Saturday, January 2, 2010

Right click in Motif GVim.


On two regularly updated ArchLinux, I've been using Motif GVim for quite some time now and can remember the day (though not exactly when) when right click did something useful (extending the selection or popuping up a menu or both).

But since some time, in the subversion version (updated yesterday), right click seems to do nothing, regardless of 'mousemodel' and blocks the mouse cursor in gvim's window. All the window manager's keyboard shortcuts no longer works, leaving me the only option to switch to console and kill that gvim.

I've checked that 'mouse' is set to 'a' and 'mousemodel' to 'extend', tried launching with "-U NONE -u NONE" and two different window manager (dwm and icewm)...

Is this a bug or can there be something wrong with the Makefile I edited ? The only things I do to this file is activating MOTIF GUI, some interpreters such as python and ruby and setting the features to the huge preset.


Étienne Faure

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