Friday, December 25, 2009

Re: Correct easily if without block instructions code

On 26/11/09 18:44, epanda wrote:
[top-posted reply reordered]
> On 26 nov, 18:36, Francisco Dibar<> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:06 AM, epanda<> wrote:
>>> I would like to know if I have to add instructions bloc in this case :
>>> if ( cond1&&
>>> cond2 )
>>> /* general comment
>>> // a comment
>>> *
>>> */
>>> return result;
>>> ==> has to become
>>> if ( cond1&&
>>> cond2 )
>>> {
>>> /* general comment
>>> // a comment
>>> *
>>> */
>>> return result;
>>> }
>> If I understood you well, you need to surround some lines of code
>> between braces. That can be done with the surround plugin as follows:
>> - select the lines of text you wish to surround
>> - type s{
>> To indent properly, you can type vi{ to select the block of text
>> between braces, and then type = (or shift+>) to indent correctly.
>> bye.
> Yes, I want to surround first line of code after if instruction ...
> but with vimscript, not from normal mode

what about (untested, and starting with the cursor on the line
containing the closing parenthese at the end of the "if")

put ='{'
/;$/put ='}'

Best regards,
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