edit a mail the first line and following manually inserted blank
> > > lines are highlighted.
> > Why do you need this?
> > Use syntax commands instead.
> Syntax highlighting is not what I look for.
> What I want to achieve is jumping to the first blank line where I can start
> typing my mail instantly. So I search for ^$ and vim jumps to the first
> occurrence (with the consequences I wrote in my first mail).
> But thinking about it... my solution could be to jump at the end of the file.
> Now I have in my muttrc
> set editor = "vim +$"
> Seems to work so far.

You really should put your settings into ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim
(you can leave out the after directory, depending on whether you want
your settings to apply before or after sourcing the provided filetype
scripts which are distributed with vim, e.g.
/usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin/mail.vim) and leave your mutt setting to
set editor=vim

For this to work, you need at least an
:filetype on
in your .vimrc, so vim will source for each filetype a matching file in
your runtime path.

Also since you want Vim to position the cursor on the first empty line
without having the highlight option apply, you can simply dump into the
filetype plugin this:

call cursor(1,1)
call search('^$')

See also the faq and the help:
:h 43.1
:h ftplugins


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Re: set font style in Linux

On 29/12/11 11:47, Stanley Rice wrote:
> Hi all
> I am working on Linux (GNome) and I want to set the font in my vim in
> italic style. But I don't know how. In windows, the code could be:
> set guifont=fontname:h11:i
> where i stands for italic.
> But the code doesn't work on Linux, how could it be done in Linux?
> Thanks.
> --
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:hi Normal gui=italic

Not sure if it will propagate to other highlight groups; or maybe put it
in a custom colorscheme and see if it works better.

Warning: I think that setting 'guifont' will change the Normal highlight
to font=blablabla so order matters: in your vimrc, set 'guifont' first
and the Normal highlight afterwards.

Best regards,
"What are we going to do?"

"Me, I'm examining the major Western religions. I'm looking for
something that's soft on morality, generous with holidays, and has a
short initiation period."

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Re: mutt and vim playing together

* Tim Chase <>:

> You could just issue a "noh" after your search:
> vim +'/^$/' -c'set hls' -c'noh'
> should do the trick (I don't have 'hls' set in my vimrc, so I added
> it on the command-line to test).

Yes it does! Thanks a lot. Did not know about "-c" until now.

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Re: mutt and vim playing together

On Thursday, December 29, 2011 07:00:59 Kai Weber wrote: > Hi, > I use vim in combination with mutt. To start vim I have > following setting in my muttrc: [snip] > Any other recommendations for a good mail editing workflow? when i used mutt i liked having the flexibility of a mail script for vim, so i put set editor="vim -S ~/.vim/mail.vim" in my ~/.muttrc you can get as fancy or as simple as you want in that script here's mine: <mail.vim> " mail mode settings setlocal ft=mail setlocal tw=64 let @n = '> kki' " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if has("gui_running") winpos 324 228 set columns=70 set lines=35 endif " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nmap <silent> <F1> :call F1_formatter("64")<CR> imap <silent> <F1> <C-O>:call F1_formatter("64")<CR> nmap <S-F1> :call F1_toggle_width("64")<CR> imap <S-F1> <C-O>:call F1_toggle_width("64")<CR> " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ let mapleader = ',' nnoremap <Leader>ee :source ~/.vim/mail.vim<CR> nnoremap <Leader>ev :edit ~/.vim/mail.vim<CR> " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " clean up quoting silent %s/^> /> /e silent %s/^> $//e " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </mail.vim> now for example while in insert mode i can use ctrl-r n to insert my remarks inside quoted text grrrr -- kmail has bolixed what i have in there for @n it should look like let @n = '^M^M^M^M> ^[kki' where each ^M is an actual return (i should go back to using mutt :) for your purposes you might want to add function! FirstBlankAtEnd() let go = NumberBlankLinesAtEnd() - 1 normal G if (go > 0) execute 'normal ' go . 'k' endif endfunction function! NumberBlankLinesAtEnd() let s:bc = 0 let s:lp = line("$") while s:lp > 0 let s:tl = strlen(getline(s:lp)) if (s:tl > 0) let s:lp = 0 else let s:bc = s:bc + 1 let s:lp = s:lp - 1 endif endwhile return s:bc endfunction and add a call to FirstBlankAtEnd to your editor command in .muttrc something to play around with if you want to get fancy

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Re: mutt and vim playing together

On 12/29/11 10:38, Dominique Pellé wrote:
> Tim Chase wrote:
>> On 12/29/11 08:16, Kai Weber wrote:
>>> What I want to achieve is jumping to the first blank line
>>> where I can start typing my mail instantly. So I search
>>> for ^$ and vim jumps to the first occurrence (with the
>>> consequences I wrote in my first mail).
>> You could just issue a "noh" after your search:
>> vim +'/^$/' -c'set hls' -c'noh'
>> should do the trick (I don't have 'hls' set in my vimrc, so
>> I added it on the command-line to test).
> If you want to keep the 'hls' option (so further searches
> while reading or editing your email will still be
> highlighted), you could set the "/ register to an empty string
> right after jumping after the first empty line with something
> like this:
> vim +'/^$/+1' +'let @/ = ""'

I guess the difference between using ":noh" and "let @/=''" would
be whether your viminfo keeps track of your most recent search,
and if so, whether you want it upon starting to compose your
email. Using ":noh" just tells it not to highlight the searched
item, while the ":let" clears the search completely (overriding
what the viminfo may have held).


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Re: mutt and vim playing together

Tim Chase wrote:

> On 12/29/11 08:16, Kai Weber wrote:
>> * Marc Weber<>:
>>>> So everytime I edit a mail the first line and following manually
>>>> inserted blank
>>>> lines are highlighted.
>>> Why do you need this?
>>> Use syntax commands instead.
>> Syntax highlighting is not what I look for.
>> What I want to achieve is jumping to the first blank line where I can
>> start
>> typing my mail instantly.  So I search for ^$ and vim jumps to the first
>> occurrence (with the consequences I wrote in my first mail).
> You could just issue a "noh" after your search:
>  vim +'/^$/' -c'set hls' -c'noh'
> should do the trick (I don't have 'hls' set in my vimrc, so I added it on
> the command-line to test).
> -tim

If you want to keep the 'hls' option (so further searches
while reading or editing your email will still be highlighted),
you could set the "/ register to an empty string right after
jumping after the first empty line with something like this:

vim +'/^$/+1' +'let @/ = ""'

See :help quote/

-- Dominique

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Re: weird highlighting when i edit java code

"register word highlighted in vim" first hit in google:

Sent from my iPad

On 2011.12.29., at 12:23, Rian Hunter <> wrote:

> hey all
> i seem to be getting weird behavior when editing java code and i'm not sure why. for some reason every time i have the word "register" in my source file it gets red highlighting. i just started using vim so i thought this was an error but my code seems to compile correctly. i've googled around but there is too much garbage in google when i search for "register vim java". i've been able to isolate and reproduce the problem, here's a screenshot:
> am i missing something?
> rian
> --
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Re: weird highlighting when i edit java code

It's because, for some bizarre reason, the author of the Java syntax
file that comes with Vim decided that all C++ keywords that aren't also
Java keywords (e.g. `register`, `delete`, `virtual`, etc.) should be
highlighted as errors in Java buffers. The only reason I can think of
for doing that is that if you happen to be a C++ programmer who is
learning Java, you might accidentally start writing C++ in the middle of
your Java code since the syntax of the two languages is somewhat
similar. Still, it's a really boneheaded thing to include in the default
Java syntax highlighting, and I'm surprised more people don't complain
about it.

When I encountered the same problem myself, I read the syntax script and
discovered that if you put `let java_allow_cpp_keywords = 1` in your
.vimrc, it will stop this silly behavior. That's probably the easiest
thing for you to do. Long term, it would be better if this feature were
removed altogether, or at least disabled by default.

Re: mutt and vim playing together

On 12/29/11 08:16, Kai Weber wrote:
> * Marc Weber<>:
>>> So everytime I edit a mail the first line and following manually inserted blank
>>> lines are highlighted.
>> Why do you need this?
>> Use syntax commands instead.
> Syntax highlighting is not what I look for.
> What I want to achieve is jumping to the first blank line where I can start
> typing my mail instantly. So I search for ^$ and vim jumps to the first
> occurrence (with the consequences I wrote in my first mail).

You could just issue a "noh" after your search:

vim +'/^$/' -c'set hls' -c'noh'

should do the trick (I don't have 'hls' set in my vimrc, so I
added it on the command-line to test).


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Re: mutt and vim playing together

* Marc Weber <>:

> > So everytime I edit a mail the first line and following manually inserted blank
> > lines are highlighted.
> Why do you need this?
> Use syntax commands instead.

Syntax highlighting is not what I look for.

What I want to achieve is jumping to the first blank line where I can start
typing my mail instantly. So I search for ^$ and vim jumps to the first
occurrence (with the consequences I wrote in my first mail).

But thinking about it... my solution could be to jump at the end of the file.
Now I have in my muttrc

set editor = "vim +$"

Seems to work so far.

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Re: mutt and vim playing together

Excerpts from Kai Weber's message of Thu Dec 29 14:00:59 +0100 2011:
> So everytime I edit a mail the first line and following manually inserted blank
> lines are highlighted.
Why do you need this?
Use syntax commands instead.

Eg :syn match Error /The/
matches the characters The

While hlsearch is useful in most cases I find this case

> How can I temporarily disable hlsearch and let vim jump to the first blank
creating mapping toggling it:
:map \hl :set invhlsearch

Marc Weber

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mutt and vim playing together


I use vim in combination with mutt. To start vim I have following setting in my

# use vim and skip to the first blank line
set editor = "vim +:silent+/^$"

In my vimrc I have

set hlsearch

So everytime I edit a mail the first line and following manually inserted blank
lines are highlighted. While hlsearch is useful in most cases I find this case
annoying when editing my mails.

How can I temporarily disable hlsearch and let vim jump to the first blank

Any other recommendations for a good mail editing workflow?

Regards, Kai

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Re: set font style in Linux

Hi Stanley!

On Do, 29 Dez 2011, Stanley Rice wrote:

> Hi all
> I am working on Linux (GNome) and I want to set the font in my vim in
> italic style. But I don't know how. In windows, the code could be:
> set guifont=fontname:h11:i
> where i stands for italic.
> But the code doesn't work on Linux, how could it be done in Linux?

Try this entry from the faq:


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weird highlighting when i edit java code

hey all

i seem to be getting weird behavior when editing java code and i'm not sure why. for some reason every time i have the word "register" in my source file it gets red highlighting. i just started using vim so i thought this was an error but my code seems to compile correctly. i've googled around but there is too much garbage in google when i search for "register vim java". i've been able to isolate and reproduce the problem, here's a screenshot:

am i missing something?


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set font style in Linux

Hi all

I am working on Linux (GNome) and I want to set the font in my vim in italic style. But I don't know how. In windows, the code could be:
set guifont=fontname:h11:i
where i stands for italic.

But the code doesn't work on Linux,  how could it be done in Linux?


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On 29/12/11 06:46, wolfv wrote:
> I created C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\filetype.vim and copied
> the code that Tony posted on Dec 27, 12:55 into it.
> Its not my $HOME, but I am the sole user of this PC, so I guess that's
> OK. Everything works.

It's the default $VIM location for your platform, and $VIM/vimfiles is
where Vim will look for customizations common to all users of the system.

> :set ft?
> filetype=text
> The unwanted coloring is out of the text files. Thanks for all your
> help.

Best regards,
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
-- Albert Einstein

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Re: :language command

Hi Tony!
Oh, you have the sources of Windows?
There was a time when I did have them... But I think - for now - vim's sources will suffice ;-)


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On Dec 28, 7:29 pm, "John Beckett" <> wrote:
> wolfv wrote:
> > I tried this from cmd window:
> > C:\Users\wolf
> > > cd %HOME%
> > The system cannot find the path specified.
> It's a long story, some of which is mentioned at:
> (search for $HOME).
> The simplest is to use Vim to find what it thinks:
> :echo $HOME
> Then use normal tools (not Vim) to make the required
> directories.
> Re this mailing list:
> Yes, bottom posting is putting your comment last.
> However, it is important to DELETE all junk from the original
> message (just quote what you are replying to).
> John

Thanks John, that helped me figured out enough to make it work.

I created C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\filetype.vim and copied
the code that Tony posted on Dec 27, 12:55 into it.
Its not my $HOME, but I am the sole user of this PC, so I guess that's
OK. Everything works.

:set ft?

The unwanted coloring is out of the text files. Thanks for all your

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RE: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

wolfv wrote:
> I tried this from cmd window:
> C:\Users\wolf
> > cd %HOME%
> The system cannot find the path specified.

It's a long story, some of which is mentioned at:
(search for $HOME).

The simplest is to use Vim to find what it thinks:

:echo $HOME

Then use normal tools (not Vim) to make the required

Re this mailing list:
Yes, bottom posting is putting your comment last.
However, it is important to DELETE all junk from the original
message (just quote what you are replying to).


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

you can use   exec "!mkdir ".expand("$HOME")."\\vimfiles" 

On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 9:00 AM, wolfv <> wrote:
On Dec 28, 1:15 am, Tony Mechelynck <>
> On 28/12/11 01:53, wolfv wrote:
> > Hi Tony.  I didn't get vary far.  Here is what I tried.  From the Vim
> > EX Line editor I typed::!mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
> > This cmd window popped up:
> > C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c mkdir $HOME/vimfilesThe syntax of the
> > command is returned 1Hit any key to close this
> > window...
> > Is there a syntax error?
> I thought Vim would interpret the environment variable and path
> separators. OK, try the following then:
>         :!mkdir %HOME%\vimfiles
> > Regards,
> > wolfv
> ...and remember: in the Vim lists, bottom-posting is preferred, as shown
> in the signature added by the list router.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> GALAHAD:   Camelot ...
> LAUNCELOT: Camelot ...
> GAWAIN:    It's only a model.
>                   "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)
I added this message below your post in the Reply form.  I guess
that's what "bottom posting" means.

I tried this from Vim EX Line editor:
:!mkdir %HOME%\vimfiles
E499: Empty file name for '%' or '#', only works with ":p:h"

I tried this from cmd window:

> cd %HOME%
The system cannot find the path specified.

What does it mean?


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On Dec 28, 1:15 am, Tony Mechelynck <>
> On 28/12/11 01:53, wolfv wrote:
> > Hi Tony.  I didn't get vary far.  Here is what I tried.  From the Vim
> > EX Line editor I typed::!mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
> > This cmd window popped up:
> > C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c mkdir $HOME/vimfilesThe syntax of the
> > command is returned 1Hit any key to close this
> > window...
> > Is there a syntax error?
> I thought Vim would interpret the environment variable and path
> separators. OK, try the following then:
>         :!mkdir %HOME%\vimfiles
> > Regards,
> > wolfv
> ...and remember: in the Vim lists, bottom-posting is preferred, as shown
> in the signature added by the list router.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> GALAHAD:   Camelot ...
> LAUNCELOT: Camelot ...
> GAWAIN:    It's only a model.
>                   "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)
I added this message below your post in the Reply form. I guess
that's what "bottom posting" means.

I tried this from Vim EX Line editor:
:!mkdir %HOME%\vimfiles
E499: Empty file name for '%' or '#', only works with ":p:h"

I tried this from cmd window:

> cd %HOME%
The system cannot find the path specified.

What does it mean?


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

wolfv wrote the following on 28.12.2011 01:53

Hello wolfv

-- <snip> --
>> Second, create a filetype.vim in that new subfolder (I assume that you
>> don't yet have one in _that_ directory):
>> :e ~/vimfiles/filetype.vim

>> ,----[ ft=text ]---------------------------
>> " txt
>> autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead
>> \ *.txt,
>> \\c*README*
>> \ setl ft=text
>> `---------------------------------------------
-- <snip> --

I noticed i introduced real bugs with the configuration i posted earlier as can
been seen above.
Instead of adding this to '~/vimfiles/filetype.vim' you should drop the attached
file into '~/vimfiles/after/ftdetect/'. Otherwise all '*.txt' will be forcibly
overwritten to 'ft=text' even those that are set otherwise in


721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6 7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

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Re: :language command

On 28/12/11 18:13, Axel Bender wrote:
> Thanks for your answer Tony.
> UTF-8 corresponds (afaik) to CodePage 65001. Setting language to this
> value (e.g. :language English_United States.65001) is possible, however,
> what are its effects?
> I'll try to grok through the sources...

Oh, you have the sources of Windows?

About what it does to Vim, see :help :lang and what comes after.

Best regards,
We're knights of the Round Table
Our shows are formidable
But many times
We're given rhymes
That are quite unsingable
We're opera mad in Camelot
We sing from the diaphragm a lot.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)

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Re: :language command

Thanks for your answer Tony.

UTF-8 corresponds (afaik) to CodePage 65001. Setting language to this value (e.g. :language English_United States.65001) is possible, however, what are its effects?
I'll try to grok through the sources...

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Re: :language command

On 27/12/11 18:22, Axel Bender wrote:
> Why isn't it possible (in Windows?) to use :lanugage to set the language
> to e.g. ge-GE.UTF-8 (while ge-GE.1252 would work)?

Because Windows does not support non-numeric "code pages". This is, I
think, contrary to the ISO standard, but Microsoft never cared about
portability and standards if it could avoid them.

When I still had a double-boot system, my vimrc started with

if has('unix')
language messages C
language messages en

because setting the language to "C" (guaranteed to be valid on any POSIX
system) would give an error under Windows, while setting it to "en"
would give an error under Linux. (On that Windows system, the system
locale was "French_Belgium.1252" and I wanted Vim messages in English.)

I have been told that the "Unicode code page" on Windows is 10646 but I
never had the occasion to test this hands-on, and it might mean UTF-16le
rather than UTF-8. (It doesn't make much of a difference to Vim, which
uses UTF-8 internally if you set 'encoding' to any recognized endianness
variant of UTF-16 or UTF-32.)

Here's what the help says:

> The locale {name} must be a valid locale on your
> system. Some systems accept aliases like "en" or
> "en_US", but some only accept the full specification
> like "en_US.ISO_8859-1". On Unix systems you can use
> the this command to see what locales are supported: >
> :!locale -a

clearly mentioning that it's a platform-dependent or system-dependent

> How - for that matter - does :language relate to the 'encoding' setting?

IIUC, $LC_CTYPE is what Vim uses to set the initial value of 'encoding'
at program startup, before sourcing the vimrc. On Windows there may be a
prior step, defining the various $LC_ variables from the locale settings
found somewhere on Windows, probably in the Windows registry. But after
that initial setup, once Vim starts sourcing the system vimrc then the
user vimrc, 'encoding' and v:ctype go their separate ways — unless,
maybe, you set 'encoding' back to its default by means of ":set enc&"
(NOT recommended).

Best regards,
"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Re: Concealing the \r also

Hi Suresh!

On Di, 27 Dez 2011, Suresh Govindachar wrote:

> Hello,
> Consider a C-file with folding method marker.
> Declaring the comment regions with the argument conceal and setting
> conceallevel to 2 would "eat up" all the characters in the comment -- except
> for any carriage returns in the comment.
> Is there a way to have the carriage returns "eaten up" too? (Fold method
> needs to remain marker.)

So you want to completely hide lines using concealing? You can't do
The closest thing what you can do is hide lines using folding. But that
only compacts several lines to one single line.


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Re: Undo assign mark?

Hi Dotan!

On Di, 27 Dez 2011, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> If I accidentally press ma instead of 'a, is there any way to revert
> mark A to its previous value? Assuming, of course, that I do not
> remember where it was and this is a _long_ file.

I don't think so.

Pubertät ist, wenn die Eltern schwierig werden.

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Re: Opening something like href="/css/gray.css" from an online html file

On 27/12/11 16:50, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> vim can open something like http://.... But it doesn't open some other
> files like href="/css/gray.css" that is embedded in a html file by
> default. Is there a way to allow this to happen?
> Regards,
> Peng

That's a relative link, it is relative to the folder containing the HTML
file. Now in order to display a remote HTML file, Vim has to download it
to a temporary location on your HD, and that breaks all relative URLs.
Even for a local HTML file I don't think the solution would be trivial;
but Dr.Chip may have an idea...

Best regards,
After a number of decimal places, nobody gives a damn.

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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

On 28/12/11 01:53, wolfv wrote:
> Hi Tony. I didn't get vary far. Here is what I tried. From the Vim
> EX Line editor I typed::!mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
> This cmd window popped up:
> C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c mkdir $HOME/vimfilesThe syntax of the
> command is returned 1Hit any key to close this
> window...
> Is there a syntax error?

I thought Vim would interpret the environment variable and path
separators. OK, try the following then:

:!mkdir %HOME%\vimfiles

> Regards,
> wolfv

...and remember: in the Vim lists, bottom-posting is preferred, as shown
in the signature added by the list router.

Best regards,
GALAHAD: Camelot ...
LAUNCELOT: Camelot ...
GAWAIN: It's only a model.
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY)

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

Tony Mechelynck wrote the following on 26.12.2011 11:38

Hello Tony

-- <snip> --
>>>>> if exists("did_load_filetypes")
>>>>> finish
>>>>> endif

After reading a bit more about this i agree this is the right thing to do.
Actually you helped me to understand the concept of the runtimepath much better.

Thank you.

-- <snip> --
> 1. ~/.vim/filetype.vim
> 2. $VIM/vimfiles/filetype.vim
> 3. $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim
> 4. $VIM/vimfiles/after/filetype.vim
> 5. ~/.vim/after/filetype.vim
> or on Windows:
> 1. ~/vimfiles/filetype.vim
> 2. $VIM/vimfiles/filetype.vim
> 3. $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim
> 4. $VIM/vimfiles/after/filetype.vim
> 5. ~/vimfiles/after/filetype.vim
> This order is intentional, and it is followed whenever Vim sources an
> internal runtime script: it means that a local sysadmin can override the
> Vim defaults for his system, and that every user can override for his
> own use what the sysadmin chose for the whole installation.

-- <snip> --
> Best regards,
> Tony.


721B 1BA0 095C 1ABA 3FC6 7C18 89A4 A2A0 C70B 1A8F

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Concealing the \r also


Consider a C-file with folding method marker.

Declaring the comment regions with the argument conceal and setting
conceallevel to 2 would "eat up" all the characters in the comment -- except
for any carriage returns in the comment.

Is there a way to have the carriage returns "eaten up" too? (Fold method
needs to remain marker.)



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RE: Unsubscribe please

Kote Dekuur wrote:
> Sorry for the mass mailing.. anyone knows how to unsubscribe
> from the mailing list as the following unsubscribe mailing
> doesn't work.

The above address is to unsubscribe from the vim_announce group.

At the bottom of each mail there is a link which you found:

For confusing historical reasons, that page shows ""
as an alias for the mailing list where this message is posted
(namely The address shown at the info
page to unsubscribe is which should


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

Hi Tony. I didn't get vary far. Here is what I tried. From the Vim
EX Line editor I typed::!mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
This cmd window popped up:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c mkdir $HOME/vimfilesThe syntax of the
command is returned 1Hit any key to close this
Is there a syntax error?


On Dec 27, 12:55 am, Tony Mechelynck <>
> On 27/12/11 05:26, wolfv wrote:
> > Thanks Tony.  I don't know what else to do.  Most of this Vim code is
> > over my head.  I am using Vim 7.3 on Windows 7.  This is what it says
> > in my :h runtimepath:
> >                                    PC, OS/2: "$HOME/vimfiles,
> >                                            $VIM/vimfiles,
> >                                            $VIMRUNTIME,
> >                                            $VIM/vimfiles/after,
> >                                            $HOME/vimfiles/after"
> >    This is a list of directories which will be searched for runtime
> >    files:
> >      filetype.vim  filetypes by file name |new-filetype|
> >      scripts.vim   filetypes by file contents |new-filetype-scripts|
> >      autoload/     automatically loaded scripts |autoload-functions|
> >      colors/       color scheme files |:colorscheme|
> >      compiler/     compiler files |:compiler|
> >      doc/          documentation |write-local-help|
> >      ftplugin/     filetype plugins |write-filetype-plugin|
> >      indent/       indent scripts |indent-expression|
> >      keymap/       key mapping files |mbyte-keymap|
> >      lang/         menu translations |:menutrans|
> >      menu.vim      GUI menus |menu.vim|
> >      plugin/       plugin scripts |write-plugin|
> >      print/        files for printing |postscript-print-encoding|
> >      spell/        spell checking files |spell|
> >      syntax/       syntax files |mysyntaxfile|
> >      tutor/        files for vimtutor |tutor|
> > So what code do I put in what file?
> > Regards,
> > wolfv
> All commands I give below should be run from within Vim.
> First, create a vimfiles subfolder in what Vim know as $HOME:
>         :!mkdir $HOME/vimfiles
> If you get an error saying that the directory already exists, that's OK.
> For a different error, if it isn't obvious what to do, come back here.
> Second, create a filetype.vim in that new subfolder (I assume that you
> don't yet have one in _that_ directory):
>         :e ~/vimfiles/filetype.vim
> " filetype detection script (user customizations)
> " I'll say this once only
> if exists("did_load_filetypes")
>         finish
> endif
> " allow continuation lines
> let s:cpo = &cpo
> set cpo&vim
> augroup filetypedetect
> " text files
>         au BufRead,BufNewFile
>                 \ *.txt,README*,LISEZMOI*,LIESMICH*,LEESMIJ*
>                 \ setf text
> " add additional filetype detection autocommands above this line
> augroup END
> let &cpo = s:cpo
> Then save your work:
>         :x
> You might also want to set back $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim to what it was
> before you changed it.
> The next time you start Vim, it will regard files matching the patterns
> you set in that autocommand as being text files. (I gave an example, you
> may vary it if you prefer a different list: LISEZMOI, LIESMICH and
> LEESMIJ are used for README in French, German and Dutch respectively.)
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> "I can remember when a good politician had to be 75 percent ability and
> 25 percent actor, but I can well see the day when the reverse could be
> true."
>                 -- Harry Truman

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Unsubscribe please

Sorry for the mass mailing.. anyone knows how to unsubscribe from the mailing list as the following unsubscribe mailing doesn't work.

From: Suresh Govindachar <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 3:33 PM
Subject: RE: Hiding a string of text

More progress:  To hide a certain string, I created
the following syntax region:

    syn region footnote start="\\afootnote" end="}" conceal

then split the buffer and did
  :setlocal conceallevel=3

in one of the split windows.  I then verified the conceallevel in _both_
windows via ":verbose set conceallevel?"

The correct strings are being identified and made into the dark background.

However, there is one issue:  the strings are vanishing in the window with
conceallevel 0 also.  How  do I prevent this?



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[Resolved] Hiding a string of text

Solution: To hide a certain string, I created the following syntax region:

syn region footnote start="\\afootnote" end="}" conceal

then split the buffer and did

:setlocal conceallevel=3

in one of the split windows. I then verified the conceallevel in _both_
windows via ":verbose set conceallevel?"

This resulted in the strings being concealed in one buffer but not in the
other, as expected/desired.


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Re: Hiding a string of text

# Try this: ( for both conceal and fold )
    :syn region  hideAfootnote  matchgroup=hideAfootnote start="\\afootnote{"  end="}\|%stopzone\>" conceal cchar=~ fold

## Snapshots: 

Another option is to hide this text using defined `Ignore` syntax highlight 
    :hi def link hideAfootnote Ignore

About the issues you mentioned, I am not sure. you may define your own syntax highlight for Conceal
    : hi Conceal guibg=White guifg=DarkMagenta

On Dec 27, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Suresh Govindachar wrote:

Some progress since the original post:  To hide a certain string, I created
the following syntax region:

   syn region conceal start="\\afootnote" end="}"

then split the buffer and did

  :set conceallevel=3

in one of the split windows.

The correct strings are being identified.

However, there are issues:

1) The strings are highlighted with white color in both windows -- I have
verified the conceallevel via ":verbose set conceallevel?".

2) My background is black -- so the highlight should be black and not white.


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RE: Hiding a string of text

More progress: To hide a certain string, I created
the following syntax region:

syn region footnote start="\\afootnote" end="}" conceal

then split the buffer and did

:setlocal conceallevel=3

in one of the split windows. I then verified the conceallevel in _both_
windows via ":verbose set conceallevel?"

The correct strings are being identified and made into the dark background.

However, there is one issue: the strings are vanishing in the window with
conceallevel 0 also. How do I prevent this?



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RE: Hiding a string of text

Some progress since the original post: To hide a certain string, I created
the following syntax region:

syn region conceal start="\\afootnote" end="}"

then split the buffer and did

:set conceallevel=3

in one of the split windows.

The correct strings are being identified.

However, there are issues:

1) The strings are highlighted with white color in both windows -- I have
verified the conceallevel via ":verbose set conceallevel?".

2) My background is black -- so the highlight should be black and not white.


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Undo assign mark?

If I accidentally press ma instead of 'a, is there any way to revert
mark A to its previous value? Assuming, of course, that I do not
remember where it was and this is a _long_ file.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: VIM-Crypt help

On 27 dec, 04:18, Tony Mechelynck <>
> On 26/12/11 21:53, KasperH wrote:
> > Thanks Tony for the prompt response, however..
> > it did not work.
> What you you mean, "it didn't work"?

the linking went fine, but it had no effect
view(1) would still open the file without asking the passwd

the heart of my view(1) issue is, that since there was no alias,
throuogh $PATH /bin/view would be found before /usr/bin/view
since I need /usr/bin/view I need an alias

if my modifications to /etc/profile.d/vim.* are ruined by an upgrade/
update/fix of vim-enhanced
I will be able to recover from that by reading what I did in this
thread ;)

thanks again, for thinking along

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Hiding a string of text


A document has strings of text in it demarcated via "\afootnote{...}" as
shown below:

normal text of document\afootnote{blah blah
content of foot note on possibly multiple
lines between curly braces} continuing with
text of document.

I would like to toggle between the current syntax highlighting and one which
is essentially the same but which makes such strings of text ("footnotes")
the same color as the background. Any suggestions on how to go about doing



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Re: Binary editing

On Dec 22, 10:35 am, Charles Campbell <>
> If it is of interest, then (going further out on a limb), perhaps
> " Augroup Binary: vim -b : edit binary using xxd-format! {{{2
> augroup Binary
>    au!
>    au BufReadPre   *.bin let &bin=1
>    au BufReadPost  *.bin if &bin   |%!xxd
>    au BufReadPost  *.bin set ft=xxd|endif
>    au BufWritePre  *.bin if &bin   |%!xxd -r
>    au BufWritePre  *.bin endif
>    au BufWritePost *.bin if &bin   |%!xxd
>    au BufWritePost *.bin set nomod |endif
> augroup END
> in your .vimrc will further assist you.  You'll probably be wanting to
> extend *.bin to additional suffices, though.  For example, if you're
> using Windows, change  *.bin  to *.exe .  If you're using linux its a
> bit more involved, as executables under linux seldom have suffices.

I like this better:

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:language command

Why isn't it possible (in Windows?)  to use :lanugage to set the language to e.g. ge-GE.UTF-8 (while ge-GE.1252 would work)?

How - for that matter - does :language relate to the 'encoding' setting?

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Opening something like href="/css/gray.css" from an online html file


vim can open something like http://.... But it doesn't open some other
files like href="/css/gray.css" that is embedded in a html file by
default. Is there a way to allow this to happen?


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Re: why is Vim coloring text in txt files?

Hi Tony!

On Di, 27 Dez 2011, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> On 27/12/11 10:03, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> >Hi Tony!
> >
> >On Mo, 26 Dez 2011, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> >
> >>I could have used the internal mkdir() function, except that it
> >>isn't guaranteed to exist on all platforms.
> >
> >On which plattforms doesn't it exists?
> The help doesn't say. It just says:
> Not available on all systems. To check use: >
> :if exists("*mkdir")
> and since the OP is on a different platform than mine, I can't rely
> on it when telling him what to do. I suspect (but can't check) that
> Windows (the OP's platform) is a platform where it doesn't exist.

It is supported under Windows.


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