Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Re: Vim script, not show path.

> you can define your own custom completion function which can take care of
> removing the paths, e.g.:
>     let s:CompletionPath = ''
>     function! CompleteFromPath(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
>         let files = split(glob(s:CompletionPath . '*'), "\n")
>         call map(files, 'substitute(v:val, ".*/", "", "")')
>         return join(files, "\n")
>     endfunction
>     function! VS()
>         let s:CompletionPath = '~/public_html/jeditux.home/vim_sessions/'
>         let ans = input('Session name: ', '', 'custom,CompleteFromPath')
>         execute ':source ' . s:CompletionPath . ans
>     endfunction
> Regards,
> J rgen

Wow! That was really cool. Worked exactly as I expected.
That was my first try to write something in Vim's language,
and I don't understand your (GREAT) version of the script
yet. (reading the extensible help)

I really appreciate your willing in spending time to help and
write this nice function. Thank you very much.

May the force be with you. Always.

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