Thursday, January 28, 2010

Re: Python indention

Torsten Andre 写道:
> Hi everyone,
> I am having some trouble with my indention in python. I installed the
> indention plugin for Python under [1] and according to the
> documentation, I think comments starting with a "#" should not moved to
> the very left of the page, but the current line indention should be
> kept. In my case, whenever I type a "#" to start a comment, the comment
> is moved to the very left. I tried it including and excluding the plugin
> file (and restarting vim), but the behavior kept the same. Can someone
> tell me how to alter this stupid behavior?

You had set smartindent globally, while this option should only be set
locally to C-like buffers.

You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist.
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