Wednesday, January 31, 2018

TOhtml folding + button in the generated html page

You need to enable the folding, it's not on by default. I think this is the option but I'm not in front of my computer at the moment so consult the help for :TOhtml in case I didn't get it exactly correct:

let g:html_dynamic_folds=1

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

TOhtml folding + button in the generated html page

I've been using this tool for long time and , especially under diff mode I love its ability to generate side by side 2 panels showing the difference in a good way. and the folding button in html panel is very useful.

but recently I changed a new laptop and install vim8, I found the folding button is missing in the generated html file. I compared my old and new laptop but I could not found much difference - same version and same .vimrc.

VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Dec  7 2017 04:42:02)

can anyone help to advise how do I narrow down the issue?
I just want the fold button back.


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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Re: Transfer vim to other distro

Thanks for now. Had no free time yet to check it (compled) out

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Re: Print to PDF (and open in browser)

On 2018-01-27 02:29, wrote:
> nmap <C-Home> :ha > <cr> :! ps2pdf<cr>:! rm
> nmap <C-S-Home> :ha > <cr> :! ps2pdf<cr>:!
> rm && chromium newfile.pdf<cr>
> The only problem is that I have to rename "newfile" to a different
> name everytime. It's not a dramatic issue indeed, but...
> My questions:
> 1) Is there a more elegant or effective way to do the same things?

I guess it depends on which aspects you find inelegant of ineffective.

You could then take advantage of the 'printexpr' so ":hardcopy" alone
does everything you need. You can read the gritty details at

:help :hardcopy
:h 'printexpr'
:h pexpr-option

Particularly the bit in that last one about simplifying things with a

Either way, wrapping it in a function might clean up the code,
something like (untested)

function! PrintFile(fname, ...)
call system('ps2pdf '. a:fname)
call delete(a:fname)
if a:0
call system('chromium ' . substitute(a:fname, '.ps$', '.pdf', '')
return v:shell_error
nmap <c-home> :set printexpr=PrintFile(v:fname_in) <bar> ha<cr>
nmap <c-s-home> :set printexpr=PrintFile(v:fname_in, 1) <bar> ha<cr>

By default my local copy of vim seems to name the "1.pdf", "3.pdf",
etc. Not sure if there's any sort of guaranteed in the sequence,
though I imagine they just auto-increment a bit. Not sure if it's
smart about the auto-generated names if more than one instance of vim
is running concurrently in the same directory.

You could also prompt for an output filename or auto-generate one
using the current timestamp:

function! PrintFile(fname, ...)
let l:outname=strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.pdf)
call system('ps2pdf '. a:fname . l:outname)
call delete(a:fname)
if a:0
call system('chromium ' . a:outname)
return v:shell_error
nmap <c-home> :set printexpr=PrintFile(v:fname_in) <bar> ha<cr>
nmap <c-s-home> :set printexpr=PrintFile(v:fname_in, 1) <bar> ha<cr>

> 2) Is there a way to open an email address from VIM and land in
> Gmail without creating a PDF? In Vim I open urls using gx but it
> doesn't work with email addresses.

Sorry, can't help much here as this is a Gmail-URL and browser sort
of thing external to vim.


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Re: Colour currently selected search/substitute option

for regular searches I tested with ":highlight Search ctermfg=1" and it worked.

On January 28, 2018 7:50:03 PM GMT+02:00, David Woodfall <> wrote:
not sure if I'm correct, but I think it might have to do with your current colour scheme.
you could also try messing with the :hi[ghlight] command (that is, if you don't wish to change your current colours).

:help highlight
:help hl-Search

these might lead you to the right direction. you could always change your theme though.

Thanks. IncSearch works for substitutions, but I didn't find a similar
setting for normal searches. I've just picked a darker colour so that
my cursor stands out more.

On January 28, 2018 6:25:11 PM GMT+02:00, David Woodfall <> wrote:

Is it possible to change the colour of the currently selected item
when doing a search or substitution? I have a hard time seeing which
item is selected.


:(){;printf "\x"$(printf "%x" $1);};: 0x53;: 0x6C;: 0x61;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x77;: 0x61;: 0x72;: 0x65;: 0x20;: 0x52;: 0x6F;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x73;: 0x21;: 0x0D;: 0x0A

Kwezilosmo Mhaga

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:(){;printf "\x"$(printf "%x" $1);};: 0x53;: 0x6C;: 0x61;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x77;: 0x61;: 0x72;: 0x65;: 0x20;: 0x52;: 0x6F;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x73;: 0x21;: 0x0D;: 0x0A

Kwezilosmo Mhaga

Re: Colour currently selected search/substitute option

>not sure if I'm correct, but I think it might have to do with your current colour scheme.
>you could also try messing with the :hi[ghlight] command (that is, if you don't wish to change your current colours).
>:help highlight
>:help hl-Search
>these might lead you to the right direction. you could always change your theme though.

Thanks. IncSearch works for substitutions, but I didn't find a similar
setting for normal searches. I've just picked a darker colour so that
my cursor stands out more.

>On January 28, 2018 6:25:11 PM GMT+02:00, David Woodfall <> wrote:
>Is it possible to change the colour of the currently selected item
>when doing a search or substitution? I have a hard time seeing which
>item is selected.
>:(){;printf "\x"$(printf "%x" $1);};: 0x53;: 0x6C;: 0x61;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x77;: 0x61;: 0x72;: 0x65;: 0x20;: 0x52;: 0x6F;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x73;: 0x21;: 0x0D;: 0x0A
>Kwezilosmo Mhaga
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:(){;printf "\x"$(printf "%x" $1);};: 0x53;: 0x6C;: 0x61;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x77;: 0x61;: 0x72;: 0x65;: 0x20;: 0x52;: 0x6F;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x73;: 0x21;: 0x0D;: 0x0A

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On Sun, Jan 28, 2018 at 6:14 PM, Renato Fabbri <> wrote:
> commands starting with <C-\> are most
> often specified as reserved for extensions
> in :h index

Commands consisting of Ctrl-\ followed by a lowercase letter are
listed as reserved for extensions. One of them is already used, i.e.
|c_CTRL-\_e|. A number of commands consisting of Ctrl-\ followed by
Ctrl-something are also defined. Then the index says: "Ctrl-\ other:
not used".
> Is it reserved for extensions for the Vim system development
> or for plugins developers, or for the user to tweak with,
> or all the above and more? Or some other thing?

I think that the Ctrl-\ + lowercase commands are reserved for
extensions of Vim; but of course that's just a guess: the
authoritative opinion in such matters would be Bram's.

> Best,
> R.

Best regards,

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Re: Colour currently selected search/substitute option

not sure if I'm correct, but I think it might have to do with your current colour scheme.
you could also try messing with the :hi[ghlight] command (that is, if you don't wish to change your current colours).

:help highlight
:help hl-Search

these might lead you to the right direction. you could always change your theme though.

On January 28, 2018 6:25:11 PM GMT+02:00, David Woodfall <> wrote:
Is it possible to change the colour of the currently selected item
when doing a search or substitution? I have a hard time seeing which
item is selected.


:(){;printf "\x"$(printf "%x" $1);};: 0x53;: 0x6C;: 0x61;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x77;: 0x61;: 0x72;: 0x65;: 0x20;: 0x52;: 0x6F;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x73;: 0x21;: 0x0D;: 0x0A

Kwezilosmo Mhaga

commands starting with <C-\> are most
often specified as reserved for extensions
in :h index

Is it reserved for extensions for the Vim system development
or for plugins developers, or for the user to tweak with,
or all the above and more? Or some other thing?


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finding best available key combinations for mappings, small erros in :h index (?), command to know system/default mappings

Dear Vim-ers,

(tackling issue in normal mode first)

Looking for best key combinations,
reading :h index,
I found that these g and z are available:

" zp zq zu zy z(B I J K P Q S T U Y Z) z(any punctuation except: +-=.^,
" e.g. ,/;'[]\`)
" Z(any not Z or Q)
" g(2-7,9) g(A,B,C,G,K,L,M,O,S,X,Z,Y,W) g(b,c,l,y,w)
" not g(~,@,_,^,],?,;,<,,,,+,*,',`,$,#), e.g. g(.,/,:,",[,\,=)

Is there any command or function I can use to know what
are the default key mapping that my Vim system is using?
I get that :map shows me the user-defined mappings.
But the only way I have to know what gt does in normal mode
is looking for it in manual pages, which I find fragile.

In finding the mest key combinations available, one has to gather information
from the :h files and :map command, and think about the numerous issues,
or do you know of a simpler solution?
(I get that Alt is not used and <C-\> is reserved in all modes, these are all issued to consider, right? And there are many others.)

BTW. I found these small potential mistakes in the g commands:
" (gF is with lowecases, gm after gn, g<punctuations> are scattered)


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Colour currently selected search/substitute option

Is it possible to change the colour of the currently selected item
when doing a search or substitution? I have a hard time seeing which
item is selected.


:(){;printf "\x"$(printf "%x" $1);};: 0x53;: 0x6C;: 0x61;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x77;: 0x61;: 0x72;: 0x65;: 0x20;: 0x52;: 0x6F;: 0x63;: 0x6B;: 0x73;: 0x21;: 0x0D;: 0x0A

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Re: How can I find the definition of a structure with cscope

Baroudi Safwen <> wrote:

> Le mardi 29 avril 2008 07:21:43 UTC+2, wiseker a écrit :
>> In vim + cscope, we can use command ":cs find g name" to find the definition of a function or structure. But there are some problems for structures.
>> For example, when we want to find the definition of struct device in linux kernel tree,the result is:
>> # line filename / context / line
>> 1 115 Documentation/lguest/lguest.c <<device>>
>> struct device
>> 2 32 Documentation/spi/spidev_test.c <<device>>
>> static const char *device = "/dev/spidev1.1";
>> 3 117 arch/x86/kernel/early-quirks.c <<device>>
>> u32 device;
>> 4 48 arch/x86/kernel/reboot_fixups_32.c <<device>>
>> unsigned int device;
>> 5 46 arch/x86/pci/irq.c <<device>>
>> u16 vendor, device;
>> 6 53 arch/x86/pci/irq.c <<device>>
>> int (*probe)(struct irq_router *r, struct pci_dev *router, u16 device);\
>> ......
>> That is because: 1) there are lots of "struct device" in header files (to avoid including headers); 2) Some locale variables with same name exists.
>> How can we avoid this and find the right definition quickly?
>> Thanks!
> I wrote a patch for vim that will sort the matches returned by cscope to put the matches that end with '{' at the top. I work on the kernel and boy this was useful. I'll be happy to share the patch if anyone is interested.

cscope and ctags use heuristics which cannot tell for sure what is the
correct definition.

Instead of those tools, you can use rtags and/or YouCompleteMe which
are based on
the clang library. Those tools understand c or c++ and can jump to the correct



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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Re: How can I find the definition of a structure with cscope

Le mardi 29 avril 2008 07:21:43 UTC+2, wiseker a écrit :
> In vim + cscope, we can use command ":cs find g name" to find the definition of a function or structure. But there are some problems for structures.
> For example, when we want to find the definition of struct device in linux kernel tree,the result is:
> # line filename / context / line
> 1 115 Documentation/lguest/lguest.c <<device>>
> struct device
> 2 32 Documentation/spi/spidev_test.c <<device>>
> static const char *device = "/dev/spidev1.1";
> 3 117 arch/x86/kernel/early-quirks.c <<device>>
> u32 device;
> 4 48 arch/x86/kernel/reboot_fixups_32.c <<device>>
> unsigned int device;
> 5 46 arch/x86/pci/irq.c <<device>>
> u16 vendor, device;
> 6 53 arch/x86/pci/irq.c <<device>>
> int (*probe)(struct irq_router *r, struct pci_dev *router, u16 device);\
> ......
> That is because: 1) there are lots of "struct device" in header files (to avoid including headers); 2) Some locale variables with same name exists.
> How can we avoid this and find the right definition quickly?
> Thanks!

I wrote a patch for vim that will sort the matches returned by cscope to put the matches that end with '{' at the top. I work on the kernel and boy this was useful. I'll be happy to share the patch if anyone is interested.

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errorformat for make.gcc multiline output

I'd like to match the following output from gcc via make:

ric.c:1703:18: error: line one
line two
^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ line three (ignore)
line four (ignore)

Beside the standard file name, error type, line, and column information, the message should comprise of the text

line 1 line2

I tried the following errorformat expression:

set errorformat=%E%f:%l:%c:\ error:\ %m,
\%+C%\\(\ %#%\\)%\\@<=%.%#,
\%-Z\ %#%\\%^%~%#%.%#

which - in my understanding - should translate to

Start an error line => <file>:<line>:<column>: error <line_one>,
Include the continuation line => \( *\)\@<=.* // line two, skip whitespace
Finish the error line => *\^~*.*

However, only the first line of the error message is matched, and I receive the GVim error message "E33: No previous substitute regular expression", which stems from the %C pattern.

I think, I don't see the wood because of the trees...

Help greatly appreciated.

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Re: Print to PDF (and open in browser)

2018-01-27 13:29 GMT+03:00 <>:
> Hello (sorry for my poor English),
> I need to send a lot of emails (50-70) from lists everyday and I had found a good way to save my time pasting the list to Writer, exporting it to pdf, opening pdf in chromium and going directly to Gmail when I click on the links.
> Then I started to learn Vim (few months ago) and I found a new way to do the job with one command: in my .vimrc I put the following remap
> nmap <C-Home> :ha > <cr> :! ps2pdf<cr>:! rm<cr>
> nmap <C-S-Home> :ha > <cr> :! ps2pdf<cr>:! rm && chromium newfile.pdf<cr>
> So, in the first line I put the command to create a PDF.
> In the second line I create PDF and open it to chromium (Debian is my OS, and Chromium is my default and favorite browser).
> Then, as above, I click on the addresses in PDF document and go directly to Gmail, which is my default email "client" (ok, it's not a client but I set it to be the default email).
> The only problem is that I have to rename "newfile" to a different name everytime. It's not a dramatic issue indeed, but...
> My questions:
> 1) Is there a more elegant or effective way to do the same things?
> 2) Is there a way to open an email address from VIM and land in Gmail without creating a PDF? In Vim I open urls using gx but it doesn't work with email addresses.

foo@bar.baz looks much like going to bar.baz via http protocol (or
https in some cases due to HSTS), using user foo: you may check side from omitting a
protocol this is a valid URL interpretation and http/https is the
default one. You should be able to do what is needed if you add
`mailto:` before emails so chromium would know what exactly you need.

> Thank you! :-)
> --
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Print to PDF (and open in browser)

Hello (sorry for my poor English),

I need to send a lot of emails (50-70) from lists everyday and I had found a good way to save my time pasting the list to Writer, exporting it to pdf, opening pdf in chromium and going directly to Gmail when I click on the links.

Then I started to learn Vim (few months ago) and I found a new way to do the job with one command: in my .vimrc I put the following remap

nmap <C-Home> :ha > <cr> :! ps2pdf<cr>:! rm<cr>
nmap <C-S-Home> :ha > <cr> :! ps2pdf<cr>:! rm && chromium newfile.pdf<cr>

So, in the first line I put the command to create a PDF.
In the second line I create PDF and open it to chromium (Debian is my OS, and Chromium is my default and favorite browser).
Then, as above, I click on the addresses in PDF document and go directly to Gmail, which is my default email "client" (ok, it's not a client but I set it to be the default email).

The only problem is that I have to rename "newfile" to a different name everytime. It's not a dramatic issue indeed, but...

My questions:

1) Is there a more elegant or effective way to do the same things?

2) Is there a way to open an email address from VIM and land in Gmail without creating a PDF? In Vim I open urls using gx but it doesn't work with email addresses.

Thank you! :-)

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Re: vim html highlight not work.

* Charles Campbell ( wrote:
> Zhe Lee wrote:
> > The filetype is html, and syntax is on.
> >
> > the html.vim is in the \Vim\vim80\syntax\. But the html still not highlight
> >
> >
> > why is that?
> >
> What does vim --version (or :version when running vim) show? In
> particular, do you have +syntax or -syntax? You'll need to have the
> former to be able to have syntax highlighting. You do realize that
> html.vim itself will be highlighted according to vim's own syntax rules,
> not html's.
> What does :echo $VIMRUNTIME show -- and do you a) have syntax files in
> $VIMRUNTIME/syntax, and b) have permission to read them at that location.
> By "html.vim" are you referring to the syntax highlighting file that
> came with vim or are you attempting to make your own? If the latter,
> you really should not be overwriting the vim version, rather you should
> be putting it into $HOME/.vim/syntax .
It also depends on your terminal.
Are you using a native terminal or ssh to it?
What does echo $TERM print? Is it xterm?
Make sure I have set :syntax on.

Gua Chung Lim

To live is to love.

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Re: Vim Android App with encrptioin support

On Monday, January 22, 2018 at 2:08:42 PM UTC-8, Eli the Bearded wrote:
> Jeffery Small wrote:
> > I have an android phone. I want to be able to view some
> > blowfish2-encrypted files that I have placed on the phone. Does anyone
> > know of a vim app that supports decryption? I have the "Vim Touch" app
> > installed, but it complains that the content is "too big" when trying to
> > access the encrypted file. Any other options?
> I use the vim compiled for Termux, and it supports blowfish[*]. I can't say
> if it will open your file, since "too big" doesn't sound like a blowfish
> encryption error.
> [*] cm=blowfish2
> Anyway, Termux gives you a Linux shell, and then you can just "apt-get
> vim". (You could probably even build vim on your device with Termux; I
> have built trn on my phone.)
> 8.0.1350, ":version" says "Huge version without GUI." I use "Hacker's
> Keyboard" in order to have a better typing experience.
> Elijah

Thanks Elijah. I actually have Termux installed but haven't worked with it much yet. I'll give your suggestion a go!

Much appreciated!

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Re: vim html highlight not work.

Zhe Lee wrote:
> The filetype is html, and syntax is on.
> the html.vim is in the \Vim\vim80\syntax\. But the html still not highlight
> why is that?
What does vim --version (or :version when running vim) show? In
particular, do you have +syntax or -syntax? You'll need to have the
former to be able to have syntax highlighting. You do realize that
html.vim itself will be highlighted according to vim's own syntax rules,
not html's.

What does :echo $VIMRUNTIME show -- and do you a) have syntax files in
$VIMRUNTIME/syntax, and b) have permission to read them at that location.

By "html.vim" are you referring to the syntax highlighting file that
came with vim or are you attempting to make your own? If the latter,
you really should not be overwriting the vim version, rather you should
be putting it into $HOME/.vim/syntax .

Chip Campbell

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Re: Vim Android App with encrptioin support

Jeffery Small wrote:
> I have an android phone. I want to be able to view some
> blowfish2-encrypted files that I have placed on the phone. Does anyone
> know of a vim app that supports decryption? I have the "Vim Touch" app
> installed, but it complains that the content is "too big" when trying to
> access the encrypted file. Any other options?

I use the vim compiled for Termux, and it supports blowfish[*]. I can't say
if it will open your file, since "too big" doesn't sound like a blowfish
encryption error.

[*] cm=blowfish2

Anyway, Termux gives you a Linux shell, and then you can just "apt-get
vim". (You could probably even build vim on your device with Termux; I
have built trn on my phone.)

8.0.1350, ":version" says "Huge version without GUI." I use "Hacker's
Keyboard" in order to have a better typing experience.


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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Vim Android App with encrptioin support

I have an android phone. I want to be able to view some blowfish2-encrypted files that I have placed on the phone. Does anyone know of a vim app that supports decryption? I have the "Vim Touch" app installed, but it complains that the content is "too big" when trying to access the encrypted file. Any other options?


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vim html highlight not work.

The filetype is html, and syntax is on.

the html.vim is in the \Vim\vim80\syntax\. But the html still not highlight

why is that?

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Re: Transfer vim to other distro

Hi Tasmo,

On Sat, 20 Jan 2018 10:21:21 -0800 (PST)
Jo Tasmo <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> until now I thought to transfer the hole vim-setup (plugins + Wiki) in Linux,
> is easy done, by just copy the .vimrc, .vim and wiki-folder to the home of
> the other mashine and distro. The first time I did–in Linuxmint– it worked
> fine. But now, doing so with dietpi (arm-raspberryPi-distro) the wiki does't
> work proper. So I tryed the same thing to for testing-reason, with a
> Knoppix-Distro, it also did not do the job. Also in both cases the
> colorchange of the cursor in different modes happens only after the first
> aktion in the new mode. For example after having changed to insert-mode it
> needs first a keystroke, until it the wished color appears. In normal-mode it
> is of course more annoying.

you should keep your vim config inside a VCS repo, see e,g:



> let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;yellow\x7" " insert-mode
> let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]12;blue\x7" " overwrite-mode
> let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;red\x7" " normal-mode
> What could be the reason?
> How to solve?
> Thanks
> Behappy
> tasmo

Shlomi Fish
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Saturday, January 20, 2018

gvimrc isfname

I have a file in Skill script with following line


How do I change isfname to descend into the correct file (path below) when I press gf in gvim
Correct file path is: /user/$USER/filename
where $USER is the username environment variable.

I have multiple such paths with getShellEnvVar() function in Skill which is used so as to evaluate the environment variable in shell directly from Skill.

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Transfer vim to other distro

Hello all,
until now I thought to transfer the hole vim-setup (plugins + Wiki) in Linux, is easy done, by just copy the .vimrc, .vim and wiki-folder to the home of the other mashine and distro. The first time I did–in Linuxmint– it worked fine. But now, doing so with dietpi (arm-raspberryPi-distro) the wiki does't work proper. So I tryed the same thing to for testing-reason, with a Knoppix-Distro, it also did not do the job. Also in both cases the colorchange of the cursor in different modes happens only after the first aktion in the new mode. For example after having changed to insert-mode it needs first a keystroke, until it the wished color appears. In normal-mode it is of course more annoying.

let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]12;yellow\x7" " insert-mode
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]12;blue\x7" " overwrite-mode
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]12;red\x7" " normal-mode

What could be the reason?
How to solve?




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Friday, January 19, 2018

PHP completion - eg port PDT?

I've tried many different PHP completions, they all were not as nice as
PDF, and eclipm in Vim is slow.

Is anybody else interested in turning Eclipse PDT completion feature
into a client-server protocol service so that it can be used for Vim
easily? There are quite a lot files to looked at eventually.

Maybe we can join forces ?

Marc Weber

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Re: Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

Thanks, I use 7.4-1024 version is OK.
This is the 7.4-1024 version vimrc
set diffexpr=MyDiff()
function MyDiff()
let opt = '-a --binary '
if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
let arg1 = v:fname_in
if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif
let arg2 = v:fname_new
if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif
let arg3 = v:fname_out
if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif
if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' '
if &sh =~ '\<cmd'
if empty(&shellxquote)
let l:shxq_sav = ''
set shellxquote&
let cmd = '"' . $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff"'
let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"'
let cmd = $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff'
silent execute '!' . cmd . ' ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3
if exists('l:shxq_sav')
let &shellxquote=l:shxq_sav

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Re: Keystroke command

* Tim Chase ( wrote:
> On 2018-01-18 22:41, Gua Chung Lim wrote:
> > :g/^foobar/norm! gUw
> For this particular one (replacing a pattern with its uppercase
> version), you can use
> :%s/^foobar/\U&
I know this command, but \U is not keystroke.
So it is irrelevant to my question.
For keystroke commands, you can do many other things else,
other than simply change the letter case.

> There's a lot of power in Vim's search-and-replace, so it's worth
> reading up at
> :help sub-replace-special
> and continuing on to read at
> :help :s%
Thank you very much. :-)

Gua Chung Lim

To live is to love.

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Re: Keystroke command

On 2018-01-18 22:41, Gua Chung Lim wrote:
> For example gUw is the keystrokes to change the
> > current word to uppercase. Can I put gUw into the command like...
> >
> > :%s/^foobar/gUw/g
> > to change any foobar at the beginning of the line to FOOBAR?
> > (I know this is a wrong example, I'm trying my hard time to
> > explain. ;-p )
> I found it.
> :g/^foobar/norm! gUw

For this particular one (replacing a pattern with its uppercase
version), you can use


There's a lot of power in Vim's search-and-replace, so it's worth
reading up at

:help sub-replace-special

and continuing on to read at

:help :s%


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Re: Keystroke command

* Gua Chung Lim ( wrote:
> Hi all,
> My question is a little hard to explain.
> I know how to use :map to imitate keystrokes.
> But I don't want to use :map every time.
> Is there anyway to use : command to imitate keystrokes without :map?
> For example gUw is the keystrokes to change the current word to uppercase.
> Can I put gUw into the command like...
> :%s/^foobar/gUw/g
> to change any foobar at the beginning of the line to FOOBAR?
> (I know this is a wrong example, I'm trying my hard time to explain. ;-p )
I found it.
:g/^foobar/norm! gUw

Gua Chung Lim

To live is to love.

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Keystroke command

Hi all,

My question is a little hard to explain.
I know how to use :map to imitate keystrokes.
But I don't want to use :map every time.
Is there anyway to use : command to imitate keystrokes without :map?
For example gUw is the keystrokes to change the current word to uppercase.
Can I put gUw into the command like...

to change any foobar at the beginning of the line to FOOBAR?
(I know this is a wrong example, I'm trying my hard time to explain. ;-p )

Thank you,

Gua Chung Lim

To live is to love.

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Re: how to install the vim plugin I already put the files in the correct folder but nothing happen?

On 2018-01-17, Zhe Lee wrote:
> I download vim-coloresque-master and put the file in the correct folder,
> vim80/ and vimfiles/ folder, both put the files in the correct folder, I
> want to highlight the color number in the css file,
> but nothing happens,
> like the code like this:
> background-color: #eae4df;
> the #eae4df will be highlight by the color.
> Why this happen and how to fix it?

You haven't told us exactly into which folder you put each file of
the plugin. That the plugin is not working suggests that you may
have put the files in the wrong folders. You should not put any
plugin files into the vim80 folder, by which I assume you mean

Without knowing exactly what you did, it is very difficult for
anyone to determine what you did wrong or didn't do.


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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

how to install the vim plugin I already put the files in the correct folder but nothing happen?

I download vim-coloresque-master and put the file in the correct folder,
vim80/ and vimfiles/ folder, both put the files in the correct folder, I
want to highlight the color number in the css file,
but nothing happens,

like the code like this:
background-color: #eae4df;

the #eae4df will be highlight by the color.

Why this happen and how to fix it?

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Re: Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 1:05:29 AM UTC-6, Sand Glass wrote:
> I install gvim7.4 in the default directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim' on
> windows10 x64 system.
> I open the origin _vimrc file, and run
> :vert diffsplit _vimrc_my
> It shows error:
> E810: Cannot read or write temp files
> E97: 无法创建diff
> I open the origin _vimrc file again and delete everything, and run
> :vert diffsplit _vimrc_my
> OK.
> Question is:
> Where the temp files save when do diff using the origin _vimrc config?
> Why this will hapen on win10? my win7 system is OK.
> ========== the origin _vimrc file contents
> "set nocompatible
> "source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
> "source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
> "behave mswin
> "
> "set diffexpr=MyDiff()
> "function MyDiff()
> " let opt = '-a --binary '
> " if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
> " if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
> " let arg1 = v:fname_in
> " if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif
> " let arg2 = v:fname_new
> " if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif
> " let arg3 = v:fname_out
> " if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif
> " let eq = ''
> " if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' '
> " if &sh =~ '\<cmd'
> " let cmd = '""' . $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff"'
> " let eq = '"'
> " else
> " let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"'
> " endif
> " else
> " let cmd = $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff'
> " endif
> " silent execute '!' . cmd . ' ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3 . eq
> "endfunction
> ========== the origin _vimrc file contents

You have an outdated MyDiff function which old installer versions created for you. Version 7.4.103 fixes the installed MyDiff function to account for changes in the way Vim handles quoting of arguments in external shell commands on Windows. Install Vim 8.0 as others have suggested or Google for the correct MyDiff function (currently in the top few search results for that error message text are StackOverflow and Superuser questions which would have told you this and provide the corrected function).

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Re: Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

Sand Glass <> wrote:

> Is there anybody meet this?

I'm guessing that the reason you don't get more answers, is
because you're using a very old version of Vim. If you're
using vim-7.4 (do you mean 7.4.0?), then you're missing
several years of bug fixes (probably several thousands
of bug fixes). Please install vim-8.0 and check if it still
happens. You can find recent Vim builds for Windows here:


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Re: Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 10:52:33 PM UTC+8, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 8:05 AM, Sand Glass <> wrote:
> > I install gvim7.4 in the default directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim' on
> > windows10 x64 system.
> > I open the origin _vimrc file, and run
> > :vert diffsplit _vimrc_my
> > It shows error:
> > E810: Cannot read or write temp files
> > E97: 无法创建diff
> > I open the origin _vimrc file again and delete everything, and run
> > :vert diffsplit _vimrc_my
> > OK.
> >
> > Question is:
> > Where the temp files save when do diff using the origin _vimrc config?
> > Why this will hapen on win10? my win7 system is OK.
> • Do you experience the same problem with the latest Vim 8.0? (If you
> don't, it was fixed somewhere down the line.)
> • Could it be an antivirus problem? (Permissions problems are often
> due to an antivirus not recognizing a newly installed executable as
> "legitimate".)
> • Or else, it might be a Windows-specific conflict (of which I know
> nothing, my last Windows system was XP SP2) between installing as
> "administrator" and using as "normal user".
> Best regards,
> Tony.

So, where do the diff temp files save?

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Alignment that contains comment lines that has ending "{"

The version I used is 8.9.586.
I noticed that vim alignment for c program is kind of strange. For example, in the following example, when line "//if(2) {" is in front of line "if(1) {", the alignment is fine (used gg=G to align the whole file). But if I switch the order of these two lines, the last "}" doesn't align correctly. Is this a known problem of vim? Any work around?

Similar question is for the match command "%": It seems the % command take the ending "{" in a comment line into account as well. In the following example, the first "{" can't find any matching "}". Is there a way to solve this problem? Thanks.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    //if (2) {
    if (1) {

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    if (1) {
        //if (2) {
    } <<<< not aligned well.

Re: Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 8:05 AM, Sand Glass <> wrote:
> I install gvim7.4 in the default directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim' on
> windows10 x64 system.
> I open the origin _vimrc file, and run
> :vert diffsplit _vimrc_my
> It shows error:
> E810: Cannot read or write temp files
> E97: 无法创建diff
> I open the origin _vimrc file again and delete everything, and run
> :vert diffsplit _vimrc_my
> OK.
> Question is:
> Where the temp files save when do diff using the origin _vimrc config?
> Why this will hapen on win10? my win7 system is OK.

• Do you experience the same problem with the latest Vim 8.0? (If you
don't, it was fixed somewhere down the line.)
• Could it be an antivirus problem? (Permissions problems are often
due to an antivirus not recognizing a newly installed executable as
• Or else, it might be a Windows-specific conflict (of which I know
nothing, my last Windows system was XP SP2) between installing as
"administrator" and using as "normal user".

Best regards,

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Re: Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 03:24:20AM -0800, Sand Glass wrote:
> Is there anybody meet this?
> --
> --
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Yes, I have this problem on business-owned laptops. You must have admin privileges to install gVim. You may be able to request admin privileges from an administrator.
An alternative, though not completely the same, is to install git-bash from It includes many GNU command-line tools and also vim, but you will have to use it through the terminal. This means that it doesn't integrate with the Windows clipboard as cleanly as gVim (though you can interact with it through /dev/clipboard). You will also need to concern yourself with unix vs dos newlines, though it is trivial to convert back and forth using sed. This may provide you with a workaround until you can install gVim.

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Re: Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

Is there anybody meet this?

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Monday, January 15, 2018

Win10 gvim7.4 seemly not have enough permission(default install)

I install gvim7.4 in the default directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim' on
windows10 x64 system.
I open the origin _vimrc file, and run
:vert diffsplit _vimrc_my
It shows error:
E810: Cannot read or write temp files
E97: 无法创建diff
I open the origin _vimrc file again and delete everything, and run
:vert diffsplit _vimrc_my

Question is:
Where the temp files save when do diff using the origin _vimrc config?
Why this will hapen on win10? my win7 system is OK.

========== the origin _vimrc file contents
"set nocompatible
"source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
"source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
"behave mswin
"set diffexpr=MyDiff()
"function MyDiff()
" let opt = '-a --binary '
" if &diffopt =~ 'icase' | let opt = opt . '-i ' | endif
" if &diffopt =~ 'iwhite' | let opt = opt . '-b ' | endif
" let arg1 = v:fname_in
" if arg1 =~ ' ' | let arg1 = '"' . arg1 . '"' | endif
" let arg2 = v:fname_new
" if arg2 =~ ' ' | let arg2 = '"' . arg2 . '"' | endif
" let arg3 = v:fname_out
" if arg3 =~ ' ' | let arg3 = '"' . arg3 . '"' | endif
" let eq = ''
" if $VIMRUNTIME =~ ' '
" if &sh =~ '\<cmd'
" let cmd = '""' . $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff"'
" let eq = '"'
" else
" let cmd = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, ' ', '" ', '') . '\diff"'
" endif
" else
" let cmd = $VIMRUNTIME . '\diff'
" endif
" silent execute '!' . cmd . ' ' . opt . arg1 . ' ' . arg2 . ' > ' . arg3 . eq
========== the origin _vimrc file contents

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timer / job / window / tab

I am creating a timer that starts a job at a regular interval.
When the job is finished I update a variable with some of the job output with a ch_read().
I would like to update the statusline with this variable, but that means each vim process and also each tab / window have their own 'stream' of these timers and variables.
Can I start a timer for each BufReadPost,BufNewFile,FileReadPost ?
And then have a w: or t: variable for reading from each channel ?
Anyone done anything similar that has suggestions ?

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Re: Terminal Statusline

On 15/01/2018 16:43, Charles Sheridan wrote:
> This is not what I want locally, so it looks like the implication form me is to write statusline entries that condition on whether the window is a terminal or not.

Yeah, I think that this is what you should do unless others have a
better idea. You could check if mode() returns t, then make the
appropriate adjustments.

Kind Regards,
Kwezilomso Mhaga

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Re: Terminal Statusline

On Monday, January 15, 2018 at 7:55:53 AM UTC-6, Kwezilomso Mhaga wrote:
> my bad, didn't read your question carefully. what do you mean?

After running Vim :terminal, the statusline from.vimrc, such as
3-168 L3/5 C0

is appended to with a string such as:

!bash (34) [Terminal][+-]

The appending chars on the left-side of the statusline, i.e. the part of my statusline that follows the "%<" operator, are not affected.

I'm trying to stop the print of the appending chars.

=> After now deleting successive operators from my .vimrrc statusline, I see that issue, for me, is that terminal binds its own data to the established statusline operators, e.g. %t binds to "!bash" This is not what I want locally, so it looks like the implication form me is to write statusline entries that condition on whether the window is a terminal or not.


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Re: Terminal Statusline

my bad, didn't read your question carefully. what do you mean?

On January 15, 2018 3:15:23 PM GMT+02:00, Kwezilomso Mhaga <> wrote:
set laststatus=0

On January 14, 2018 6:04:29 AM GMT+02:00, Charles Sheridan <> wrote:
The statusline defined in .vimrc is appended to when a  Vim8/MacVim terminal loads.

Is there a way to turn this off ?

btw, the terminal feature is great !

Regards, Charles

Kwezilosmo Mhaga

Re: Terminal Statusline

set laststatus=0

On January 14, 2018 6:04:29 AM GMT+02:00, Charles Sheridan <> wrote:
The statusline defined in .vimrc is appended to when a  Vim8/MacVim terminal loads.

Is there a way to turn this off ?

btw, the terminal feature is great !

Regards, Charles

Kwezilosmo Mhaga

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Terminal Statusline

The statusline defined in .vimrc is appended to when a Vim8/MacVim terminal loads.

Is there a way to turn this off ?

btw, the terminal feature is great !

Regards, Charles

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Re: Window ID Conventions

Thanks Yegappan.

Best, Charles

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Re: Window ID Conventions


On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 1:28 PM, Charles Sheridan <> wrote:
> Window ids in my use of Vim8 MacVim start their count at 1000 and increment by 1 with each new window.
> Is this convention the same across Vim8 ?

Yes. But you should treat the window identifier as an opaque number.

> Does anyone possibly recollect if this is a 'since forever' convention, and if not,
> which version of Vim introduced it ?

This feature was introduced in Vim 7.4.1557.


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Window ID Conventions

Window ids in my use of Vim8 MacVim start their count at 1000 and increment by 1 with each new window.

Is this convention the same across Vim8 ?

Does anyone possibly recollect if this is a 'since forever' convention, and if not, which version of Vim introduced it ?

Regards, Charles

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Re: Is there anything like Termdebug for lldb?

On 09/01/2018 14:09, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Lifepillar wrote:
>> The Termdebug plugin in Vim is a lovely feature. Is there anything
>> comparable for lldb?
> If lldb supports a way to communicate with it, it should be possible to
> make it work.

I believe that there should be, as lldb can be used, e.g., within Xcode,
but I am not familiar with anything like gdb/mi for lldb (there is an
lldb-mi executable: maybe someone else can comment on it, as I haven't
used it).

Besides, in principle it should be possible to do something like:

$ lldb ./vim
(lldb) process launch --tty=/dev/ttys006

But, according to this page:

--tty is supported only in Mac OS X. In macOS High Sierra, however, that
option does not accept an argument:

(lldb) process launch --tty=/dev/ttys006
lldb: option `--tty' doesn't allow an argument

At least in macOS, one can do `process launch --tty`, which runs the
program in a new (host) terminal window.


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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Re: buttype == quickfix plus WinEnter

On Sunday, January 7, 2018 at 3:26:36 AM UTC-6, Axel Bender wrote:
> @Ben Fritz
> Thanks for the answer. Using &filetype in place of &buftype - according to my findings - makes no difference. The *type is not available when entering the quickfix buffer for the first time. Shouldn't we consider this a bug and move the thread to vim_dev?

I don't particularly care because of the easy workaround, but if it's not a bug then it's at least very unexpected, for 'buftype' especially.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Re: vim-debugstring - Debug printf()-style at the speed of light

On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 3:23:54 PM UTC, Richard Mitchell wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 2:25:59 AM UTC-5, Nikos Koukis wrote:
> > Hey vimmers, happy new year!
> >
> > This is a description to a plugin that I developed. This is my first plugin in Vim and I wanted to ask for some feedback, mainly:
> >
> > - Do you think it's in any way useful?
> > - Is there any similar plugin that I might have missed?
> > - Do you think of any way I could improve it?
> >
> > *debugstring* aims to automate standard debugging operations (e.g., find segfaults). It does that by facilitating the ubiquitous printf()-debugging i.e., scatter logging statements around the various code snippets that you want to test.
> >
> >
> > The default key-binding for dumping a logging directive is <Leader>ds. The logging statements are of the form:
> >
> > [<filename>:<line_of_logging_statement>] DEBUGGING STRING ==> <unique_number>
> >
> >
> > The form and syntax of the logging statements target the language at hand (e.g., use printf() in C/C++ but puts() in Ruby)
> >
> > Currently the following languages are supported:
> >
> > - C/C++
> > - Fortran
> > - Haskell
> > - Java
> > - javascript
> > - PHP
> > - Python
> > - Ruby
> > - Shell
> > - Vim
> >
> > You can find more information on Github..
> >
> > Github page:
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Nikos
> My C (not vim) solution for this is:
> #define BUGOUT( FMT, ... ) { \
> fprintf(stdout, "%s: %5d:%-24s:", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__ ); \
> fprintf(stdout, FMT, ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
> fflush (stdout); \
> }
> and is used as a standard printf(), i.e.:
> BUGOUT("text: %d %s\n", num, string ) // For example
> The output shows the filename, line number, and function the debug statement occurs. Always correct and easily found in the source.

That's a different thing though really...
The plugin is language independend and offers just a single mapping to dump either a specific string for the line at hand, or more recently the result of an arbitrary expression, and all this just using a single mapping.

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Re: Is there anything like Termdebug for lldb?

Lifepillar wrote:

> The Termdebug plugin in Vim is a lovely feature. Is there anything
> comparable for lldb?

If lldb supports a way to communicate with it, it should be possible to
make it work.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
197. Your desk collapses under the weight of your computer peripherals.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
/// sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\ an exciting new programming language -- ///
\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

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Re: colors missing in rgb.txt?

On 09.01.18 07:55, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> IIRC, rgb.txt came from the X11 Server sources and those colors were not
> defined there.
> Anyhow, I cannot find it in the X11 Server source and in some commits
> they removed all references to that file. So it might no longer exist in
> a maintained form.

On my slightly dated debian install:

$ diff -w /home/src/vim/runtime/rgb.txt /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt
< ! $XConsortium: rgb.txt,v 10.41 94/02/20 18:39:36 rws Exp $
> ! $Xorg: rgb.txt,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:00 cpqbld Exp $
> 215 7 81 DebianRed

$ wc -l /home/src/vim/runtime/rgb.txt /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt
753 /home/src/vim/runtime/rgb.txt
754 /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt

So 752 of 752 colours are identical in name an hue, from 1994 to a
couple of years ago. (Most likely till today, too.)

On 09.01.18 10:07, Boyko Bantchev wrote:
> The Wikipedia article titled "X11 color names"
> says w.r.t. the so called "X11 colours" the following:
> "Color names are not standardized by Xlib or the X11 protocol.
> The list does not show continuity either in selected color
> values or in color names, and some color triplets have multiple
> names. Despite this, graphic designers and others got used to
> them, making it practically impossible to introduce a different
> list."

Providing multiple names for a particular shading is the technique for
merging colour lists from multiple vendors into a common standard, and
for allowing American dialect spelling of grey in addition to English.

The article's uncertainty over continuity is difficult to credit. I have
been using DarkSlateGrey, wheat3, and a few others since SunOS 4.1.3 in
around 1990, through SolarisX86, and now various linux distros. I
recognise a lot of the colours from 1990, such as the goldenrod
variants, salmon, chocolate, and all the greys.

That is confirmed in the third paragraph of the article cited above:
"Approximately the full list as is available today shipped with X11R4 on
29 January 1989, ..."

I can't comment on vim's private colour names - I wouldn't know how
to invoke them, as I do all my colour setting in the xterm.


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Re: colors missing in rgb.txt?

The Wikipedia article titled "X11 color names"

says w.r.t. the so called "X11 colours" the following:

"Color names are not standardized by Xlib or the X11 protocol.
The list does not show continuity either in selected color
values or in color names, and some color triplets have multiple
names. Despite this, graphic designers and others got used to
them, making it practically impossible to introduce a different

The article also lists those colours.

The X11 colour list has been adopted in both SVG and CSS.

As for the three specific colour names LightRed, LightMagenta and
DarkYellow, they are apparently not part of the X11 list. They are
mentioned in neither the Wikipedia article nor in any of

They are also absent from /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt on my system.

Perhaps it is better to avoid these names and use standard ones
with the same or similar values.

On 9 January 2018 at 08:55, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Mo, 08 Jan 2018, Renato Fabbri wrote:
>> The colors in :h gui-colors, but not in
>> rgb.txt are: ['LightRed', 'LightMagenta', 'DarkYellow']
>> Any idea on how to find these RGB values from the system
>> (i.e. without using a color picker)?
>> There is no light red, for example, in $VIMRUNTIME/rgb.txt
>> Although the color exists.
>> E.g.: hi Normal guibg=lightred
>> is ok.
>> I found light red in source tree src/terminal.c
>> with RGB: 255 64 64,
>> which does not correspond to the color applied
>> (found 255 140 140 in a color picker, and if I do
>> :hi Normal guibg=#ff8b8b, it stays the same.)
> IIRC, rgb.txt came from the X11 Server sources and those colors were not
> defined there.
> Anyhow, I cannot find it in the X11 Server source and in some commits
> they removed all references to that file. So it might no longer exist in
> a maintained form.
> As for LightRed, LightMagenta and DarkYellow, those colors are defined
> in src/term.c:
> {(char_u *)"darkyellow", RGB(0x8B, 0x8B, 0x00)}, /* No X11 */
> {(char_u *)"lightmagenta", RGB(0xFF, 0x8B, 0xFF)}, /* No X11 */
> {(char_u *)"lightred", RGB(0xFF, 0x8B, 0x8B)}, /* No X11 */
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> Heutzutage kennen die Leute den Preis von allem und den Wert von
> nichts.
> -- Horst Stern
> --
> --
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